Chapter 6
Sophie was now shocked for the third time in the day. Keilar would've escaped....if she hadn't bumped into Elwin in the doorway.
He'd came due to all the ruckus in the healing center, and was coming with a few sedative elixirs. He hadn't expected for the so-called elf to have crashed into him. It resulted in all the elixirs to spill onto the girl.
Elwin then saw the condition of his poor healing center.
This is what he found– Mysterious froth-geysers, an open-jawed Sophie, an empty upside-down cot on Alden, broken glass pieces, his scared Bull-horn and a pissed-off Sandor.
Now drenched in sedative serum, Keilar— once again unconscious— lied on the cot she'd somehow thrown at Alden.
"I don't know what happened," she stated, "She'd somehow completely healed from the fading even faster than I could, and had pulled the cot over Alden. Probably by telekinesis? Or something else?"
Well, whatever she did, at least she didn't run away. It would be trouble if she'd ran into the goblins or other elves," Elwin said as he swept the floor. "Good thing I was here on time."
"Anyways, Sophie, I'm here to check on you. How do you feel?" He asked.
"There's one more matter we must address before we close," a man announced, calling the room back to order and waking Keilar from her slumber.
She could feel her senses coming back to normal. She was sitting. On something made of stone. She could feel cold metal on both her hands and could hear the soft clinking of chains to easily know that her hands were bound.
The sounds of a crowd murmured from all around her. Without opening her eyes, she could tell her location easily. Keilar was on some high pedestal, with a row of people in front of her. She shut out the overwhelming wave of numerous emotions all around her. Instead, she used her energy in focusing on the people in front of her. Was she in some court? Possibly. 'Maybe some elvin council,' Keilar joked to herself. 'Possibly judging my crimes of not wearing tights and not being a metre tall.
A man's voice echoed in the hall. It was strong and loud, addressing all in the crowd to quieten down and hear his opinion.
"As you can see, a human girl returned with Ms Foster and Mr Dizznee, something that the other rebel group did not plan for." The man said.
'Disney? The Walt Disney? The dude who made all those princes and princesses??? I want to punch him.' Keilar rambled in her mind. 'Guy teaches that pretty girls must alwaaays wait for their men for protection. I proved that wrong, so I should get a refund! How dare his company charge me 50$ for watching Snow White! I never liked that movie anyway!'
The man stopped talking. Suddenly, Keilar felt an odd pinch of surprise and the feeling of someone (or some people) watching her.
"I said that out loud didn't I?" Keilar whispered and opened her eyes.
The semi-circle of people turned to her.
"Uhm..." the blonde mumbled and looked up, straight at who she thought was the spokesperson or 'leader'. " Hi?"
The audience around her immediately erupted into defiant yells. Keilar lightly groaned to the bright lights and the sudden spike in the mood made her nauseous.
The 'leader'--a dark skinned male with piercing blue eyes, raised his hand and the audience was silenced. The blonde girl looked at the man with narrowed eyes, surprisingly patient for his words.
"Hello. My name is Councillor Emery." He said. The man's voice matched the speaker earlier. "I am the spokesperson for the Elven Council. Now, please introduce yourself."
'Goddamn! I'm right? I am being sued for no tights???'
The girl stared unbelievably at the man for a while. The man was solemn and serious, with no hint of sarcasm in his deep voice. He gave a brave and calm aura, one given out when someone is determined at a task. This man wasn't going to be easy to talk out of. He wasn't lying.
Keilar weighted her options, truth or lie?
After a split-second decision, she chose truth, but she'll hide crucial facts with lies.
What? Privacy is a must!
She spoke with a dry tone, "Keilar. Keilar Olivia. I'm thirteen, from England and was in Paris until I presumably got 'teleported' to whatever Disneyland location this is. I presume that you'll give me an explanation to...this?" She didn't break her gaze and motioned to her binds. "And you'll explain why do I have these things on me again?"
