005 cafeteria commotion.
( chapter five )
Syd still didn't know what to think when it came to the situation between Sam and Kyler. Knowing both of them, she was much more inclined to believe Sam, but to an extent it didn't matter. Because Yas and Moon didn't believe her, and no one else did.
Sydney had texted Sam later in the night after the car incident to hear her out, getting Sams side of the events. They were in a whole other ballpark to what Kyler had said, but Syd had told Sam that the two of them were good either way.
On her way to the cafeteria, Syd caught sight of Miguel and Eli walking together. She was stopping at her locker, but smiled with a wave at the two as they looked her way. Her small smile only increased as she watched both of them wave back before going back to their conversation.
"Hey!" Syd heard from behind her, turning around to see an arm right next to her head, blocking her in with her locker. "Um, hi... Kyler." Syd responded, looking around to see if anyone around could see what was happening. She felt her heart beat in her chest as she tried to find a way out of this situation as quickly as possible.
Kyler smiled. "So, I've been thinking. Since I'm a free man now, how about you and I take things to the next level?" Syd just felt her body press against the lockers behind her. "No, thank you... um I am not interested. Sorry." Kyler chuckled angrily. "You sure? Because Sam isn't having the best time right now after she rejected me, so, what do you think will happen to you?"
"You know you just admitted you lied to me, right?" Syd questioned, watching as Kyler's face morphed into one of shock for a moment before he went back to his prior demeanor. "Whatever. It's not like anyone will believe you anyways."
Syd just shut her eyes for a moment, hoping he'd leave. "Please, just, leave me alone."
Miguel watched with slight concern from down the hall as it looked like Kyler had Sydney trapped against her locker. He'd only noticed when Eli pointed it out, noting how Kyler moved on quick. "I don't think she's reciprocating anything." Miguel spoke.
"What?" Eli questioned, turning back to watch as the smaller girl squirmed under Kyler's trap. "Someone needs to help her." Miguel nodded, "I'll do it." He began moving towards the two before stopping as he watched Kyler's face get closer to Syds, the girl turning her head away before stepping down on his foot, hard.
Kyler jumped away from Syd and she grabbed her bag fast, shutting her locker before speeding away as quickly as she could from the boy. Syd wiped her eyes fast as she moved past people. "Sydney! Hey, are you okay?" Syd saw Miguel out of the corner of her eye but just brushed past him, going straight for the girls bathroom.
She took a moment to calm her breathing, using a paper towel to wipe any tears out of her eyes. She wasn't going to let Kyler get to her. And so, once she'd calmed down enough, Syd left the bathroom and went into the cafeteria, taking her normal seat at her table next to Yasmine.
"Hey, are you okay?" Moon questioned, grabbing Syds hand in her own when she noticed the red around her friend's eyes. Syd just nodded slightly, trying to smile the best she could. "Yeah, allergies."
Syd watched as Sam walked into the cafeteria, frowning when Yasmine reached across her to put her bag in Sam's usual spot. Syd watched Sam try to sit with Aisha, noting how it didn't seem to go well. She then saw Sam angrily walk up to Kyler, who'd obviously come into the cafeteria without Sydney noticing.
"You think it's funny to spread lies about me?" Sam questioned, crossing her arms as Kyler turned to face her. "What are you talking about? We saw a movie, and that's it. Well, maybe I saw a little bit more than you." Kyler responded, all of his friends laughing behind him. Syd just frowned, noticing how Moon and Yasmine were just as interested to see what would go on between the two.
"Yeah, we heard you got pretty "choked up." Brucks smirked, causing all the guys to laugh again. Sam then threw Kyler's tray on the floor, catching the attention of the rest of the cafeteria.
Kyler turned his attention to everyone. "Hey, guys. You know that billboard with a big-ass dick on it? I guess Sam takes after her dad." Students around oohed and laughed as Syd watched Sam clench her fist. Before the voice of Miguel interrupted, "Hey, Kyler! Why don't you shut the hell up and stop being such an asshole?"
