Chapter 12
Song: Don't Come Any Closer by Bebe Rexha
Rey's POV
I looked through the pages of a magazine. The hard lines of his jaw and cheek bones continued to play through my brain. I was on the verge of tears.
"Miss?" A voice broke through my thoughts. "Miss. Would you like to buy that?"
"Oh." I looked up at the clerk. "Oh, yeah. Sure." I placed the magazine on the belt and she rung me up.
"Aren't you Rey? The skier girl." She looked at me closely.
I sniffed and nodded. I wanted to get out of there quickly. "Yeah." I smiled and paid, running from the store. I moved to my car and got in. The sobs racked my body. I slumped up against the wheel and thought about him.
I had let him go. I had let him down. He was gone. Forever. And I had let him go. I was a stupid idiot. Poe had seemed so friendly and so nice. So willing to just be my friend for the evening, while Rose and Finn were being all lovey-dovey. I gave in and let him slide up closer. I had let him sling his arm around my shoulder. I didn't even think that it looked like anything other than friendship. I had even been texting Kylo the night of.
And it all blew up in my face. The next morning, Poe and my pictures were everywhere. I had an angry call from Kylo breaking things off, and a pissed off manager. Everything I love was gone.
I lifted my head in realization. Maybe it wasn't. Maybe I could prove to Kylo that it was not what it looked like and that I was one hundred percent faithful to him.
I grabbed my phone and dialed Leia's number. She picked up on the fourth ring. "Hey Leia?"
"Yes Rey?"
"Could you book me a flight to Breckenridge?" I turned my car over.
"Sure." I could hear the concern in her voice. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah. I just need to get away for a while."
"Okay." She just hung up. No questions asked. I smiled and looked at the pictures of Kylo again. I sighed and backed out of the parking space and headed home. A total of 45 minutes later, I pulled into the garage. I unlocked the car and got out. I grabbed my groceries and plowed into my house. I tiredly dropped my groceries and put them all away before walking to my room and grabbing my bag down. I filled it with my clothes and toiletries and then walked out to the small living room.
I plopped down on the couch and turned the TV on. I flicked through the stations before I landed on an Interview with Kylo Ren. I turned the volume up and watched in interest.
Kylo stalked to the seats. A heart shattering grin on his face and he waved at the screaming crowd. I smiled as he sat and shook hands with Seth Meyers.
Seth: So Kylo, how does it feel to be America's highest paid athlete and the oldest person to compete in the winter Olympics since Lindsey Vonn?
Kylo: It is honestly, very stressful.
Seth: Oh? How so?
Kylo: Well like everyone is telling me to act one way and like I need to be a certain way around people now, instead of just being me.
Seth: Makes sense. Do you have a girlfriend to help ease that stress?
Kylo: I used to. But that fell through, and I have been so busy with touring and press and stuff, that I don't have time for a relationship. A quick fling here or a night out there, but nothing serious.
Seth: Would you say you have changed from when you came into fame at 17 to now?
Kylo: Yes and No. I mean I am more mature now and have learned how to control my emotions more, and become stone cold if needed and have grown into the person I am today. But no, because there is a bit of the boyishness there still. But only a small bit.
Seth: Does the new coaching style of Phasma make any difference?
Kylo: No. She has worked with me for years and it made sense that she would take over my coaching.
Seth: Are you going to keep competing?
Kylo: Till the day I break.
Seth: And a girlfriend?
Kylo: There is a girl, but I am still waiting for her to make up her mind. So when ever you are ready you know where I live. I am still here.
Seth: Wow, will you take her back?
Kylo: Maybe. She has to prove to me first.
Seth: Prove what?
Kylo: That she loves me for me.
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