Blood. It was everywhere.
Its on me, my hands are nothing but crimson masses.
I look up. Baz. Dear God no!
Baz is on the floor, so is Penny and the Mage he is right in the doorway muttering something.
Pain is ripping through my body. I feel sick, im crying.
"Baz." I choke out crawling towards my dead lover, i lay on my back between him and Penny. Sobbing, the pain is stronger now, but i dont care.
"I know yoh didnt mean too Simon." The Mage says
"It couldnt be helped though, you are all in the way." The Mage stands over me a sword in his hand its raised above his head as he looks at me his eyes full of madness, he plundges the sword towards me and-I shoot up on bed, thunder cracks shaking the entire house. Baz is beside me, i waot to see if he's breathing. He is. I sigh, I cant go and check on Penny sense she's in the colonies with Micah.
I lay back down, my hearts racing. I scoot closer to my boyfriend holding him in my arms, my face in the crook of his neck.
My throat tightens. Im crying again. Shit stop. Stop. Stop crying, you oaf you're going to wake him!
That makes it worse shit! Breathe. Breathe. Good lad.
That was too late, Baz turns his head, he's looking at ne i can tell. He then turns around, and holds me. I'm still trying to calm down.
"It's okay Snow." He whispers to me rubbing my back.
"I'm here, im here it's okay. I'm not dead. Bunce is probably sleeping in Micah's bed, probably after snogging or shagging."
I held onto my man tighter and chuckled.
"I dont want to think about that." I said,
"I think its fair, remeber last month when Bunce walked in on us? Poor things probably never going to forget it. She'll be telling it to her grandchildren."
I laughed. Baz knew how to cheer me up, as corny as it sounded. I looked up at the vampire glad to see his face, his beautiful pale face, he was here, and he wasn't dead.
"Im not leaving you anytime Simon." Baz whispered into my ear, sending a shiver down my spine, his right hand tracing paterns on my back while the other was on my waist softly rubbing the small show of skin coming from my night shirt.
I pecked Bazs neck with a sleepy kiss, and we fell asleep in each other's arms.
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