"Want another beatdown, 'Rhea?" Kyler wondered, shoving Miguel. "I'm ready for your lame-ass karate this time." He shoved Miguel again. "It's not lame-ass karate." Miguel responded, blocking Kyler as he went to attack. "It's Cobra Kai."
Miguel punched Kyler in the face, sending him backwards before Kyler ran at Miguel, grabbing his waist and throwing him onto a table. He grabbed the smaller boy again, throwing him across a different table before grabbing him once more and wrapping his arm around Miguel's neck.
Miguel elbowed Kyler in the side, causing the taller boy to let go of his grip and leave an opening for Miguel to punch him in the face. He then spun around, kicking Kyler in the back and sending him straight into a chair.
"No mercy!" Aisha screamed, cluing Syd in on the fact that she was probably learning Cobra Kai as well. She figured it must have been what Miguel tried to get her to join before, and now watching him beat the shit out of Kyler, Syd had a new interest in a second extra curricular activity.
Miguel turned around right as Brucks went for the swing, bending down and sweeping his leg before another one of Kylers friends attacked. Miguel hit him in the stomach, kicking Kyler's last friend in the chest before kicking the one before again and sending him down.
He looked between the four before running, rolling over a table and grabbing a lunch tray, spinning it in his hands. He kicked a chair forward as one of Kyler's friends came at him again, knocking him down before turning around and smacking Kyler with the tray as he tried to come at Miguel again.
He used the tray against all attacks flying his way, hitting the boys in the face and anywhere else to get them away from him. It was insanely impressive, watching one boy take out four. Miguel knocked Brucks to the floor again before noticing Kyler getting back up, using Brucks back as a step as he made his way on top of a table and kicked Kyler again, smacking him in the face with the tray. And this time, none of them got back up.
Students around began to cheer as Miguel stood. He turned around before catching Syds eye, sending her a small nod. The brunette smiled, nodding back and mouthing a thanks, before Miguel turned back around to bask in the applause. Syd even joined in, clapping for the boy as he made eye contact with Sam.
"Hey! Get down from there right now." Counselor Blatt interrupted, pulling Miguel down and ushering him away.
If Miguel could find it in him to fight Kyler using this Cobra Kai thing... what's to say Syd ever had to hope for someone to save her ever again.
It seemed Sydney wasn't the only one interested in learning how to defend herself after watching Miguel fight. The Cobra Kai dojo was filled with prospective students, all looking to learn a thing or two from the man Miguel called his Sensei. Syd felt a bit awkward, not exactly knowing anyone around her. It was the first time in a long time she felt like the odd one out.
"You're Sam's friend, aren't you?" Syd turned around to see Aisha standing beside her, already in a gi. "Uh, yeah. I'm Syd." Syd responded, smiling lightly. "You're the one who got Yasmine to delete the video, right?" Aisha confirmed, curiously. "Uh, yeah I guess. I'm sorry she did it in the first place, it was messed up and never should have seen the light of day."
Aisha smiled a bit, nodding. "Thanks. So, what does a popular girl need with karate?" Syd sighed, biting her lip. "I guess I'm tired of being scared of the assholes. I want to protect myself instead of hoping someone else will." Aisha nodded. "Protecting yourself against people like Kyler?"
Syds eyes widened, not really knowing how to respond. Aisha smiled. "Miguel said he saw Kyler harassing you before lunch at practice yesterday, said you had a mean kick." Syd chuckled lightly. "I guess dancing your whole life gives you strong legs to work with."
"Okay. Today we begin... Quiet!" A man suddenly screamed, silencing the room. Syds eyes widened as she turned to him. "Face front." He directed. Aisha moved to the front with Miguel, Syd turning slightly to find herself standing next to Eli. She sent him a quick smile before turning back to the front.
The man moved through them all, looking from teen to teen. He caught Syds eye for a moment before nodding, his attention moving on. "Nice shirt." He spoke to Demetri, who was on the other side of Eli. "Thanks." Demetri smiled. "I'm joking. It sucks." The man replied instantly and Syd widened her eyes, a bit shocked by the way he was speaking to people.
