Keilar said, "Yup. I am. So?" Alden winced and Fitz let out a small groan at how casually Keilar was addressing one of the ancients in the most easy-going tone without a hint of respect. Bronte sneered at her again and continued, "Let's see how good of an empath are you, Keilar. Tell me what I'm feeling." Keilar's stomach dropped. She ALREADY knew what Bronte was feeling. She didn't know if it was natural for empaths to be able to discreet emotions easily. Maybe. Who knows? Not her for sure. So without missing a beat, she let out a breath and said, "Annoyance. Hate. Lot of boringness. Smugness. Shall I go on?" Bronte gasped and Oralie watched Keilar with wide eyes. "Oh! Not annoyance for me I see. Annoyance... for him?" Keilar said and pointed in Kenric's direction. Bronte let out another gasp and Kenric turned as red as his hair. Oralie looked down. Alden broke the awkward silence by saying, "I take it as that being right?"
"How? She never even touched me! Can you feel emotions from a distance?" Bronte questioned. Keilar hesitated for a second, then gave a small nod. "That's brilliant." Bronte said under his breath. "Keilar can also perfectly mimic another elf's voice perfectly." Alden said. Oralie looked up with the unmistakable flush of pink in her cheeks. "You're kidding!" Kenric gasped, recovering from his embarrassment. "At her age? Now that I have to see."
There sure are a lot of people gasping today. Keilar thought as she cleared her throat. She sat up straight and said first in Kenric's voice, "You're kidding!" then in Bronte's voice, "Hello Keilar." and last a very convincing impression of Fitz saying, "I'm a wonderboy! Weeee!" The real Fitz flushed bright red at the last impression. Councillor Kenric let out a laugh, Oralie giggled and Bronte stared at her open-mouthed. But that mouth twisted into a smug smile and Bronte said, "Very well then. Let's see one last thing. Let me see you use telekinesis."
Alden paled. Keilar never TRIED using telekinesis. What could Keilar do? But the real Keilar wasn't stressed at all. Keilar raised her arm and imagined lifting a goblet with an invisible hand. Nothing happened for a second, then the glass floated off the table. Keilar frowned. I can do better than that. So she placed the goblet back and then to Bronte's surprise, lifted the table and all of the chairs with Kenric, Oralie and Bronte still sitting on it, along with Alden and Fitz and herself.
Sweat started to drop from her forehead as she held the table and chairs and the councillors six feet into the air. After about a minute, she landed the table and chairs and councillors back to where they were; as if nothing had happened. A long Silence emitted from the room. Keilar leaned and whispered to Fitz sitting beside her, "Are they dead?"
Then Kenric got up and applauded for Keilar. "Amazing! Outstanding Control!" he said with a big smile. Alden breathed, "Incredible."
"Well, I think I've seen quite enough to make my decision," Bronte said. "I, surprisingly, vote in favor." Kenric said, "I also vote in favor—and you won't convince me otherwise." Keilar held her breath as all eyes turned to Oralie for the final vote. Oralie hadn't said a word the entire time, so Sophie had no idea where she stood. "Give me your hand, Keilar," Oralie said in a voice as fragile and lovely as her face. "Oralie's an Empath, like you." Fitz explained. "She can feel your emotions, usually by touching someone." Keilar extended her hand. Oralie grasped it with a delicate touch. She closed her eyes and giggled a little when her skin made in contact with Keilar's. "I feel a lot of happiness, curiosity and likeliness," Oralie whispered. "But I've never felt such sincerity. And there's something else. Something... hidden beneath these blankets of joy and laughter. I can't quite describe it." She opened her huge, azure eyes and stared at Keilar. "You have my vote." Alden clapped his hands together with a huge grin. "That settles it then."
Bronte frowned. "However, her living quarters are needed to be discussed. And the fact of which level she needs to be put into for Foxfire."
"We have already decided that for now she can live with Elwin. But for the levels, we need to have a discussion." said Kenric.
And so it begins....
Hello fellow readers! Spoiler alert for the next chapter, skip to next paragraph: Obviously, Keilar and Sophie need to be in the same level to interact. This is going to be hard, since Keilar is not the very smartest in human world, how'd she skip two levels in Foxfire? For that, I need to read more of the details given in Book 1 and Unlocked to know what to do. This WILL take time, of course.
Anyways, around 25-30 readers have seen this story. *fake sniffs* Thank you SOOO much! It feels good for someone to know I have TALENT. You may need to wait a while for the next chapter, since I'll be twisting the real plot of the story so much so that it fits my character and my OC doesn't look exactly like Sophie. Also, I kinda ship Sokeefe, so I was thinking of Kitz or Fitzlar as a ship name for Keilar and Fitz. (Yup, I'm shipping them!) I mean, I KNOW that Sophie and Fiz are supposed to be together or something... but since this is my fanfiction, I'll tweak the circumstances just till the world falls apart.
So before that happens, Black → out.
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