033 olivers new friend kenny.
( chapter thirty three )
Syd stood in Cobra Kai working more on the Miyagi-Do style as Robby stood before them. She felt herself completely focused, mind void of any distractions as she moved her arms back and forth over and over again. She watched Robby like a hawk, mimicking his movements exactly as he did them.
"Mr. Keene. You have a visitor." Sensei Kreese spoke. Everyone stopped, looking toward their Sensei and the young boy who stood beside him. "You know this kid?" Tory wondered, just as confused as everyone else. Robby just shook his head.
"I—I—I'm Kenny. My brother, Shawn Payne, said you could help me." The boy, Kenny, spoke. Syd looked at the boy, wondering if this was the same Kenny her brother had befriended. Oliver had told her how Kenny had been getting picked on by some boys in their grade, but Syd had no way of knowing if this was the same boy.
Robby walked toward him slightly. "I didn't know Shawn had a brother. Is he out?" Kenny shook his head. "No. That's why I'm here. These a-holes keep hassling me. One of them knows karate, so—" The boy was cut off when Sensei Kreese took a step forward. "This is a dojo. You are interrupting my class."
"I'm sorry. I didn't know." Kenny spoke instantly, eyes wide. Syd figured this had to be the same kid, watching him. "Sensei. Shawn Payne was one of the toughest guys in juvie. Kicked my ass a few times." Robby spoke. Syd smirked to herself, thinking about how he wasn't the only one. Sensei Kreese just chuckled. "You know, in the real world, we have to fight our own battles. Cobra Kai can teach you how. But you have to prove that you're worthy."
"How do I do that?" Kenny wondered. "Take your shoes off and get on the mat." Sensei Kreese directed. Syd didn't know what the plan was. This was a kid, not someone their own age. How could he prove himself against trained fighters 4 years older than him.
"Everyone, get in position." Sensei Kreese spoke. Syd instantly did as told, moving to her spot along the edge of the mat as she sat on her knees and leaned back. She stared forward, waiting for the next instructions. If anyone else had been there they would have thought they all looked like robots, waiting for the next command.
"All right, Mr. Payne. Let's see what you got. Mr. Park?" Sensei spoke, deciding on Kyler to take the boy on. Syd could have laughed, finding that out of all of them Kyler could be the easiest to defeat. Kyler went to stand, moving across the young boy. "But h-how am I supposed to fight if I haven't had any training yet?" Kenny wondered, nervous. "To be a Cobra Kai, you have to have a killer instinct. Fighting positions." Sensei replied.
Syd watched as both boys moved into their own positions. She had a feeling Kenny wouldn't be winning, but with age and training she could see him easily overpower Kyler. He just obviously wasn't there yet.
"Don't worry, man. I'll go easy on you." Kyler spoke. Syd rolled her eyes, making eye contact with Tory who did the same. Syd just smirked. "Ais!" Sensei spoke, signaling the fight was on. Kyler moved toward Kenny, the young boy immediately running off in fear. Syd frowned as some of the boys around her laughed, acting like they didn't do the same anytime Sensei Kreese told them to fight herself, Tory, or Robby.
Kyler ushered the boy back over. "Come back on the mat. Grow some pubes. Let's go. Come on." Kenny listened, slowly moving back on. "It's all right, Mr. Payne. Try again." Sensei Kreese spoke.
Kenny went back into his fighting stance, looking at Kyler. "Aits!" Sensei yelled, Kyler moving toward Kenny again before the boy just once again ran off the mat. "All right, I've seen enough." Sensei Kreese spoke. "Yeah, me too." Kyler added, laughing. Everyone else in the dojo seemed to be laughing along, besides Robby and Syd.
She just felt pity for the boy. He was younger than she'd been when she joined and he was already getting harassed at school. Of course he was afraid of someone twice his size coming at him when he couldn't even defend himself against those who were his size.
"What's so funny?" Sensei Kreese snapped. "The All Valley's just a few short months away. We don't have time for losers. Or cowards." Syd watched as Kenny frowned, quickly grabbing his shoes and leaving the dojo. She didn't like what had just happened. The dojo had been a place for her to learn to stand up for herself, not a place to laugh people away when they tried. They needed as many new bodies as they could get, so Syd didn't understand why they couldn't train people to become strong rather than only searching for those who could already take care of themselves.
Syd made eye contact with Robby, noticing the way his mind seemed to be spinning. She could tell he felt bad for Kenny, too. Just unlike him, she didn't see what she could do about it.
When class was over Syd stood by Tory, the two girls packing up their belongings. "Good work today. But I want better than good tomorrow." Sensei Kreese spoke. "Yes, Sensei!" They all replied.
Syd looked up as Kyler walked over to the two. "Yo, you two want to stand in line with me? Buy some new Nikes?" Syd just gave Tory a look, laughing as the other girl kept walking. "How many sneakers do you need?"
