051 new beginnings.
( chapter fifty one )
Things were... good. Syd finally felt like her life was back in order and like herself for the first time in months. Even with the hanging cloud over her head of her father sleeping downstairs, Syd was happy. She'd considered quitting karate after the big fight, feeling like she may have needed a break. But with the basically begging of Eli, she gave it another chance and was finding that the Miyagi-Do style was pretty therapeutic after everything she'd been taught.
It was hard, having to unlearn so much, but she found that having Johnny Lawrence as a Sensei kept some of the best parts of Cobra Kai teachings, which made the transition feel less sudden.
Now Syd found herself talking with Tory and Devon back at school, ready to face her senior year. The three were waiting for Robby, the boy finally being let back in for his last year. But more than anything, Syd was just waiting for Eli to get to school to see him.
"Okay, but did you guys see the new album I sent you? Totally badass." Devon smiled, looking between the two. Syd smiled as Tory laughed, both girls nodding. "Yeah, it was pretty good. You were right." Tory spoke. "I was honestly surprised I enjoyed it, but a lot of the songs are now on my main playlist." Syd agreed.
"Good, they're the best." Devon nodded. Syd turned her head as Robby came out, his eyes immediately going to Tory. She was happy they were going strong again, she'd missed being able to hang out with both of them.
Robby frowned for a moment, confusing Syd before he pulled out his new student guide, smiling Torys way. She just smiled back, immediately pulling the boy in and connecting their lips.
Devon sent Syd a look, one the other girl returned. "Let's run, they won't notice till it's too late." Syd spoke. Devon laughed, nodding. "Agreed."
The new quickly walked off at that, laughing about their escape. "Syd!" Syd looked forward, smiling as her eyes caught Eli's while he walked with Demetri. "And I've lost the other one." Devon sighed, moving to stand beside Demetri as Syd and Eli met up and immediately did exactly what Tory and Robby had done, connecting their lips with smiles.
"I think they forgot we were here." Demetri spoke, shaking his head. "Definitely." Devon agreed, the two walking off.
Syd pulled away, smiling at the boy. "Hi." He just smiled back, looping his fingers on her belt loops. "Hey. Robby all checked in?" Syd nodded. "Yup. West Valley official... again."
Eli just chuckled, pulling the girl into him again. Syd gasped, eyes closing as she felt Eli kiss her again. It didn't matter how often she saw him, she always wanted to be around him more. She assumed that's what it felt like to be in love with someone, and she was happy to feel that way for him.
"You got your first period switched so we were taking the same physics class, right?" Eli wondered after he pulled away, wrapping an arm around Syds shoulders as they walked. "Yeah, all fixed. Thank god, too. I need your nerd brain to help me get an A." Syd replied, laughing as she watched Eli's face morph into one of annoyance. "You know, I'll remember you called me a nerd. I'm gonna give you wrong answers on purpose."
Syd just laughed again. "Well, I called your brain a nerd, not you. And you just proved my point since you already know that you'll have the right ones since you'll give me the wrong answers." Eli smiled, shaking his head. "You're lucky I love you."
"I love you too." Syd smiled, stopping and pulling his face into hers again. She felt her back press against the lockers behind them, arms wrapping around his shoulders. "We're... gonna be late." Eli spoke. "Shut... up." Syd replied, just pulling him closer.
Eli smirked, wrapping an arm around her waist before pulling away, staring at the girl in front of him. "Come on, I can't be your own personal nerd if we aren't in class." Syd smiled, laughing slightly. "Then let's go, nerd." Eli just smiled, he could watch her laugh all day.
"Let's go." He stated, grabbing her hand and pulling her behind him.
Syd stood outside at Miyagi-Do, holding the punching bag down for Tory as she punched and kicked at it to keep it from swinging around. The other girl was obviously focused, not speaking as Syd just stood there bored. She'd agreed to help but now just wished she would have said no.
It didn't help that it was still awkward between Sam and Tory. Their hate had ran deep and now it seemed more like it had been put on hold rather than actually solved and Syd felt stuck right in the middle. Tory was her best friend, but Sam once had been too. And now that Syd and Sam were starting over, she felt like she was betraying whoever she wasn't with. It was getting exhausting.
