022 new face of cobra kai.
( chapter twenty two )
"Life isn't always fair. Sometimes the world can be cruel. And that's why you have to learn to be cruel yourselves. Weakness is unacceptable. The fight at the school was an embarrassment. You lost soldiers and you lost the battle. But you will not lose again. Diaz was one of our own. What they did to him, they did to all of us. And it will not go unanswered. We will show no mercy. We will show no weakness. We will strike back and we will strike hard! Is that clear?" Sensei Kreese asked, looking around.
"Yes, Sensei!" The class yelled, getting back into their mindset Sensei Kreese somehow always knew how to bring out of them. "I can't hear you!" Sensei Kreese spoke. "Yes, Sensei!" They yelled louder. Syd smirked, she needed to be reminded what was at stake, and that was exactly what Sensei Kreese did.
At the end of class Syd watched as Eli helped Bert with blocks. "Class. You worked hard today. So before you're dismissed, I have a little treat for you." Sensei Kreese spoke. Everyone gathered watching as he pulled a mouse out from behind his back. Syd smiled lightly, it was really cute. "I wanna introduce you to a friend of mine."
"Aw. Cool. What's its name?" Bert wondered. "I don't know. What should it be?" Sensei Kreese asked. "Hawk Junior." Eli immediately answered with a smile. Syd laughed lightly, rolling her eyes. "Anything but that." Eli lightly shoved her in reply, grabbing the girls hand and holding onto it after. "Bert, what do you think?" Sensei Kreese asked.
"Um... Clarence?" Bert replied. "Clarence. Good. Here, take him." Sensei Kreese handed the smaller boy the mouse, everyone watching as Bert looked at the little thing. "He's so cute, guys."
"You know, it's almost lunchtime." Sensei Kreese realized, Bert perking up. "Ooh, can I feed him?" Sensei Kreese frowned. "No." He then moved to a box shaped item covered by a black cloth. "But you can feed him." Sensei Kreese removed the cloth, showing everyone the cobra inside. Syd frowned, squeezing Eli's hand lightly as she realized what was happening.
"Uh... What does he like to eat?" Bert questioned, making Syds frown deepen as she watched the boy hold the mouse close. "He likes to eat... Clarence." Sensei Kreese replied, looking at the boy. "It's okay. Come on." Sensei Kreese ushered, noticing the hesitation. "Come on."
Bert took a small step forward. "C'mon." Bert took another step before standing beside the glass cage. "There you go." Sensei Kreese nodded, opening the hatch to let Bert drop Clarence in. Bert stood there for a moment, looking at Clarence before sighing. "I can't."
Sensei Kreese smiled, taking the mouse from the boy. "That's okay. I understand. Clarence is your friend. It's okay to object. Who else objects?" Syd felt the urge to raise her hand, not feeling very good about murdering an innocent mouse. Almost as if he knew, Eli squeezed her hand to let her know not to move. That was when she realized this was a test and kept her hand down.
She looked around as half of the kids in class raised their hands, answering honestly. "You're off the team. Get out!" Sensei Kreese demanded, startling Syd as her eyes widened. They were already down members after the fight, she really didn't think it was the time to downsize. "But..." Bert tried, shocked. "I said out! Get!" Sensei Kreese screamed, every boy who raised their hand running out in a hurry.
She then watched as Sensei Kreese turned to the rest of them before dropping Clarence to the snake like it was nothing. He walked out without a word and went to his office.
"Come on." Eli spoke, pulling Syd with him as the two followed Sensei Kreese into the room. "Are you sad to see your little friends go?" Sensei Kreese asked, looking at the two. "Uh... No, Sensei." Eli replied. "No, Sensei." Syd repeated. "Go on. You both can speak freely." Sensei Kreese allowed.
"Is this the right time to make cuts? We're already down students after the school fight." Eli voiced, seeming to be thinking exactly what Syd was. "This is addition by subtraction. A true cobra feels no sympathy for its meals." Sensei Kreese explained. "Do you have a problem with that?"