Kyler just followed her. "Hey, you would look good in Dunks." Syd sighed, walking behind the two after she grabbed all her stuff. She headed to her car to see Robby already standing there. She laughed slightly as she looked at him. "Are you just always going to stand outside my car when practice is over?"
He smiled, shaking his head. "Not always. I'll pick and choose my days so you never see it coming." Syd rolled her eyes, moving past him. "What's up?" He just watched her. "I saw the way you looked at Kenny today. You felt bad for him."
Syd looked up, shrugging. "Yeah, he's a kid, so what?" Robby sighed, holding up Kenny's bag. "He left this behind and I'm thinking of giving it back. Want to come?" Syd just looked at him confused, not understanding why he would need her to go drop off a bag. But, she didn't exactly have anything else to do. "Uh, sure. I'll drive."
Robby nodded, getting into the passenger seat of the girls car as she went into the drivers. "Do you have the address?" Robby nodded, holding up the strap of Kenny's bag. 1623 Otsego St. "Huh." Syd spoke, not even punching it in.
"What?" Robby wondered. "He lives a few blocks from Moon." Syd replied, driving.
"So, why did you need me here again?" Syd wondered as the two walked toward the door. "You're the only one who didn't laugh at him. I figured if I'm gonna go check on him I may as well bring someone with me who felt for him." Robby replied, knocking. Kenny opened the door, looking at the two confused. Robby just held up the bag.
"How'd you know where I live?" Kenny wondered, rightfully so. Robby showed Kenny the same strap he'd shown Syd, answering the boys question. He sighed. "Thanks."
"So, how's Shawn? Is he still getting out this summer?" Robby wondered, putting his hands in his pockets as he leaned back on his heels. "They gave him an extra month because he spit in a guards face." Kenny replied sadly, looking down. Robby just chuckled. "Okay. Yeah, sounds like him. Hope it was the guard in the computer lab."
Kenny just frowned, shaking his head lightly. "It's my fault." Robby's face dropped. "What do you mean?" Kenny sighed. "Shawn had some bad friends at school. I caught one of them stealing from my parents. Guy came at me, but Shawn got between us. Beat him pretty bad. He was just defending me. With him gone, I've got no one. That's why I was hoping you—"
"Look. I can't be your tutor. I have to focus on the All Valley." Robby cut off. Kenny nodded, he understood, before he looked at Syd. "What about her?" Robby sighed. "She has to focus too, but I'm sure she can speak for herself."
Syd smiled lightly, looking at the boy. "Do you know a boy in your grade name Oliver?" Robby looked at her confused, not knowing why she brought up some random kid. Syd watched as a small glint of happiness shot into Kenny's eyes as he nodded. "Yeah. He's kinda my only friend at school. Was the only one who let me sit next to them on the bus on the first day. Why?"
Syd smiled, enormously proud of her brother. "He's my little brother." Kenny's eyes widened. "Really?" Syd nodded. "Yeah, so, I get it. And I can tell you your brother doesn't see what happened as your fault. I can promise he was happy to protect you no matter what. I know I'd do the same for my brother."
Kenny nodded, a small smile on his lips. Well, before his phone dinged and his face fell again. "What?" Robby asked, noticing the immediate change as well. Kenny looked up, shaking his head. "It's nothing."
Robby just held out his hand, ushering for the phone. "Give it. Come on." Kenny handed it over, Robby holding it to where both he and Sydney could see it. Syd scooted a bit closer, eyes glued to the phone.
She watched a video of Kenny as he opened his locker, gallons and gallons of milk pouring out and destroying all his belongings he had inside. It was posted to social media and already had 400 likes. Syd was starting to understand that the boys who were picking on Kenny were doing a lot more than hassling him. "Oh my god!" The boy behind the phone laughed, a sudden Got Milked? appearing on the screen as Kenny just looked at the boy filming him.
Robby sighed, turning the phone off and giving it back to the boy. Syd felt horrible for him. If that were her brother going through that she'd probably be in the same place Shawn Payne was. "I can show you a couple moves."
Kenny smiled, looking at Syd. "And you?" Syd smiled. "I can show you a couple more."
The three moved to Kenny's backyard, the smaller boy cowering away at every idea of possibly getting hit. "Let's run it again. We're not gonna make contact. All right? But that means you have to stay in the fight. All right? Bow." Robby directed.
"Fighting stance. Elbows in." Robby corrected. "Remember, always look your opponent in the eye. Ready? Fight!" Robby moved toward Kenny again, the smaller boy shuffling away once more. Robby sent him a look, not giving into it this time as he kicked forward at the boy.
