The Curse of Horror Movies(The Curse Being You Are 100% More Likely to Make Out)
"Please, Sam? Please, please, please?" Gabriel begged, looking up at Sam with the saddest eyes that he could muster, his fingers digging into the sleeve of his hoodie before he loosened his grip, lightly stroking the fabric in a subconscious apology. Sam stood across from him, halfway turned to leave his room, to close the window on Gabriel, a slightly annoyed look on his face at the whining teenager standing in front of him.
"Why don't you just get Cas to watch the movie with you? Surely it'll be more fun than hanging out with me," Sam reasoned, but Gabriel shook his head stubbornly, the hoodie falling in his eyes and the ears hanging down and pointing towards Sam. He pushed the mouse ears back a bit, ruffling his hair as he gave a pout.
"I don't know Cassie well enough to know what he likes, and I wanna watch it with you," Gabriel argued, feeling suddenly shy as he watched Sam arch one eyebrow as if he had said something wrong. Nevertheless, Sam finally relented, letting out a frustrated sigh and shuffled a bit, putting on his shoes before he was climbing out his window, although it would have been perfectly okay for him to go through the front door. Then again, Gabriel wasn't complaining, feeling a stir of excitement at the thought of the secrecy that sneaking through the windows brought.
"One movie, alright? Just one," Sam huffed, giving Gabriel a glare that made it clear that he was serious before he headed to the living room, kicking off his shoes as he went. Gabriel followed, giving him a bob of his head despite Sam not seeing, and bouncing a little in excitement. He couldn't remember the last time that he had watched a movie together with someone.
He dived past Sam in his excitement, thrusting his hips and knocking him out of the way so he could get through to scramble to the couch and turn on Netflix on Castiel's tv. Sure, Netflix never had any good horror movies, but they were fun to watch, especially when he and his mom had stayed up for nearly an hour afterward, giggling and making fun of the bad plots and effects.
Sam plopped down beside him on the couch, sitting as far to the edge of the seat as he could so he didn't touch Gabriel. It made the smaller teen frown but he pushed his disappointment to the side. After all, it was a big step for Sam just to sit and watch a movie with him.
"You gonna pick something or what?" Sam asked in frustration, pulling Gabriel from his thoughts about Sam. The boy still looked annoyed, though Gabriel could tell by a certain lack of heat in his eyes that he was just doing it to keep up the front he had when he was around Gabriel. It was his only reassurance that Sam actually liked him, that and the way that his fingers twitched towards Gabriel, like he wanted to touch him.
It was really hard for Gabriel not to get a smug little grin at that thought.
"We'll watch The Curse of Sleeping Beauty. That was the next on my list," Gabriel stated, clicking on the movie when it popped up. His list was long, containing every horror movie on Netflix, and forever growing as they added more and more.
Sam snorted, crossing his arms over his chest and hiding his hands from Gabriel, "Sounds stupid," Sam mumbled, though he said nothing further as he sunk back on the couch, watching the studio logos that appeared on the screen. Gabriel grabbed the pillow beside the couch that he kept for his special horror movie night, pulling it into his lap and ignoring Sam's stare as he curled his knees up to his chest, cradling it. If Sam wasn't going to touch him, fine.
The movie started, and they turned their attention to the screen, watching the set up for the characters and the story. Gabriel had no idea how this was really supposed to relate to sleeping beauty so far, but the mannequins all over the house freaked him out, even if they weren't moving yet. He barely noticed that Sam had gotten closer, his warmth now able to be felt against his side. He smiled, hiding it in the pillow as he shifted, pretending to get comfortable, only to fall still when Sam's thigh brushed against his.
Sam tensed at first and Gabriel held his breath, sparing him a small look. The taller teen was looking at him, previous annoyance gone and replaced with something like confusion and affection rolled into one. Gabriel gave him an encouraging look, turning back to the movie and snuggling a little closer to Sam when he felt the slight press of Sam's arm hovering on the back of the couch over his shoulder.
Gabriel had to hand it to the movie; it had pretty decent scares, especially for such a low rating. One of the mannequins came to life, as expected, but it was so demented in an uncanny valley way that when it screeched, Gabriel jumped, squeezing the pillow tight as he pushed himself onto Sam's lap, letting out a squeak of fear and excitement as it chased the character.
"Gabe, why are you on my lap?" Sam asked, and Gabriel assumed that his voice was supposed to sound annoyed, but all he really heard was a soft curiosity. It made him turn his head to look over his shoulder at the taller teen, a warm smile beginning to split his face at the sight of Sam's blush.
"You can kiss me easier this way if you want," Gabriel stated, as if it was common fact, the smile turning into a smirk as Sam went from pink to bright red, lowering his head and hiding his eyes behind his hair.
"Okay," Sam mumbled, and Gabriel's heart stopped, all thoughts of the horror movie gone as he stared at the taller teen like he had grown two heads.
"It's only to shut you up," Sam grumbled, looking as if his confidence was hanging by a thread. Gabriel's mind raced with thoughts, even as he turned until he was facing Sam, squeezing the life out of the pillow in his hands as he tried to stir up his normal bravery to actually kiss Sam. Had he even brushed his teeth tonight? He hoped so.