"No, Sensei." Eli replied. "Good." Sensei Kreese nodded. "I just don't understand the plan. With Miyagi-Do shutting down, we might be able to get some new recruits." Eli continued. "But we will. In due time. But first, we're going to need to strengthen our core. With Diaz out, we're gonna need a new champion. Someone with no fear... and no mercy." Sensei Kreese explained, Eli nodding. "Thank you, Sensei." Eli spoke, moving for both of them to leave.
"McKinley. Stay here for a moment more." Sensei Kreese spoke, Eli sending the girl a concerned look as he left the office and moved to wait for her outside. "Yes, Sensei?" Syd wondered, facing the man. "Do you always let him speak for you?" Sensei Kreese wondered. "Do you always let other people speak for you?"
Syd frowned, not knowing what to say. "Ah. I see. You know, when I said we needed a new champion, I never said which of you it would be. Why immediately assume it's Hawk? I've seen you fight, I've seen the strength. Why give your voice away just to watch those around you get what you've worked for?" Sensei Kreese asked. "I... I won't, Sensei." Syd spoke.
"Good. Now, say it like you believe it." Sensei Kreese demanded, watching the girl. Her face hardened, looking him in the eye. "I won't give up my voice so others can win, Sensei." He nodded, smiling. "That's what I like to hear. Now, I'll ask again... do you have a problem with letting anyone leave this dojo?"
"No, Sensei." Syd spoke. "I want you to come in early tomorrow." Sensei Kreese decided. "Now get out of my office." Syd nodded. "Yes, Sensei." She quickly walked out, leaving the building and immediately meeting up with Eli. "Everything okay?"
Syd smiled. "Never better." He nodded. "Okay, let's get out of here." Eli wrapped his arm around Syds shoulder, the two heading to his car.
Syd got home later that night to a surprise visitor standing in the kitchen, her father. "Dad?" Syd wondered, shock evident in her voice. "What are you doing here?"
"It is my house, isn't it? I pay for it so I'm pretty sure I can walk around wherever I want." Her father replied, sending the girl a look. "Well I know... I just mean, why are you here? You're never around even when you are back." Syd replied. "Well I didn't want to have to come, but your little stunt at school got me a phone call in the middle of a meeting." Her father replied, facing his daughter. "You know that I don't give a shit what's happening here until I get a phone call."
Syd frowned, backing up slightly. "It wasn't that big of a deal." Carson McKinley scoffed. "Suspended for two weeks is a big deal, Sydney. And who was that boy who just dropped you off, hmm? One of your little karate friends? Don't think I haven't noticed the money that goes to that Cobra Kai dojo of yours."
"I... I was just with some friends after practice and he gave me a ride back." Syd spoke, gaze shifting to the three empty beer bottles on the island. Her father only came around for two reasons, to punish and to drink. Otherwise he was happily away from his children.
Her father rolled his eyes. "All your new guy friends? I didn't raise you to whore around with every guy you meet." Syd felt anger rise in her chest, stepping forward. "You didn't raise me at all! I did that on my own and I raised Oliver. You didn't do jack shit."
Suddenly Syd felt a sting on the side of her face, eyes widening as she stared at her father. He'd done a lot of things. He'd screamed at her, thrown her stuff away, but he'd never put his hands on her before. "That should teach you to shut that dirty mouth of yours." Her father spat, looking his daughter up and down. "Pathetic."
"Fuck you." Syd stated. She took karate, she wasn't afraid of getting hit. "What did you say to me?" Carson questioned, wondering if she was really going to try it again. "I said... Fuck. You." Syd replied, suddenly feeling her father's palm slam against the side of her head, hard. He grabbed a fist full of her shirt and pulled the girl toward him, almost lifting her off the ground as he did so. "Don't ever speak to me that way again. You may think you're tough shit, but you're just a little bitch who doesn't know when to shut her mouth."
"Dad?" Syd whipped her head around to see Oliver now standing inside, staring at the two. His bag had dropped from his hand the second he saw what was in front of him, tears welling up in his eyes. "What are you doing?"
Syd tried to smile at the younger boy. "It's okay, Oli. Go upstairs, okay? I'll be up in a bit and you can tell me about your day." Oliver shook his head. "No. Let her go, dad." Carson nodded, dropping the girls shirt and letting her catch herself as he went back toward the fridge and Oliver ran to Syds side, hugging her tight.
