Chapter 7- Keilar
(Forget about the straps and imagine it very frilly)
Chapter-7- Keilar
I opened her eyes. Mnmmm....That was quite a good dream. I think I was dreaming about... beating someone up? I forgot what it was about, but I do know that I took a short nap. I heard a knock at my door. So in three seconds flat, I had made my hair, face and clothes in an okay look, and opened the door. Elwin came in and enquired me about my test. I told him it went good and how my telekinesis was very strong and all.
I actually knew telekinesis because I had accidentally used it on a glass that was six feet away from me. I remember it so well, just like a recorded video. I was reading a magazine when I had absent-mindedly reached out my hand to find nothing there. I was surprised for a second, but then the glass was in my hand and I drank the cool water that resided in it. I hadn't paid attention to the glass flying through the air for six feet before being grabbed by my hands. But because of my photographic memory, I could rewind the moment like a tape to see from the slit of the magazine and flying glass. I was lucky then that no one had seen me.
After that I started practicing the control of telekinesis more and more. I didn't tell anyone about it. I never did it in the orphanage. Only when I went outside to a deserted area would I try to even move a rock from two meters away. I was better at it a lot, which was why I didn't stress when Bronte told me to use telekinesis.
I asked him about Foxfire, and he said that I'll start classes on Monday, and attend the so-called Foxfire Opening Ceremonies. I was told by Elwin that before the new school year begins, the students gather to perform for their families in a musical extravaganza, including a light show, costumed dances for each grade level, showers of edible confetti, and a very special presentation from the elite towers. I has to attend the celebration with Elwin, but not participating in the festivities since I need to start classes a day after the rest of the classes begin.
After hearing all this, Elwin asked if I'd want to see Foxfire as he works there. I replied with a 'Sure.' and here I am, sitting beside Elwin's chair, reading a book about Foxfire. Okay, not actually reading, just seeing the sketches. Strangely whenever I try to read, the words start turning and twisting and jumble in front of my eyes until I cannot make out a word of what's written. But that happens when I read slowly. I can read fast and turn to the next page before the words jumble up. My photographic vision and memory makes it WAY easier to cope up with life. I guess.
*Time skip to Foxfire ceremonies brought to you by Keilar mumbling about karate moves*
Okay I soooooo underestimated this ceremony.
After seeing the entire Foxfire, I witnessed seeing all the preparations done for the opening ceremonies. I had to weave around gnomes poking the ground with thin metal rods. More gnomes were balanced on the roof of the U-shaped main building, draping the crystal walls with garlands of dark green leaves. Each of the six colored towers now bore a banner with a jeweled mosaic of the mascot for that grade level: an onyx gremlin for the Level Ones, a sapphire halcyon for the Level Twos, an amber mastodon for the Level Threes, an emerald dragon for the Level Fours, a ruby saber-toothed tiger for the Level Fives, and a diamond yeti for the Level Sixes.
I'm going to say this again. I underestimated this school. Big time. I'm also glad that I don't need to wear a mastodon suit and dance like an elephant. Mastodons are creatures that are similar to woolly mammoths—but with shorter, stockier bodies and sharper tusks. Yeah, I learned that while *quickly* reading a book on Elvin History that I borrowed from Elwin.
After a few hours, the Ceremonies began. In the night, the glittering Foxfire campus did look cool, even though it felt creepy that the blue sparkling lights decorated on the Foxfire Mascots were worms. I was wearing a strapless, frilled amber colored gown, fading into a dark brown. I was wearing amber shoes with black socks over them. My hair was in my usual, tied by the end by an amber ribbon. I still had my butterfly pins. But the amber-encrusted gown and silky half-cape just ruined the vibe for me. What am I, Superhero Princess, Amber? But the mascots looked much more ridiculous. The gremlins had black noses and furry gloves, and the halcyons had blue feathered arms and red beaks, and the dragons had leathery green bodysuits with spikes running down their backs, and the saber toothed tigers had long red-orange striped tails and pointed white fangs hanging from their hoods, right next to their eyes. But the worst was the yetis in their head-to-toe bushy white fur. And the mastodons... I feel pity for the prodigies who need to dance in those suits, and very thankful that I'd just watch from the side-lines.
The chimes rang, signalling for all to be silent. As the crowd of parents fell silent, the twelve Councillors appeared in all their finery in the center of the courtyard. The crowd erupted with applause— though I noticed that several of the adults around her didn't clap. And each Councillor was flanked by two bodyguards. "Welcome to the beginning of another year at Foxfire!" Councillor Emery announced, raising his arms. "We fully expect this year will be the greatest year the Academy has ever seen—and we look forward to watching all of the greatness unfold."
