Just a Little Acorn
Gabriel rolled his eyes, tugging at the sleeve of his jacket for the fifteenth time in an effort to keep the hole around the seam from slipping over his thumb, catching it in the fabric. He fidgeted, feeling his leg brush against Sam's as he moved over a little more, trying not to touch Mary. Dean made her sit in the back because 'No matter how long he had been driving, she still screamed every time he hit the brakes just a little harder than she liked,' and it seemed the best option for everyone involved, which left Gabriel sandwiched between her and Sam while Castiel and Dean had plenty of room in the front.
It made Gabriel grumble, and he planned to switch out Castiel's lube with superglue the moment they got back home.
"Gabriel, quit wriggling or I will throw you out the window," Sam threatened when Gabriel's leg bumped into his again, and Gabriel shot him a glare, his bottom lip poking out in a slight pout at the annoyed look on Sam's face.
"You're not giving me much room, Gigantor," Gabriel muttered, his glare being met with Sam's bitchface. Neither of them backed down from their stares until Sam eventually got distracted when Dean asked him a question, looking away to answer. Gabriel was glad. Sam's death stare did get freaky after a while.
"How much longer?" Gabriel asked, turning his eyes to Mary with as much innocence as possible. She glanced at him with calculating eyes, though they warmed after a moment, and she gave a small smile.
"Just a few more minutes. It's at the edge of town," She offered, turning her gaze back towards the window. Gabriel watched her for a moment before looking forwards, staring at the expanse of road in front of them, stores and signs sprawling along the edges with traffic crawling past.
When Dean pulled into a old looking building, seeming abandoned compared to the others with the dead vines strewn across its cracked gray paint along the concrete walls, Gabriel glanced at the four of them, arching an eyebrow.
"I didn't know you guys went to haunted places for family reunions," Gabriel commented, earning a slight snort from Sam, and a roll of his eyes from Dean.
"This is the rec center. Haven't you ever seen one before?" Sam retorted, and Gabriel glanced over at it again with a look of confusion. He had remembered seeing one in his hometown before, but his parents never had family reunions. Now that he was looking, though, he could see that it seemed to have at least a little more care than he first though. He could just make out the beginnings of what looked like a playground in the back, and the parking lot was clean.
Cars lined the parking lot, ranging from a new car to an old dingy truck. Gabriel felt the stirring of excitement in his chest at having the chance to meet Sam's relatives, wondering vaguely what they were all like. Sam never really talked about them beyond an old friend of his family's...Bobby was his name, maybe. He might have been too distracted by Sam's dimples to really pay attention to something like a name of someone he hasn't met before.
Mary opened her door first, stepping out of the vehicle and leaving the air around Gabriel frigid with her warmth's sudden disappearance. Gabriel unbuckled his seatbelt, clambering after her and looking at the building with a peaked interest before glancing over the Impala at Sam, nibbling the inside of his lip when Sam brushed his bangs from his face, laughing at something Dean had said, but Gabriel had been too focused to hear.
He trailed after Sam like a puppy when the boy headed towards the building, grabbing the back hem of his jacket so he didn't get too far behind, tugging it gently as he walked and pretending not to notice the affectionate look Sam sent his way. He wasn't stupid, but if Sam found it easier to return Gabriel's crush in secret, then Gabriel wasn't going to call him out on it.
There were more people in there than Gabriel actually expected, his eyes growing wide as he looked at the crowd in front of him. Sam had a smile as several of his relatives waved at them as they walked in, a woman with dark brown hair with two teenage girls following behind. Gabriel wasn't surprised to recognize them from their school.
"Well, hey boys. You've gotten big since the last time you've been arrested," The woman stated, a fondness in her voice as she placed her hands on her hips, glancing between Sam and Dean with a slight smirk. Sam rolled his eyes, though he took a step forwards and wrapped her in a hug.
"We've never been arrested, Jody," Sam said warmly, though there was a slight twinkle in his eye that Gabriel didn't believe for a second. Dean grinned, though he made no effort to hug her while he was carrying food.
"Besides, we weren't really streaking," Dean added, and Gabriel jerked a little, turning his eyes to stare at the proud eyes of Dean, and the slightly flushed cheeks of Sam's embarrassment, "We told you before that we lost our clothes to a bet with Cas. I can't help he's psychic."
The woman rolled her eyes, meeting Sam's gaze, "At least you still have some decency to be embarrassed," She said, looking behind him at Gabriel, who hid behind Sam a bit more, finding her a little intimidating, "Who's this?"
"He's the new kid I was telling you about," The brown-haired girl spoke, brushing her hair from her shoulder and looking at her mother, "The one Crowley was telling us about?"
"Oh!" The woman exclaimed, her gaze moving back to Gabriel with a peaked interest, "This is Gabriel? He looks a lot different than Crowley made him out to be."
"He's Castiel's cousin," Sam supplied, meeting the woman's gaze evenly, despite the arched brow that clearly showed that she was thinking something completely different.
"Isn't it kind of weird to be dating Castiel's cousin? I mean, Castiel is dating your brother," The blonde stated, and Gabriel flushed, though a please smile was working its way onto his face without his permission. Sam's back stiffened against the hand that still held onto his jacket, and Sam huffed.
"No...I'm not dating him. I don't even like him," Sam huffed, a glare crossing his expression when the two girls giggled in disbelief, "What? You don't believe me?"
"You did hesitate," Gabriel helpfully supplied, not even flinching as he was given another death stare.
"...Shut up, Gabe," Sam growled, crossing his arms over his chest defensively. Wait, when had Dean and Castiel gotten over on the other end of the building?
"Okay, girls. Cut him some slack," The woman finally said, a grin on her face as she held out her hand towards Gabriel, who took it and returned her firm handshake, "I'm Jody and these are my daughters, Claire and Alex," She pointed to each girl as she introduced them, earning a slight nod from Claire and a friendly smile from Alex.
