Penny was always trying out new spells, most of them were successful. The keyword is most.
"Come on, Simon! Please!"
"No way, Penny. Why in the world would I be okay with this? I don't want my eyes to change colours!"
"I'll help you find out what Baz is plotting."
Baz glared at us over his book, "I'm right here."
"I'm aware." Penny said, brushing the comment off.
Baz huffed but returned to his reading.
"Fine, whatever." I gave in.
Penny lit up and showed me where to stand.
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!"
A black shock shot out from Penny's wand making all three of us gasp as it hit my eyes with so much force that I stumbled backwards. My vision was gone. I heard shuffling which made me move backward faster. I felt my back hit the wall and I slid down to the floor.
This can't be happening. This can't be happening. This can't be happening. This can't be happening.
I clutched my hands to my eyes, willing my sight to return (but it didn't).
"Simon, what happened? I'm so sorry!" I heard Penny's voice say.
"I can't...I can't see." I whimpered pathetically.
I started shaking with panic.
What if I can't ever see again? What if the Humdrum comes? I can't fight like this. I can't even function like this.
I heard footsteps coming over to me slowly and froze.
"Simon, it's Baz. I'm going to touch your arm, okay? I'm going to sit down next to you, alright?"
I nodded but couldn't help but flinch when Baz's cold fingers blushed lightly over arm. I heard more shuffling and felt Baz's hip pressed against his calf. I relaxed a bit knowing that he was right beside me. (Purely because if he was next to me he wasn't plotting. No other reason. I did not find his presence calming in any way.)
"Okay. I think I know what went wrong. I'll go research the counter spell now..." Penny's voice said as she quietly left the room.
"Can I help you up, Snow? You should lay down."
"Uh, yes. Please. Thank you." I stuttered, unable to get a grip on my mind.
Baz hooked his arms under my knees and behind my back.
"Is this okay?"
I nodded seeing as I don't think I had much of a choice so Baz slowly lifted me off the ground. Then gently set me on my bed.
I reached about myself, frantically pulling random corners of blankets onto my body. Baz made a small sound of disapproval before rearranging the blankets on me himself. I muttered a muffled thanks and I heard Baz's footsteps retreat towards the door.
"Wait! No! Are you leaving?"
I could almost picture Baz raising an eyebrow.
"Yes. I was going to go help Penny with her counter-"
"No!" I interrupted without thinking, "I mean, please stay. I don't like this darkness and it's nice to know someone is here." I admitted defeatedly.
"That's ridiculous, Snow. You can't see me anyway. What's the point of my staying?" Baz told me.
I winced. Of course he wouldn't want to stay around me. He still hates me.
"I'm sorry. I know-I just. Please. Stay."
Baz sighed and sat down on my bed. I panicked and immediately grabbed his hand tightly making Baz tense up. I apologised quietly but didn't move.
After a minute of awkward silence, I began searching for any subject to talk about to fill up the empty space. After awhile of my chatter I tried to get Baz involved. It didn't work (much to my disappointment). I
was telling Baz all about my uneventful summer when the dormitory door burst open causing my heart to stop. I screamed involuntarily and sprung onto Baz. Baz caught my in his arms, holding me close as my breathing went out of control.
"Whoa, easy. It's only Bunce." Baz informed me. My face went red but I remained in Baz's arms, trying desperately to calm down. I may or may not have whimpered a bit into Baz's shoulder as Penelope closed the door behind her.
"Sorry, Simon... I just came to tell you that I'm getting really close to the counter spell."
I was about to reply when Baz took it upon himself to answer for me saying, "That's brilliant, Bunce. Maybe you should finish instead of scaring the life out of Simon, yes?"
Penny was quiet for a moment before she mumbled out an apology and quickly left, not wanting to upset Baz further. Baz started rubbed circles on my back, slowly calming me down. Once I had returned to normal, he laid me back down on the bed and I returned to clutching his hand. After a while, the silence lulled me into a dreamless sleep.
"Morning Sunshine." I heard a familiar voice say.
Baz? I forced my eyes open and blinked in confusion. Why is so dark? I started to panic as I shot into a sitting position furiously blinking my eyes.
"Whoa, Simon, easy." I felt Baz sit down next to me, "It's alright. It was the spell remember? You're alright. I'm going to hug you, okay?"
I felt his cold arms wrap around me as the memory from the last 24 hours came back to me. I started pathetically sobbing into his shoulder.
After a long, uncomfortable silence I shakily asked, "Do you have any family, Baz?"
I tried to fill up the space but now I regretted it. That's such a dumb question. Of course he has family! Good going, Simon.