"We understand things have been a bit . . . uncertain in recent weeks," Councillor Emery continued, almost like he'd heard the murmurings. "And we want to assure you that we are working tirelessly to restore the peace and order we've enjoyed for millennia. Our world has changed—but change is not always a bad thing. When we resolve this situation—and it will be resolved— our world will be stronger, smarter, more prepared for whatever else time may throw our way. Make no mistake that we will endure this unrest, and bring an end to these rebellions." There was a smattering of applause. "We also have some other news, which we suspect you will find most encouraging," Councillor Emery added, his voice booming even louder. "Some of you may have already heard the rumors about the timeline being reset, and we are happy to confirm tonight that the rumors are indeed true. A second alicorn has been discovered—a healthy, magnificent female!" I heard gasps from all around me, though I felt foolish to stand there dumbfounded. 'What's an alicorn?' was the first thing that popped in my head, followed by 'And what do they mean by second?'
"The remarkable creature is currently in the process of being rehabilitated, but we are confident she will be moved to the Sanctuary soon," Councillor Emery continued. "And we will prepare her to bring forth not just a new life for her species, but a new hope for our world. A promise of restoration. A promise of survival." This time the cheering and applause was much louder; I felt the satisfied and relieved waves of emotion, though very light due to distance. Councillor Emery promised an update soon and welcomed them once again to the Opening Ceremonies. "And now," he added, stepping back in line with the other Councillors, "let us celebrate our future." The Councillors flashed away amid more applause. Then another chime sounded and the intricate golden doors to the main auditorium slowly parted, bathing the crowd in the yellow glow from inside. Dame Alina, who I heard was the principal of the school, stepped onto the landing and smiled at the crowd as she smoothed the silky fabric of her elaborate orange cape and gown. She tossed her dark wavy hair and raised her hands to quiet everyone. "Lords and Ladies. Sirs and Madams. Parents and prodigies. As Foxfire's principal it is my great honor to welcome all of you to tonight's festivities. Let the Foxfire Opening Ceremonies begin!"
*Time Skip*
I was directed by a mentor to my seat at the stadium. Elwin had something to do, so he ushered her to go on.
Dame Alina introduced each grade level as they marched into the stadium, and when all six levels were in position, the spotlights focused on the Level Ones. Dame Alina gave a quick speech about the qualities the prodigies would be learning that year, and then the music started—a raspy tune that sounded like it was made of muffled growls—and the Level Ones skulked and somersaulted, moving uncannily, as if they were drunk. For some reason, the audience cheered when they made their final bow, and then it was the Level Twos' turn. The halcyons were better; they flapped and fluttered to a melody of high-pitched chirps. After the halcyons had filed down the stage, Dame Alina started her speech about teamwork and cleverness. Then the pounding, trumpeting song started. I actually spotted the Sophie and the strawberry-blond boy; I still don't know his name. I could tell that Sophie was very clumsy as the poor blonde girl stumbled and made her final series of twirls, nearly losing her footing but managing to stay upright, then dipped an ungraceful curtsy. 'Amazing how she didn't fall on her face.' I mumbled.
The rest of the dances passed in a blur, and then Dame Alina stepped up for the closing remarks. "Foxfire is about more than just a top-notch education. It's about helping our youth find their place in this world. Discovering where they belong. And it is our goal that by the time they complete their studies, they're not only ready to handle whatever life throws at them—but to truly know who they are."
Then white confetti fell down, and everyone was scrambling to collect it. I was collecting the confetti with my hands and eating it simultaneously. By the time I was done, the confetti shower had stopped and the Mentors were herding the prodigies outside to the lawn with the mascot-shaped bushes. I left to find Elwin, but then spotted the huge crowd and mass of prodigies and parents and knew Elwin would be technically impossible to find. Welp, guess it's time to die I thought as I tried to make way through the mass of parents and prodigies, but kept getting bumped and rerouted away. I was more worried that I'd get stepped on due to my pixie-like appearance.
Just then, I spotted Elwin and rushed to him through the crowd. But I was pulled back by someone. The person put something in my right hand and said, "You'll know when to use it." The mysterious person then released me. I opened my curled fist, clutching to the object, to see an intricate and detailed golden pin. It was quite pretty and beautiful. It was decorated with silver tulips, golden roses, pearls, and leaves. There was also a flower that I didn't recognize, crawling and forming the base of the pin. To avoid questions from Elwin, I kept the pin and hid it in the many hidden pockets in my frilled gown.
I rushed to Elwin and was able to light-leap back with Elwin to Splendour plains.
Okay, for all you readers, let's just say that Alden NEVER breaks in the first place. I want Sophie, Fitz, Keefe and Keilar to hit it off and be friends. And QUICKLY, so that I can write the scenes where Keilar is actually getting featured. That also means that Fitz won't be hard or angry at Sophie. I still want Fitz and Sophie to be friends, but not 'friends' friends. I still think that Fitzlar of Kitz will go for the win! And I am leaning on Kitz as the better ship name, you know?
Again, really appreciate the fact that you lovely readers are reading this fanfiction! But did you people realize? This means that Sophie is open to dating anyone else... And we do know a certain mischief maker that loves to tease Sophie... and secretly LoVeS her... Know who I'm talking about? And on that note,
Black → out.
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