"What do you thinks under the cloth?" Syd wondered, turning her head to look at the square shaped thing Eli and Demetri had set up. They wouldn't tell her what it was and she felt like she'd die from the curiosity. "I don't know. Maybe they bought some art." Tory shrugged, continuing to punch the bag.
Syd frowned. "Maybe... I just—" She suddenly felt her feet come off the ground, gasping as she looked at whoever had grabbed her only to see Eli laughing. She was quickly moved to his shoulder, yelling out as he ran back over to Demetri and Anthony with the girl now holding on for dear life while kicking her legs around. "Eli! Put me down!" Syd shrieked, not liking the idea of face planting.
Eli just laughed, spinning her around again as Syd watched Anthony and Demetri laugh as well. "Asshole!" Syd yelled, holding onto the cloth of his shirt to make sure he'd be coming down with her if he dropped her. "Oh, you know you're having a blast!" Eli smiled. Syd just laughed, shaking her head. "I'd have an even better time if my feet were back on the ground!"
Eli laughed again, slowly setting the girl back down on her feet. Syd let out a breath, sending Anthony and Demetri a look. "Thank you so much for the help." Anthony put his hands up immediately, laughing. "Don't look at me, he could kick my ass if I tried."
"And I couldn't?" Syd wondered, cocking an eyebrow and trying not to laugh as she watched Anthony suddenly grow insanely worried. "No! I— uh, I mean, not no... just, uh..." Syd smiled, shaking her head. "I'm messing with you."
"I find that when you're throwing your legs around like that it's best to stay as far away as I can." Demetri stated, thinking back to the power the girl had behind her kicks. He didn't feel like getting his ass kicked when she couldn't even see him there.
Syd chuckled, turning her attention back to Eli as she went to smack his arm. He quickly caught her wrist, smirking as he sent her a wink before turning to Demetri. "Come on, let's talk to the Senseis." Demetri nodded, Eli quickly kissing Syds cheek before the two walked off. Syd watched confused, not understanding what it was they were keeping a secret.
Anthony coughed slightly, rocking on his feet. "So, uh... you have any good cereal today?" Syd sent him a confused look instantly. "Um... no, I haven't. Sorry, I uh, gotta go talk to your sister." Syd quickly walked off at that, moving to go by Sam as she went to get her water. Anthony sighed, shaking his head. "Stupid question. Idiot."
"Hey." Syd smiled, running up to Sam. "What's up?" Sam wondered, looking up before drinking some of her water. "Well, Eli basically kidnapped me and then your brother asked if I've had any good cereal today so, nothing much." Syd recounted, laughing slightly as she looked at the confused look on Sam's face. "Anthony asked you what?"
Syd shrugged. "Repeating it only makes it worse." Sam laughed, shaking her head. "I swear, he doesn't know how to handle himself around my friends. You, Moon, and Yas just turn his brain off. It's nasty." Syd chuckled. "We do, huh? I wonder when the change from him being pissed whenever we'd stay over to not being able to think straight happened."
"Who knows, but I liked it better when he didn't want you around." Sam replied. "Also, I saw Hawk "kidnap" you. You guys really are sweet together." Sam added quickly. Syd smiled, turning her head to where Demetri and Eli were as they seemed to talk to the Senseis. "Thanks."
Sam just smiled. "It's definitely nice to see you interested in someone. I remember sophomore year just begging you to look around at the guys into you so we could go on double dates. Now we can." Syd turned her head back to Sam. "That sounds awesome. Hey, who knows... maybe someday it could be a triple date with Robby and Tory."
Sam sighed, shrugging. "Maybe. Robby and Miguel have been talking about a double date with them, Tory, and I... but I don't know how it could help. Things are just gonna be weird for a bit." Syd bit her lip. "Maybe they don't have to be. I mean... we had issues but we're perfectly fine now. At least, I think."
"No, we're fine." Sam smiled. "It just... it's easier to become friends with someone you were close with again than it is to become friends with someone you hated since you met them." Sam finished. "Yeah, I get that. It would just be nice to hang out with both of you." Syd concluded.