Syd wrapped her arms around her brother. "I'm okay, okay? Please, Oli... go upstairs and I'll be right there." Oliver frowned. "It's been you writing the notes, hasn't it?" Syd felt tears cloud her eyes, holding them back the best she could. Her whole goal had always been to keep Oliver innocent to who her father was, and now it was ruined. "What notes?" Their father questioned, looking at the two. "The two of you writing your little feelings down on sticky notes?"
Syd just bit her lip, watching her brother's heart break right in front of her. "Upstairs. Now." She directed, the boy letting her go and grabbing his bag before sprinting upstairs and slamming the door shut.
Syd stood up, glaring daggers at her father. "These notes are something I've been doing for him since he was in 2nd grade after you stopped telling us where you were going. Every time you'd leave I'd write a note just to let him see you as some kind loving father. Well, now he sees you for exactly what you are. I hope you're happy."
"I worked so hard to keep him loving you, and for what? You've never been a father to either of us. I haven't physically seen you in over a year and you have the nerve to act like this wasn't coming. I hope you feel like fucking shit because you should." Syd finished, heading toward the stairs before turning around. "Oh, and next time you come back, don't do it when we're here."
She ran upstairs at that, running into Oliver's room and locking the door behind her, moving to sit next to him as he laid in his bed. "Did he ever write one?" Oliver questioned after a bit of silence. Syd frowned. "The first one. You were so excited when you read it that the next time he left and there wasn't one, I didn't want you to be sad so I wrote one. And... it kinda just kept happening. I'm so sorry, Oliver. I never wanted you to see him like that."
Oliver sat up, hugging Syd around her waist tight. "Thank you for protecting me as long as you did. I wish you could have had the same protection." Syd smiled lightly, tears beginning to stream down her face as she hugged the boy back, resting her head on the top of his.
There was a sudden banging at the door, both kids jumping lightly as Syds grip on her brother strengthened. "I... I'm leaving tonight for Tokyo. It's a 3 month trip and next time I'm back here I won't be back until late and I'll be gone early, so, it'll be like I wasn't here again. It seems that's what works best for us. Sydney, baby... I'm so sorry. I just get a bit angry sometimes but I promise that won't happen again." Syd heard, hearing her father crying outside the door. She just stared at it, shocked how he could turn this into a pity party for himself.
This wasn't the first time they'd had this kind of talk. One where he'd promise to be better and then come back again even worse. But this time he took it to a new level, and he knew he fucked up. It didn't change anything as Syds hatred for the man only grew by the second.
"Okay... bye. I love you both, I promise I do." Syd listened as footsteps grew further away before hearing the front door close. Oliver looked up, Syd smiling lightly as she wiped his eyes. "He isn't worth your tears." Oliver frowned. "He's not worth yours either."
Syd nodded. "You're right. How about we order a pizza in tonight and watch a movie, sound good? I'm gonna go to my room for a second." Syd stood at that, unlocking the door and leaving Oliver's room before going into her own. She laid on her bed and just let the tears fall, sobbing as she replayed everything in her head.
When she'd calmed down, Syd looking in the mirror, noticing the bruise that was forming on her cheek while it seemed the second hit got a bit too close to her eye, the beginnings of a black eye forming as well. "Great."
Syd hadn't slept well during the night. She'd spent the whole night horrified of her father's return before only sleeping when she physically had to. She'd covered up the bruising and her eye as best she could before heading to Cobra Kai early as instructed.
"Hello? Sensei?" Syd wondered, walking in. She looked around the empty dojo confused, wondering if Sensei Kreese had forgotten. "In my office." She finally heard, placing her stuff down before heading into the office.
"Take a seat." Sensei Kreese spoke, immediately noticing a change in the girls appearance. "What happened to your eye?" He asked. Syd frowned, anxiously playing with her fingers. "Uh, accidentally opened a cabinet into it, a silly mistake really."
Sensei Kreese nodded. "Okay. Now tell me what really happened." Syd felt tears forming in her eyes again, immediately pushing them down. Sensei Kreese wanted them all to be strong. Strong people didn't cry at their Sensei about their home life. "Uh... it's nothing important. My dad and I just got into it and it didn't end great."
