You Took Her Away
Dean's warm arms were the only thing keeping Gabriel on his feet, nausea in his stomach as he stumbled over to the ambulance, Castiel already there with a bandage being wrapped around his chest until they could get to the hospital for proper care. Dean's voice is soft next to Gabriel, promising that Sam would meet them at the hospital and Gabriel couldn't help but begin to cry, the idea that it was finally all over sinking in and leaving him relieved beyond belief.
An EMT met Dean halfway and helped Gabriel the rest of the way over, a cloth pressed to his back to try to stop the bleeding while he settled him on the edge of the ambulance, "I need you to remove your shirts," The man spoke firmly, though there was a hint of kindness underlying it that eased Gabriel's nerves. With shaky hands, he grabbed at the hem of his clothes, pulling them over his head and wrinkling his nose when the cloth clung to his skin. With a soft whine at the stretch, he pulled them the rest of the way over his head, letting the cloth fall into his lap, only to freeze when he looked at the cloth between his fingers.
"No..." Gabriel whispered, his heart beginning to race and his head swimming when he touched the light gray of his hoodie, a large tear across the back of it and stained in blood. His mind felt like it was shutting down, and if the EMT said something, he couldn't make it out over the sound of his own heart shattering in his chest.
He could vaguely feel warm hands touching his arms, maybe trying to guide him. He couldn't tell. He clutched to the cloth harder, his hands feeling so suddenly cold. The hard surface beneath him disappeared, replaced with softness, but it might as well have been made of knives.
Gabriel couldn't tell that time had passed. He only knew that one moment, he was in an ambulance, and the next think he could make out was the smell of hospital disinfectant. Something might have been put over his face, a cone with a tube falling from his mouth, but he didn't remember anyone ever being around him to begin with.
Hands were in his peripheral, gently taking the hoodie into their grip, knocking Gabriel from his inward hysteria. He let out a loud cry, pulling it away from the hands and towards him, the blood on the hoodie staining his chest as he scrambled on the bed to get away from whoever was there.
"Sir, please, let me take it so we can get you into a hospital gown," The female voice that accompanied the hands said, but Gabriel shook his head, crying out and curling closer to himself.
"Get away from me!" Gabriel shouted, finally seeing the face of the nurse, though it did nothing to ease him. She looked too cold, and Gabriel wasn't going to let her take his mother away, "I don't want you fucking touching me!"
The woman took a step back, shock littering her face, but Gabriel let out another keen, tears falling now that his panic had escaped his body. He could barely see, his vision blurring his tears, but then he saw the color of Sam's hair, then his face swam into view, concern and panic in his eyes as he grabbed a hold of Gabriel's arms, the warmth bleeding from his large hands.
"Gabe, I'm right here. You're okay. You're okay," Sam said gently, a slightly breathless tone to his voice as he pulled Gabriel closer. Gabriel took in a shuddering breath, fresh air stinging his lungs. Had he been breathing at all?
"S-Sam..." Gabriel sobbed out, clutching his hoodie to his chest before he was getting pulled into a crushing hug, Sam's hands careful in not hitting Gabriel's wound.
"It's okay, Gabe," Sam whispered softly, petting the back of his head, "You're safe now. Let them just clean your cuts and then I'll take you home. Okay? You can sleep with me all night if you want," Sam promised, pulling away to cup Gabriel gently on the underside of his right cheek, stroking his thumb along his jaw line to calm him down.
"T-they want to take my..." Gabriel trailed off, beginning to cry again as he pulled the hoodie closer on instinct. Sam watched his movements, his eyes softening before he reached out, placing his hand gently on the hoodie, rubbing it gently like he was proving he'd never hurt it.
"I'll hold it for you. Nothing will happen to it," Sam promised, only moving the hoodie from Gabriel's hands when he finally began to loosen his grip. Gabriel whined, but he made no attempts to get the hoodie back, shivering without it with him. The nurse from earlier moved closer, circling around to his back to began stitching the wound.
Gabriel could see Sam looking at the hoodie, a sniffle leaving him when Sam's hand touched the cut in it, blood covering the cloth, "She's gone..." Gabriel coughed out, the stitches pulling at his back, but he didn't care. He couldn't feel any pain except for the one in his chest.
"Who is?" Sam asked gently, looking at him with worry when Gabriel sobbed, his hand scrubbing at the uninjured side of his face as he attempted to keep his tears at bay.
"My mom..." Gabriel forced out, only vaguely realizing that the nurse was moving to the cut on his forehead, "That was the only thing left I had of her, and he took it away. He killed her, and he killed the one happy thing I had left."
He stopped talking, shuddering as the bloody hoodie brought back memories he had managed to keep at bay for nearly a year. His parents lying on the floor, their heads beaten to bloody pulps with that man standing over them, a grin on his face at what he had done. Gabriel had nearly lost his mind when he had come from his room that night, and nearly got killed in the process of escape.
When the nurse was done, Sam was pulling him back into a hug, letting the hoodie rest between them, "I'll fix it, I promise," Sam whispered, his vow easing Gabriel's pain in his chest, if only a little.
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