"Everyone gather round!" Eli suddenly yelled, pulling everyone's attention back to the mystery item they had on display. "Finally." Syd smiled, pulling Sam behind her as the two made their way toward Eli and Demetri.
Once everyone was gathered around, Eli smiled, "It's been a long road, but we're finally all on the same side. And as a reward? The toughest test any of us have ever had to face." Demetri nodded. "The Sekai Taikai is the most prestigious karate tournament in modern martial arts history. For over a century, fighters from across the globe have gathered every two years to compete for the title of World's Best."
"If the All Valley is March Madness, this is the Olympics, plus the gladiator games and the kumite from Bloodsport all rolled into one." Eli further explained. Syd chuckled lightly as she watched Sensei Lawrence pump a fist by his side, obviously enjoying the Bloodsport reference.
"If we win—" Demetri started, Eli quickly coughing and sending him a look. "Excuse me. When we win, the spoils will be life-changing." Demetri fixed. "But it's gonna take all of our focus and all the wisdom our Senseis have to offer." Eli added. "Yes, which is why we decided to take at least one thing off your plates. Coming up with our new dojo name." Demetri explained.
Syd smiled, now understanding the hidden object. "Yes! After some spirited brainstorming and ad hoc focus-grouping, and also a dojo-wide vote, we have a winner. We give you..." Eli smiled, pulling down the cloth. "Miyagi Fang Karate!" Both boys announced at once, revealing the Eagle Fang logo with Mr. Miyagi instead of the bird, the old man doing the kick Sensei LaRusso won his All Valley with, as well as fangs and wings.
Syds eyes widened, honestly not a fan of the logo. Everyone around her cheered and applauded, the girl joining in with the clapping. She thought the name, while a bit strange, was all good. She only had a strong dislike toward the logo design.
"Everybody warm up. Sensei Lawrence, Toguchi, and I are just going to talk for a moment." Sensei LaRusso spoke, the two older men following. Eli moved next to Syd, smiling. "Thoughts?" Syd looked at the image again, chuckling. "I'm not sure Mr. LaRusso is gonna let that one stick, hon. It's a little... extreme."
Eli frowned, looking back at the drawing. "Is it the fangs?" Syd pat his arm, smiling awkwardly. "I don't think they help." Eli sighed. "Shit."
"Hey, at least it's well drawn! We all knew who it was." Syd tried, not fully knowing how to respond. She thought it was a sweet gesture, just not one that would amount to much. "Yeah, thanks. Maybe Demetri should focus on the karate rather than karate drawing." Eli sighed. "I think that would be wise." Syd agreed.
"We've been through a lot to get to this point. And we're finally on the same page. We've put aside old rivalries. And wiped the slate clean. Now we are all Miyagi-Do. But it's a new Miyagi-Do. The strongest we've ever been." Sensei LaRusso spoke, looking out at all of the teens as they stood in rows before the three Senseis. The three Senseis had finally agreed to a name, deciding to keep Miyagi-Do and lose Eagle Fang.
"And most badass. One purpose. One team. One dojo." Sensei Toguchi added. "With a name steeped in tradition and honor. And a brand-new patch." Sensei LaRusso continued, making note of the eagle that now flew over the bonsai tree on their gi's. Syd thought it was a sweet way to remember Eagle Fang. "So get your asses ready. We may have settled things in the Valley, but how Miyagi-Do's ready for whatever the world throws at us." Sensei Lawrence finished, the students all bowing at that as their Senseis did it back.
They were ready to face whatever the next challenge was together, as a team.
I would just like to say I guessed the ending to part 1 on episode one and I'm so proud cause I just had a feeling what happened would happen (no spoilers ofc here... yet).
so excited for syd to finally be on the good guys team!!! some stuff is ofc gonna be changed around to include my bbg but nothing crazy. I'm so excited to write I have so many ideas!
also I'll just say it... i hate netflix for splitting the final season out SO MUCH like sure give em a few weeks but half a year or longer is CRAZY
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