"Yes." He replied shortly, laying me back down on the bed. I grabbed his hand tighter than before.
His lack of commentary disheartened me a bit but I continued, "Siblings?"
This was getting no where.
"What're they're names?"
"Why do you care, Snow?" Baz finally snapped.
I winced. I had temporarily forgotten that Baz still didn't want to be here. He still hated me. I let my grip loosen on his hand.
"My family is none of your business, Snow." Baz hissed.
His words hit me hard. I shouldn't have brought this up. Family can be a sensitive subject. I'm so stupid.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know-" I desperately tried to apologise.
"I know, Snow. You wouldn't know because you don't have a family!" Baz yelled.
I gasped, no doubt letting hurt slip into my face. I reluctantly pulled my hands off of his and tried to speak but my lips were trembling. I didn't dare make a sound for fear of my voice giving away.
Baz stood as made his way towards the door. Panic surged trough me once again as I scrambled to get unwrapped from the blankets tangled around me.
"Baz no! Wait! Please! Don't leave! I need y-"
But it was too late. Baz slammed the door shut behind him as I stopped my weak attempt to chase after him.
Fear started growing in my chest as I sat in my room utterly alone and completely helpless. I curled into a protective ball and began crying into my knees. I don't know how long I remained in that position before I heard the door open and drew in a breath, terror closing in around me. I pressed myself up against the closest wall, trying to get ahold of my breathing as the door opened entirely.
"Simon! I found it! Simon? It's me, Penny. Wait. Where's Baz? Merlins beard, calm down. It's alright. Whoa, easy." Penny soothed as she slowly approached me.
I hesitantly scooted closer to her only to begin sobbing in her arms.
"It's so dark and scary. I can't help it. Baz left. I was annoying him and he got angry because I brought up his family." I blabbered through tears.
"Shh...It's alright. I'm so sorry for putting you through this. I've got the counter spell now. Sit up."
I obeyed as she explained, "Okay, now. This has side effects of making you really tired so expect that. Alright-"
The door swung open. Making me jump and press up against the wall.
"It's me, Snow. Have you finally found the counter spell, Bunce?" He asked harshly.
Penelope was quiet for a long moment and I wished I could see what was happening between them (as something was clearly happening).
Eventually Penny gave up, "Whatever, Baz. Alright Simon, ready? Seeing is believing!"
The room spun as the world came back into my view. My eyelids got heavy and I fell onto my pillow with a soft smile.
"What happened to him, Bunce?" Baz yelled, pulling me from my dreamy state.
Penelope glared at him, "If you would have stayed with him, you would've known that tiredness is a temporary side effect of the counter spell."
Baz grunted and moved towards me.
He sat down on the bed and I struggled to keep my eyes open. He smiled at me and brushed his fingers over my forehead, crumbling my existing will power.
"I'm sorry I left you. Go to sleep, Simon." I heard him say as my world went dark.
"Bunce I'm telling you, he doesn't like me. He was just scared. Also, I do not like him."
What is going on? I thought as I slowly woke up.
"Come on Baz, it's so painfully obvious. Everyone else can see it except for you two! He practically obsesses over you."
My brain was still foggy but it was obvious what they were talking about. I almost told Penny to be quiet but something stopped me.
"That's only due to the fact that he thinks I'm plotting. He thinks I'm a monster, Bunce."
"You're being dramatic. He doesn't think you're a monster. Though I am sure he guessed you were a vampire."
"That's a monster, Bunce. I'm a monster. I could hurt him-kill him.i won't bring him into this. I can't do that to him." Baz's voice cracked.
That was enough, I squeezed my eyes closed and inhaled, pretending to wake up. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and yawned. Baz shot up off my bed and I gave him a confused look. He faced away from me.
I frown and look over to Penny who read my mind and left the room.
"Baz? Can you come here?" I asked him softly.
"You heard me didn't you?" He asked, sounding panicked.
"Baz, come here." I pleaded.
He obeyed, keeping his eyes cast downward as he reluctantly sat down on my bed. I smiled at him and crawled onto his lap. His face flared red as I buried my head into his chest.
"Snow, what're you-"
"Shh...I like this. You're cold. It's calming," I told him.
He slowly wrapped his arms around me.
"I like this, too. You're warm. It's distracting."
I laughed a little and he let a smile slip onto his face.
"Simon-er. Will you...would you like to be my boyfriend?"
I looked up at his nervous face and gently pressed my lips to his nose making him grin, "I would love to be your boyfriend."
The end.
(A.N. this might be my longest ever one shot. It's 1864 words so that is super neat. Sorry for my lack of updates, I have massive writers block. Please comment if you have one shot ideas!)
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