"Nice to meet you," Gabriel chirped, smiling at the three of them. Sam sighed, grabbing Gabriel's arm and pulling him back, towards the door.
"It was nice seeing you again, Jody, but Mom probably needs help getting the rest of the food in," Sam spoke softly before pulling Gabriel back out the door and into the cold air, leaving the slightly confused women behind.
"Are you okay, Sam?" Gabriel asked, saying the first thing he could think of. Sam nodded, his grip on Gabriel's arm tightening a little before he stopped walking, letting out a sigh.
"Sorry about that. My family can get...overbearing sometimes," Sam commented, looking back towards the building where they could hear the chatter. Gabriel shrugged, finally letting go of Sam's jacket so he could stuff his hands in his pockets to keep his fingers warm.
"My family was like that too," Gabriel stated, wrinkling his nose a little bit as he stared at the building a moment longer, "So... you're related to those girls? Never would have guessed it. You look nothing like any of them."
"Well, most of them are family friends. We don't really have any relatives, so we made our own family," Sam said warmly, his thumb grazing against Gabriel's elbow.
"Oh..." Gabriel trailed off, looking at the parking lot for a moment before glancing back up at Sam, smiling at the taller teen, "So what's this about getting arrested?"
Sam groaned and pushed on Gabriel, shoving him towards the back of the building, "We're not going to talk about it. Come on, let's go to the playground until the food is done," Sam huffed, though there was no true heat behind the words as he took the lead. Gabriel followed after, shyly reaching towards Sam's hand before stopping, glancing at the teen's back and building up his courage.
Sam's hand was warm and Gabriel found himself smiling as those fingers brushed against his hand ever so gently. When Sam looked at him in confusion, Gabriel tightened his hold, mumbling something about his fingers being too damn cold.
The playground was an overstatement of a single slide with some large tires rising from the ground for little ones to climb on. Nevertheless, Gabriel grinned, dragging Sam over to the slide and climbing up the ladder to the top, huffing when he saw that Sam was taller than the slide, it only came up to his chest.
Still, he grinned, tipping his head slightly, "I can finally see your face, Moose! I have to say, you look better from below," Gabriel teased, scooting as close to the edge as he possibly could so Sam couldn't shove him around.
"Jackass," Sam muttered, and Gabriel poked his tongue out in a cheeky smile, winking at Sam.
"I'm just kidding. You're hot all the time," Gabriel responded, sliding down the small slide with his arms in the air, a grin on his face. Sam turned bright red, spluttering a little, and when Gabriel stood, he glared down at him like he couldn't believe Gabriel had just said that.
"What? You're like a furnace with all that body heat," Gabriel teased, and Sam had a moment of blank emotion before his eyes lit up in a fire and he lunged for Gabriel, who barely got out of the way in time with laughter escaping his lips.
"Did I embarrass you, Moose?" Gabriel jibed, dancing several arm-lengths away from Sam, his eyes flicking to the left, then to the right, deciding his best escape plan.
"You'll be the one who's embarrassed when you have a black eye," Sam growled, and okay, maybe Gabriel shouldn't tease Sam so much. The boy was easily flustered, Gabriel blamed his hormones and already lanky height, but it was just too fun. He found Sam cute as fuck, alright?
"Not this time, Moose!" Gabriel retorted before dashing to the right, jerking around a tire and jumping up, grabbing the lowest hanging tree branch, hauling himself up and managing to get up two more branches before Sam caught up.
"Gabriel, come down before you fall," Sam huffed, placing his hands on his hips and looking up at Gabriel with a roll of his eyes. Gabriel grinned, holding on tightly to the branch above his head, poking his tongue out at the taller teen and letting his legs dangle just out of reach of Sam's hand.
"I don't want to," Gabriel said, looking at the branches around his head with a warm smile, perking a little when he saw an acorn struggling to cling to the smaller twigs of the tree. He reached up, plucking it, rolling between his fingers and letting his brows crease into a bittersweet expression.
"Looks like we were both jerked from our world," Gabriel mumbled to the little acorn before glancing towards Sam, a warm smile replacing the sadness when he saw the concern in Sam's eyes. He rolled the acorn in in his hand one more time for luck before launching it towards the taller teen.
It hit Sam directly between the eyes and he rubbed his forehead with a glare in his eyes as his gaze met Gabriel's, "I'm gonna get you for that one," Sam vowed, his gaze moving over the ground until he found a stick, grabbing it and flinging it towards Gabriel. He twisted to the side, the stick passing him by, a laugh leaving his lips when he realized he dodged it.
Then he felt himself falling backward, his fingers scrabbling towards the bark to keep him up, only to slip from the branch and tumbling from the tree to the ground. He landed on the ground with a thump, though it didn't hurt near as bad as he thought it would as he laughed, his eyes finding Sam as the teen hurried over in worry.
"Moose! I've fallen so you have to carry me back inside," Gabriel whined dramatically, pretending to be hurt, though his smirk let it slip that he was perfectly fine. Sam relaxed, rolling his eyes and taking a step back.
Sam glanced at his phone as it buzzed and smiled, turning away and walking back towards the building. Gabriel rolled over onto his stomach, giving him a pout, "Moose! Don't leave me!" Gabriel shouted, earning an annoyed look from Sam.
"The food's done."
"But Moose!"
"There's cake," Sam bribed, smiling when Gabriel shot up, all dramaticism lost as he followed after Sam with a perk in his step, "I thought you were hurt."
"You said cake. No amount of broken bones is going to stop that," Gabriel stated happily, grabbing a hold of the back of Sam's jacket, a giddiness filling his chest when Sam laughed.
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