1:11 pm
"You've been quiet for awhile, Lauren. What's up?" Travis looked at me suspiciously, his brown eyes burrowing into mine to find answers.
"Nothing. Just tired. We stayed up late last night." I shrugged.
"No. That's not it." He tilted his head. "You've also been more distant than before."
"Well, we don't need to be touching every second of the day, Trav." I nervously let out a chuckle.
Travis grabbed my ankle in a blink of an eye and pulled my entire body towards him as if it were nothing. I gasped, clinging to the couch once I came to a stop. Travis had a mixture of expressions on his face that confused me into silence. I was almost sitting on Travis's lap, our faces inches apart from each other as his eyes searched mine. Why did he care so much? We hadn't even known each other that long.
"What were you thinking about before you got up to go to the kitchen?" He asked bluntly, catching me off guard.
"What do you mean?"
"You were fine until you suddenly got up to search the kitchen. You weren't looking for anything, so why'd you get up?"
"I-I uhh..." Whatever answer I could come up with wouldn't be believable now that I was stuttering like an idiot. So I just gave up and confessed. "You were touching my leg."
Travis only looked more confused by my words, his eyebrows furrowing together. "What?"
"You were rubbing my leg when I had them over yours. And then my brain started thinking and..."
"I can't rub your leg but cuddling on the couch is totally fine?"
I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing was coming out. I guess he had a point, but that wasn't what was in my head at the time. "It's not that... I just had the feeling you did that to your fuck buddy a lot and that's why you were doing it to me."
Travis's expression seemed to soften as if he finally understood. A faint smirk fell on his lips and he relaxed a little. "We don't have that kind of relationship, Lauren. You're the only one I've done that to."
"You relax me." He smiled contently before looking back at the tv, leaving me stunned and frozen.
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