Chapter 6- Keilar
"Okay, so what's this entire foxfire level system? I have no clue." Keilar said carelessly. Alden cleared his throat and explained. "This may take a while to remember, but Foxfire has six basic levels, and prodigies must pass both their midterm and final exams in order to progress from one level to the next. Those who complete all six levels and manifest a special ability then qualify to apply for the two additional elite levels—which serve as an excellent stepping-stone into the nobility. The elite levels are separated from the main campus and held in the elite towers. Each grade level, basic and elite, has a mascot, a uniform, and an associated colour."
Keilar just stared at Alden, not taking in a word of what he just said. Alden continued, "Anyways, if we were to put you in foxfire for knowledge, we'd have put you in level one. But since you are too old for that, we'd have to put you in Level four or three. What is your age, again?"
"I turned thirteen two months ago. At least in human numbers...." Keilar mumbled. Alden said, "It may be wiser to put her in Level three, with additional tutoring to catch up with her classmates. She'll be in the age-appropriate class, will be able to study the Elvin culture more-" "You may be right Alden, but who can guarantee if she will be able to catch up? Besides, I heard she was expelled from her human school for this matter, because she didn't study!" Bronte scowled. Obviously, he had regained his angry mood again. Keilar looked down. Yes, she wasn't the smartest in her human school. But only because she always thought that humans were doing things wrong.
Whenever she saw a teacher teaching history, she'd run to the nearest ice-cream shop and bunk school. Whenever her human chemistry teacher taught her about potassium or iodine, she'd not listen and mix it in the cafeteria's mashed potatoes and make children sick. As if that made those stinky potatoes taste better. When others saw beauty in a garden or park, all she saw was bird poop and dried up feathers on the ground. Her fellow orphans said... she wasn't normal. Natural. Fine. That hurt her a lot. Every. Single. Time. And what was worse, she could feel every single person confirming every single suspicion for her. Heck, she could even be a human lie-detector if she wanted to. She always wanted to just... get away from life. From people. From humans. So she stopped trying to catch up with human studies. What Bronte said about not studying; he was completely wrong. The school must have done a very good job to hide what she had done. She instead did a very bad thing that no one would ever had thought of doing, not even gangsters. She instead got herself expelled and got a job and did photography around the world until she met a certain blonde girl and a strawberry-blonde boy in Paris who vanished into the light and landed her in a place where immortality and abilities and powers and noble schools exist. Yup, life's good.
Keilar looked up with a new-found confidence in her. "Yeah. I was expelled. Do I regret it? Sometimes. Take back what I did? Maybe. But regret being an outcast in a human world? NEVER. I'll study, Councillor Bronte, no matter how much I hate it, no matter how much sleepy-eyed I'll become, it doesn't matter. I'd rather study than face being the elf in a human society anyways." she said.
"Okay then. We're done for now, we shall put Keilar in Level 3." Bronte said. "This will be revisited. I'll make sure of it." "When?" said Alden. "We should see how she'll perform at her midterm and final exams, then prepare in advance." and with that the Councillors got up.
After Alden had led the councillors out of the room, Keilar got up to leave, but Fitz caught her hand. She snatched it away in instinct and said, "What?" She regretted saying that as Fitz has a hurt expression on his face that only registered for a second before he continued speaking. "I was just saying... how do you have such good control on your telekinesis? Obviously, you have done this before."
"Well.... Let's just say I may have used it a few times in sports competitions... and games... and to get ice-cream... Okay, I use it a lot. But never like what I did just now." Keilar said leaning back in her chair.
"I can't believe you passed. It looked a little wobbly out there. Do you really have to say a comment after every line?" Fitz said.
"It's how I live! It's in my survival instincts! You can't change me!" Keilar said sarcastically.
"Oh yeah?"
"Then play Base Quest with me."
"Yeah! I'll play with yo- what's base quest?"
Fitz laughed. "Wow, you're just like Sophie aren't you?"
He explained Base quest to her. (This is for all who also don't know how to play base quest.) "So, it's pretty easy to play base quest. One team guards its base. While the other team launches a raid. If the questers made it to the base without getting tagged, they win. Light leaping isn't allowed, but special abilities can be used," Fitz added, looking right at Keilar with a movie-star grin. She felt annoyed and bored by the grin. So the right thing for Keilar was to humiliate him by language. She roasted him again by saying, "Mr LED Eyes, stop grinning like this, eventually I'll embarrass you when you least expect it..." and she walked outside the room to the grounds. She light-leaped to Splendour Plains before starting to giggle and look back to that amazing roast she did.
She climbed the boring rock stairs to the familiar sparkly hall. She opened her door room to her bed. The walls were covered in tiny crystal beads that refracted so many glints of light, the floor and ceiling looked like a hologram. And the bed was piled with dozens of jewel-encrusted pillows. She changed into elvin clothes. She then fell on to her bed face first and chuckled. She then turned so her back was on the bed and her face was looking to the ceiling. Keilar snapped her fingers to turn off the chandeliers, which resulted into transforming the room into a tiny universe. Each fleck of light was now a star, twinkling steadily though the inky darkness. This was Keilar's favourite part of the room. She didn't put any personal touches to the room yet. All that said that Keilar lives here is the rucksack that she has. It was a cute bag, with sequins and cheap buttons and dark blue designs, with an ironic book sticker on the tag of the rucksack. In it lay a few empty plastic files, her camera, memory cards, a wallet with $5000 dollars and a charm that had a swirling dark blue and teal crystal.
Keilar lied on her bed. The sparkles on her ceiling look pretty for the first time.
She can tell she's tired.
I had to work a lot to get such a fitting for Keilar in the Elvin world. Yeah, yeah, there's more suspense in the next chapter and a LOT of spoilers for the next book in this series. Whoops, I told a spoiler. Let me just... Yep, I cut that. Anyways, this next chapter has more pieces to fit in this rewritten version of KOTLC so that Keilar has a significance. Don't worry, Sophie is still the main character here; this is just an OC insert in KOTLC.
Also, I am making ten one-shots that will go through the timeline of Exile and Everblaze. This will happen when I finish the part of Keilar fitting into Foxfire. I kind of want to shoot through these books as nothing special happens with Keilar in these books. Yet. Requests are open for one shot suggestions, but it needs to be between this timeline ONLY. If there are ideas that are between another timeline then I'll write it on my other book Scribbles.
And I'm getting closer to making a Registry File for Keilar. And something else...
Black → out.
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