Syd watched as Robby suddenly slammed Kenny against his fence, crossing her arms as she watched. Robby walked a few steps away. "You know, I'm not sure I buy that you're Shawn's brother."
Kenny frowned. "Well, Shawn was always big and strong, okay? All I can do is run." Robby furrowed his brows, thinking. "Then use that. Instead of using your speed to run away from your enemies, use it to run at them. Come on, let's try it again. Let's go. Let's go, come on."
Syd stepped forward. "Go against me." Both boys looked at her confused. "What?" Kenny questioned. "You said Shawn was big and strong. Well, I may be strong but I'm not that big so I shouldn't be as scary for you to go again. I'll show you how someone who's small and quick can win, okay?" Syd wondered. Kenny nodded, smiling lightly.
Robby pat Syds back, taking a backseat as the girl moved to stand across from Kenny. "Ready? Bow." Robby reffed, both parties bowing to the other. "I won't touch you, okay? But like Robby said, you have to stay in it and use what you have." Syd promised. Kenny nodded. "Got it."
"Fighting positions. Fight!" Robby spoke, moving out of the way. Syd moved toward Kenny, noticing him taking a slightly smaller step away. She didn't know whether to be happy for the boy or a bit offended, but she chose the first as she kicked toward him. Kenny ducked it, running behind her before kicking the girl in the back.
Syd went stumbling forward, turning around with a smile. "That was great!" Kenny nodded, starting to get it. "Throw a punch at me." Syd spoke. Kenny took in a breath, moving toward the girl with his fist flying as she blocked every try. She figured it was a good a time as any to work on her Miyagi-Do defense skills.
She watched as Kenny moved away from her, egging her on. She knew what he'd try, but this was for him to gain some confidence and skill. She didn't feel the need to prove her strength in front of an eighth grader. So, as Kenny ran in circles around her, Syd caught Robby's eye and laughed slightly.
He knew she could end the fight at any moment but he also knew exactly what she was doing. Kenny suddenly came at her side, punching at her. Syd grabbed his wrists, holding them. "Good. Don't let me see it coming." Kenny's eyes widened, he thought he'd been pretty spontaneous. He just nodded, continuing to practice his punches and kicks against Syd who just blocked.
After a bit Syd switched out and Robby switched it, Syd smiling when Kenny didn't run away immediately from Robby but rather ran to try and get him.
Maybe he could be Cobra Kai material after all.
Syd stood in Cobra Kai bored out of her mind as she watched Kyler sparring with another boy. Nothing interesting ever happened when he sparred and Syd often wondered if that would ever change. "That's right!" Kyler yelled out after throwing the other boy to the ground. "Good job, Mr. Park." Sensei Kreese nodded.
The bell on the front door then rang, Kenny walking in. "I could do that all day!" Kyler continued, not noticing the boy as he gloated. Tory leaned toward Syd and Robby, smirking, "Look who's back for more."
"I want another shot." Kenny stated, looking Sensei Kreese right in the eye. "I'm sorry, I don't have the time to teach weaklings." Sensei Kreese replied, laughing slightly. "Give him another chance, Sensei." Robby spoke. "I agree. I think he should show you what he can do." Syd added.
Robby nodded. "Maybe he'll surprise you." Sensei Kreese looked at the two for a moment before looking back at Kenny. "All right, on the mat. Mr. Park, make this quick." Kyler nodded, staying on the mat. "You got it, Sensei."
Kenny removed his shoes, Syd watching the look in his eye. He was ready this time and Syd could only hope he took what Robby and herself had taught him to heart and would use it. Hopefully Kyler would finally be apart of an interesting fight now.
They both got into their fighting positions, Syd noticing the way Kenny had corrected his like Robby told him. "Aits!" Sensei Kreese yelled. Kyler moved toward Kenny and the boy instantly ran off. Syd sighed, frowning as she watched.
Kyler just started laughing. "Look at him, running to mommy. Bye, you little bitch." Kyler turned around, continuing to laugh as others in the class joined in. Syd just watched Kenny, noticing how he looked around the room at all of the people laughing. And suddenly, he ran forward and punched Kyler straight across the face.
Syd smirked lightly as Tory looked at the two beside her. "Kid's fast." Kyler frowned. "What the hell? He hit me when I wasn't looking. That's some bullshit." Sensei Kreese just looked at the boy. "You're right. He didn't line up. So that won't count as a point."
"Sorry, I didn't know the rules." Kenny apologized. "That was your one chance." Sensei Kreese replied. "Okay." Kenny sighed, moving to walk off. Syd just frowned, she felt bad for the boy. "Where you going, Mr. Payne?" Sensei Kreese asked, looking toward Robby and Sydney for a moment before looking back at Kenny. "Take your spot."
Kenny smiled excitedly as he moved to take his spot on the mat. It seemed they had a new teammate now.
yay kenny whoop whoop
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