He walked up to a boy with long hair who just smiled at him. "Word of advice. If you got shit for teeth, don't smile." The boys smile immediately fell as the man continued on. "God, makes me feel like a virgin, just looking at you." He spoke to a younger looking boy in a purple shirt.
"When I look around this dojo, I don't see Cobra Kai material. I see losers, I see nerds. I see a fat kid with a funny hat with his tits popping out. But in my short time as a sensei, I've also seen some miracles. So, maybe there's some hope for you yet. But first, I need to see where you're at. So everybody, fall in!" He spoke and everyone just looked around a bit confused, not exactly knowing where he wanted them to go. He sighed. "That means line up."
Teens began moving to line up behind Aisha and Miguel, still not really getting what he meant. "No, not... not line up in a line. Lines! Get in lines." Syd made a small oh sound, realizing he meant to get in windows. Demetri poked his head out. "You mean like "rows"?" The man put his hands over his face. "Ugh."
Everyone moved to do as the man, who introduced himself as Sensei Lawrence, said before he taught them a few basic terms and motions. "Okay. Fighting positions." Lawrence spoke, watching as all the teens got in their positions.
"Jab punch." He instructed and Syd was just glad to be behind Aisha, watching her wait a moment. "Nope, wait till I say go. Hiyah!" He instructed. Syd punched forward, noting how Aisha was standing and moving as she tried her best to repeat it. "Hiyah!" He spoke again and Syd punched again.
"Hiyah!" They all punched. "Hiyah!" They punched again. He moved towards a smaller boy. "Come on. Stand straight. Plant your feet in there."
"Hiyah!" They punched again. "Are you sure you're right-handed? Hiyah!" Everyone continued me punching as the Sensei made his way back toward the bigger boy he'd called out earlier. "Hiyah!"
"Come on, Tits, you can do better than that. You got weight, use it. Ready? Hiyah! Hiyah! Hiyah!" He found his way back to the front of the room before his eyes fell on Eli. "Hey, Lip. Yeah, you. The one with the freaky lip. Who do you think I'm talking to?"
"Excuse me, uh, Mr. Lawrence." Demetri cut in. "Sensei Lawrence." Aisha corrected. "Okay. You really shouldn't make fun of someone's physical appearance." Demetri continued. "Oh, is that so? So, I'm not supposed to mention his lip at all?" Sensei Lawrence questioned. "Well, yeah." Demetri responded.
The man shook his head. "Maybe that's what they teach you in school, but in the real world, you can't expect people to do what they're supposed to do. Right? You hear that, Lip? If you can't handle someone making fun of you, how are you gonna handle an elbow to the teeth?"
"By calling the police." Demetri replied. Syd just looked at the boy, not understanding how he thought speaking against the instructor was the way to get better. She figured it could have been her ballet training that made her tough to criticism, but all she truly knew was that talking back to an instructor at her studio would get someone kicked out immediately.
"Dude. Knock it off." Miguel sighed. "What? He does realize the Nazis lost the war, right? Why should I be scared of him? Because he's got a snake on his wall? It's not like he's a teacher who can give us a bad grade. We're paying him. He works for us. It's not like he can actually hurt us." Demetri responded.
Syd just watched as Sensei Lawrence moved towards Demetri, the brunette girl taking a few steps away as she watched Eli follow in her direction when Sensei Lawrence made it right up to Demetri. "Are you done?"
"What?" Demetri replied. "Hit me." Sensei Lawrence directed. "Go ahead, hit me. Strike me right here." He pointed to his face. Demetri got in a fighting stance and swung, Sensei Lawrence blocking the weak attempt with ease. "Harder." Demetri lined up again and tried, but Sensei Lawrence just swatted his arm down. "Is that all you got, princess?"
Demetri, growing angry, swung as hard as he could, before Sensei Lawrence stopped him again but this time flipped him around and onto the ground. Everyone gasped as Syd jumped a bit, watching Sensei Lawrence get right over Demetri. "Hiyah!"
He looked around to the rest of the room, pointing at everyone. "Let that be a lesson to all of you." Syd smirked lightly, watching the older man. This was exactly where she needed to be.
yippee new chapter! yippee longer chapter!
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