Snow Globe Full of Trouble
"I can't believe we still have to do this. It's not even the same after that day." A loud rumbling could be heard all around him.
Between the one voice that surrounded his life and the swaying of his surroundings, Tommy was about to get sick. He just couldn't figure out if it was from fear or the swinging motion of his world.
If he could get a chance. Just one chance was all it took then he could run out. Never be noticed by the human. Both people could go about their days without a disturbance if he could just watch for that one opportunity.
Tommy knew he should never have messed with the box. If he had listened to his instincts in the first place then he would never have been put in this situation. What he should have done is grab the trash and never listened to his curiosity, but noooo he had to look at the various shiny objects in the box.
Like a normal borrower, Tommy was trying to grab a few odds and ends to make sure he could make it the next week or so. Just as he was finishing up he noticed a box with the words of CHRISTMAS.
Christmas? What was that? It didn't sound like food and he knew this particular box hadn't been touched for a year now so what would be the hurt in taking a peek?
Tommy crawled up the cardboard box, trying to slowly lift the flap so he could peer in. Poking his head in he could smell mothballs mixed with that irritating nose twitching dust. He about sneezed, but on instinct, he covered his mouth to suppress any type of sound. He couldn't afford even a tiny squeak escaping his lips.
Peering in the corner Tommy's tail perked straight out in curiosity. A clear ball could be seen. A clear ball full of snow that for some reason had a golden turner. A voice in his head was screaming for him to touch it, while his body said don't you dare.
If he just slipped inside he could see what it was. Just in and out. No humans ever came up into the attic so what did he have to worry about?
Just barely slipping his body past the brown flap he could feel the tingles run up his body especially his arms. He knew he shouldn't be here, but he had to see what this thing was. Stumbling past giant red and green glass balls, Tommy finally placed both hands on the cold glass. Inside was a tiny human...but it was fake?
Squinting his eyes, he tried to get a closer look. His face got closer and closer until a jerk caused his whole body to slam into the glass.
The box was moving!
Tommy tried a few times to run. Maybe find an object to hide under? A hole somewhere? Just anything to help him not get seen, but Karma said no. As the box swayed back and forth, his body was swung back and forth. Pieces of plastic feeling tree parts flee through the air. The red and green balls ran either into or over him making him fall a few times until finally, his little body smashed into the glass he was just looking at.
"Dad! I got it down...Phil!"
Another loud crash could be heard outside as something else was placed right next to the box, maybe another box?
"You don't have to yell. I think your mumbling was heard all the way upstairs." Another voice rang out above him from the outside. As of right now, Tommy could hear two different voices. Both human. Both dangerous.
"Well do we really have to do this? I don't see the reason behind this."
"Whatever you-" before Tommy could even shove his body under all of these round circular objects, a blinding light filled the whole space. Staring straight up all he could see were black silhouettes with a few dozen black dots floating all around. The flaps were ripped apart too fast making the outside world a big blur. After a few seconds of staring straight up, the black blobs started to form into two black figures. Those figures eventually developed human-like features until the colors started to appear. One set of blue eyes with brown hair and another set of dark-colored eyes that he couldn't even tell the color of, but his hair was the weirdest. White and black!
Neither human spoke. Both just stared into the box, only blinking a few times. Maybe Tommy was lucky and the humans thought they were imagining him or something?
That was the hope until the one with normal colored hair started to yell. "Phhiilll! We need you in the living room!"
"I told you, boys, to stop arguing. We are setting up these Christmas decorations no matter what."
"No Phil-"
"No, I don't want to hear it. Don't Phil me. We are doing this." The box was shaken as it passed from one pair of hands to another. "Now grab the ornaments.-" A house-sized hand slipped in grazing across his body. Tommy squeaked out trying to fall even further away, but the glass behind him was preventing any movement. He watched as his hand shot out of the box as if it touched a rat. As if he was a rat.
The one called Phil peered in locking eyes with the young child. Both stared at each other longer than they should have. It was the most awkward yet frightening moment for both of them. One not knowing if his life was going to end while the much larger being had no idea what he was looking at.
"Fuck off!" Tommy tried to sink further into the decorations. If he just suddenly disappeared maybe he would then have a chance.