"He hit you?" Sensei Kreese questioned, genuine concern appearing on his face. "Does he do this often?" Syd shook her head. "First time. Uh, he's not really around enough for it to have happened before now." Sensei Kreese just continued to stare at the girl. "What do you mean by that?"
Syd shrugged. "He's away on business most of the time. That was actually the first time I've physically seen him in a year which is kinda funny... uh... usually when he comes home it's late enough I've already gone to bed and he leaves early enough for neither myself or my little brother to be awake yet, so I just got unlucky."
"Your brother... does he know?" Sensei Kreese wondered. Syd didn't know why she was telling him this, things she had never even told Moon of all people. But he was her Sensei, an adult she could trust to do right by her. "He does now. He, uh, walked in on my dad grabbing at me. I was able to keep him from knowing anything for 6 years, but... that's over now."
Sensei Kreese nodded. "Is there anything I can do to help?" Syd shook her head instantly. "No! Uh, thank you for the offer. My dad promised he'd keep away, which he's never fully kept that promise but... this time was different. I figure he'll be gone twice as long by the time he finally shows his face again."
"And what about college? You're a smart and skilled girl, have you considered anywhere?" Sensei Kreese asked. "I want to go to a ballet school, but... I need to stick around for my brother. He's too young to live there all alone and I don't think he really wants to see my dad again so I need to start figuring out what my plan is."
"Okay. Sydney, I want you to promise me something." Sensei Kreese spoke, looking at the girl. "Of course, what is it?" She wondered. "I want you to promise you'll come to me if you ever need help with any of this. I care for my students like they're my own, especially my favorite ones. So I want you to be able to fall back on both myself and Cobra Kai when things get tough, okay?"
Syd smiled lightly. "Okay, thank you, Sensei." Sensei Kreese nodded, looking out his window and noticing by now the whole class was waiting. "Why don't you head out there with your team and line up?"
Syd nodded, standing up. "Thank you again, Sensei. It means more than you know." He nodded back and Syd left the office. Almost immediately Eli was at her side, looking at her concerned. "Are you okay? Did something happen?"
Syd smiled lightly. "I'm okay, just... talking with Sensei about the All Valley." Eli nodded, not really believing her, especially when he noticed the traces of purple showing behind makeup. "What happened to your eye?"
"Can we talk about this later, please?" Syd replied, moving past the boy and standing in her spot as Sensei Kreese came out of his office. Eli frowned, taking his spot next to the girl and worriedly looking at her every few seconds.
"Class. I want to tell you something. I know you're all confused as to why I let members of the team go. We are only as strong as our weakest links. When we remove these links, things what's left. We are one unit. With one united purpose." Sensei Kreese began explaining, stopping when the door opened. Soon Tory walked through the door, sending Syd a small nod as the two made eye contact.
Sensei Kreese nodded Torys way. "Nichols. Welcome back." Tory looked back at him. "Thanks. That issue I was having... got worked out." Sensei Kreese smirked lightly. "That right?" She just nodded in return, the older man ushering her in further. "Well, fall in. We've got work to do."
Syd turned back toward the front, waiting for Sensei Kreese's next direction. "Forward strike. Ready? Aits!" Everyone moved to position at once, all punching forward at the same time. They continued to do this after every "Aits" like usual but this time something in the air felt different.
Syd glared forward, imagining every punch she threw was directed at her father. She took all her anger and pushed it into a box inside, one that was quickly overflowing and spilling out inside of her.
"Your whole life, you've been told to be good. But good is only a matter of perspective. Always remember your enemies think that they're doing what's right. They think they're the hero and you're the villain. But now you know the truth. There is no good. There is no bad. Only weak... or strong. And now that we've shed our weakness, it's time to show our strength. If you do that, I promise you... you will be unstoppable." Sensei Kreese spoke as the class continued punching.
Syd met his gaze as she punched forward, smirking slightly as she nodded her head to the man. She was done feeling weak. From now on she'd show everyone around her just how strong she was, no matter what it took.
She wasn't going to be scared ever again.
heavy heavy chapter. I don't plan on writing anything else like that with syds dad in the story but if I someday do I will TW in the authors note the chapter before again!
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