"Are you going to kiss me or not? I'm not waiting forever," Sam growled, a little bit of hurt crossing his face at Gabriel's hesitance. The smaller teen's eyes widened and he shook his head, his hand reaching out and touching Sam's face, his fingertips warming against the heat of Sam.
"I don't know what to do," Gabriel commented, his own cheeks turning red as he stared at Sam, biting on his lower lip. Sam huffed, but that hurt look disappeared on his face, and he leaned forward, pressing a quick kiss to Gabriel's lips, barely a peck.
"There," Sam mumbled, turning his head away despite his hands moving up on their own accord, touching Gabriel's sides and petting him gently with his thumb.
"That wasn't a real kiss," Gabriel replied, his own voice full of shock and wonder, that small touch setting his body alight with butterflies. Sam rolled his eyes but he leaned forwards again, slower this time, letting his lips brush against Gabriel's, slowly pressing a bit harder than he had before.
A shiver crawled through Gabriel's spine, his body thrumming with the warmth that spread through his body as he kissed back, moving slow and shyly against Sam's lips. It was just warm skin moving against his own, slightly damp as if Sam had licked his lips earlier, but it was possibly the best thing he had felt, his mouth parting slightly when he felt Sam's tongue touch his bottom lip.
He had to pull off, though, because a giggle erupted from his throat, ruining the moment. Sam looked at him with confusion and Gabriel had to take a few moments to stop laughing so he could explain himself.
"You gotta kiss the moose," Gabriel sang in a slight chirp before giggling again, seeing Sam's expression change to a bitchface like lightning. He shoved Gabriel, pushing him off his lap and onto the ground, where Gabriel pulled himself to his knees with a smirk.
"Want me on my knees so soon?" Gabriel teased, his hands touching Sam's legs.
"Fuck off," Sam growled, standing up and huffing as he stepped around Gabriel, heading towards the front door. Gabriel squeaked, grabbing his foot and hanging on tight, even when he felt himself get dragged across the hardwood.
"Sam! Don't leave!" Gabriel exclaimed, feeling Sam trying to shake him off and clutching him tighter, "We still haven't finished our movie!"
Sam paused, looking down at Gabriel with an angry frown, though the red on his cheeks betrayed his embarrassment. He let out a huff, turning back and dragging Gabriel back into the living room where one of the characters was screaming in terror. Sam sat down, leaving Gabriel to scramble up, climbing up into Sam's lap and curling up, his back against Sam's chest. He heard Sam let out a sound of annoyance, but Gabriel didn't move, only sinking down further and grabbing Sam's arms, wrapping them around his waist with a smile.
"What kind of ending was that?" Gabriel growled in annoyance as he stared at the credits of the movie, narrowing his eyes as if it had done him a personal grievance. Sam hummed in agreement, his arms tightening around Gabriel for just a moment subconsciously before he let them drop from around him, falling to his sides.
"It was bad," Sam replied, stretching the best he could with Gabriel still in his lap, "I watched the movie with you, though, so I'm going back."
Gabriel turned in Sam's lap, facing him with a pout, "You have to kiss me before you go," Gabriel replied, his fingers finding Sam's shirt and gripping it gently. Sam stared at him for a moment, the blush back, before a soft smile grew on his face, only to disappear when he realized it was happening.
"No way," Sam responded, grabbing Gabriel and tossing him onto the couch like he was a rag doll, making Gabriel yelp. When he looked up, Sam was already heading towards the door again. The smaller teen barely had the time to grab Sam's wrist before he made it out into the hallway.
"I know you want to," Gabriel commented, stopping Sam in his tracks. His fingers brushed Sam's wrist gently, as comforting as he could make it. When Sam looked back, his eyes showed a sad confliction, and maybe even some fear.
"...yeah," Sam mumbled, twisting his hand and pulling Gabriel's into his own, rubbing his thumb along the knuckles gently. He faced Gabriel, giving him a hesitant smile, and pulling the smaller teen closer.
Gabriel knew that he would have to talk to Sam later, but for now, he wasn't going to stop anything for the hope that crossed over Sam's face as Gabriel pushed himself on his toes, Sam leaning down to meet the smaller teen and kissing him gently.
Gabriel's free hand found the side of Sam's neck, stroking the back of his head gently with his thumb as their lips brushed easy and softly, smiling when Sam responded more enthusiastically, his teeth brushing the bottom of Gabriel's lip and making the smaller boy shiver against him.
"I called it," He heard Dean say, Sam jerking from him in shock to see that Castiel and Dean were standing there at the entrance to the hallway, a smirk on Dean's face as he looked at the red faces of the two of them.
"Called what?" Gabriel asked, but Dean didn't get a chance to answer before Sam was hurrying past the couple, the slam of the front door echoing a few moments later.
"Oh, he's probably upset," Dean commented, his brows furrowing slightly before he let go of Castiel's hand, following after his brother. Castiel watched Dean leave before glancing at Gabriel, his lips pressing into a thin line.
Gabriel didn't have to know Castiel that well to know that he was not happy.
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