The crowd around her murmured. 'So she does have it! Just like Foster!' She heard someone whisper somewhere below her. She swiftly turned her head to the direction to glance at the speaker. A teenager boy, with messy blonde hair and ice blue eyes yelped and looked down. Twinges of surprise and nervousness came from him, so she refocused on the person in front of her.
"Hmm. Seems Mr. Sencen was right. A rare ability, but it seems you can speak multilingual languages with ease. You're aware of it, I presume?" Said Councillor Emery.
She wanted to retort with 'Yeah, duh.' But instead asked, "So I'm not speaking English right now?"
"You are speaking the Enlightened Language."
"That sounds like something Buddha would say..." mumbled Keilar.
"Okay... so... what does that have to do with you?"
"Keilar, you must already be aware of your current sutiation because of your... actions." He winced when he said the last word, but it disappeared as quickly as it appeared. "You are an elf. You have the ability of a polyglot, and can use telekinesis. You-"
"Stop telling me what I already damn know and skip to the spicy stuff." Keilar cut him off. "And while you're at it, can somebody give me a mint? My breath smells like a sewer and I assume I'll be speaking for a while, so..."
A Councillor with pointy ears and a scowl plastered on his face banged his hands by the armrests of his throne and stood up. "Don't interrupt a councillor while he speaks, little girl!" He yelled.
"Or what? You'll kill me?" Challenged Keilar sarcastically. "Fat chance, Mr. Mad. I've only seen 3 minutes of this place and can tell you don't like violence."
The Councillor sat back in his chair as if he were punched. "Yeah, I know stuff." Sneered the girl.
"This girl cannot possibly be allowed to live here!" He spoke to Councillor Emery. The black man lifted one hand to silence the man and said, "Councillor Bronte. Please refrain from yelling at the girl. She is trying to cope to the mental shock of this revealation."
"Hey!" Keilar yelled. "You do not assume my emotions, okay? So please refrain from doing that, Mr Councillor." She mocked the last sentence like Emery.
Emery sighed. "Keilar, please try to cooperate with us. We're just trying to help you."
Keilar stared at the man again. Then looked behind her. Then looked at him again. "You sure you're talking to me?" Keilar asked doubtfully.
"Yes. You are Keilar, right?"
"Yep. Also, about that elf thingy," she continued," Your reasoning ain't too clear. That doesn't explain why I'm here, and why I wasn't here earlier if I really am an...elf."
"Yes, we were getting to that," he said, "We hadn't known you existed. You weren't missing or gone. You just appeared to us in these recent days. You are a mystery to us. Your existence was never there. Even we were shocked when we realized another elf was hidden in the lost cities."
"However..." he spoke a bit more about similar topics, but Keilar had stopped listening. She blankly stared at the man as it sinked in.
'Ah. So I really aren't significant in this world. My past was right.'
"As much as I love this explanation you're giving, I think it'd suffice to give a shorter speech, please. We all don't want to sit here till noon now, do we?" Keilar interrupted again.
"Keilar. I would appreciate if you did not inter-" began the Councillor, but the blonde cut him off again. "Sir, stop beating around the bust and cut to the chase. I get I'm an elf. I wasn't supposed to exist. You just found out I did. And you're figuring out what to do with me now, correct?"
The Councillor nodded.
"So," she concluded, "You'll put me in some test either now or later to judge me. Or I'm being tested right now."
He nodded again. "Correct. You seem smarter than you look, Ms. Olivia. Try to show that a bit more."
'Aren't I right now?' She wanted to reply, but decided against it.
"Now Keilar, we have looked into your past files in the lost cities," he spoke as he pulled out some papers, "And we saw alot of happening there."
Keilar gulped. Oh boy. They didn't find those files, did they?
Oh well. They'd had found it sooner enough. Might as well now than later.
[A/N: Bit short, since there was a very short amount of interesting events here. Next chapter, some of Keilar's backstory will be revealed. Some only. I don't want to rip the bandage off. I want to take it off inch by inch.]
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