It was much gentler, but Tommy felt the box being placed down on a surface. All three humans stared down at the Four-inch mouse boy who was trying to burrow into the ornaments.
"Hey. Hey, you're fine." The one with the weird colored hair reached his hand in while the other two just watched even more stunned the creature even spoke.
"Fuck off." Tommy bit down on the hand presented to him.
Tubbo grabbed his brother's hand. "Ranboo stop."
The one named Ranboo shrugged off the smaller human. He keep his hand in the box, ignoring the feeling of pointed teeth digging into his skin. "Hey... you're ok. We aren't going to do anything. I was just trying to help you." Ranboo looked at the snow globe sitting behind the boy. "You like this?"
The mouse-like creature keep eyeing the human who keep talking but stopped bitting.
"There you go. Come on."
The one who seemed like the father of the group reached into the box. Instead of grabbing the boy, his fingers gripped the glass snow globe. He slowly took it out, flipping it over. Tommy watched in curiosity as the human turned the golden key in a winding motion.
Tommy's head perked up so quickly. He could make out soft, delicate music coming from the glass globe. It was beautiful. Phil then turned the globe around. Inside of it the snow flurried all around the humans. The child couldn't take his eyes off of it. It looked exactly like it does when it snows outside. The glittering flakes were an exact replica of the dangerous cold death he could never experience for himself. He couldn't take his eyes off of it, until Tubbo started to laugh. Ranboo nudged him trying to get him to stop. Phil, on the other hand, walked in front of Ranboo giving him the dad look. This instantly shut down the noise.
The white and black-haired boy slowly placed his hand inside the box making all of the ornaments part and scatter at his touch. His voice was soft but still startled Tommy. "I won't force you. Come on."
Looking up at the giant the mouse-like human slowly placed his hands on the fingertips. His hands could barely wrap around one finger. His tail trailed behind him as he slowly moved up on top of the human's palm. He keep looking up to make sure Ranboo wouldn't move or suddenly grab him, but there wasn't one untrustworthy movement. Even his breathing was as steady as ever to make sure he didn't scare away Tommy.
Lifting his hand, the tiny had to fall to his knees to make sure he didn't fall.
"What happened?" Ranboo looked over the minuscule body on his very skin. It didn't seem that Tommy wanted to answer though since no words came as a response.
"Look kid. We aren't going to hurt you at all. Why would we?" Tubbo spoke out.
He had to think about his words for a few seconds, but eventually, they came pouring out. "I wasn't supposed to be in there. That was never part of the plan. The flaps fell in and the stupid giant over there jostled everything causing an earthquake." Tubbo was trying not to laugh.
Phil was the one to step in before it escalated, since the tiny borrower was now staring daggers at the even bigger being. "Here. You don't have to talk to us if you do not want to." He walked out of the room, returning seconds later with a few rags. Tommy watched as the father figure of the house walked over to the window sill. He folded up a few of the rags on top of each other. He took the softest one and spread it out to cover the folded ones. "Ranboo."
"Oh. Right." he quickly walked over allowing Tommy to slide out of his palm on top of the rags. The borrower just now realized what this was supposed to be. This was a bed. Tubbo walked over taking the snow globe from earlier in his hands. As gently as he could, he placed the decoration not even a foot away from the makeshift bed.
"There." Phil looked to his other two boys. "We can decorate tomorrow. You can join us if you like, but for now rest...please." He reached out grabbing the golden key once more. The music started to drop away from the snow globe. A winter wonderland. Tommy surprisingly has heard this song before. Phil then twirled the globe until it looked like a snowstorm was attacking the humans in the glass globe.
"Night little guy. Just...think about what I asked. We would appreciate it if you joined us." All three, father and sons, exited the room. Tommy didn't even have to ask them. What he was most stunned about was he didn't expect the humans to act like this. Tommy's tail twitched behind him as he tried to pick apart the whole interaction. This couldn't be right? The three humans found a mouse creature, talked to him, and made him a bed. They didn't even touch a hair on his head. What was this?
Making sure no one was still in here, Tommy looked around. His body shuffled under the 'blankets' to get warm for the night. A slight light reflected off the snow globe making it look even more beautiful at night.
Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.
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