Chapter 3-Keilar
Chapter 3- Keilar
Welcome to Splendor Plains!" Elwin the Physician said as the scenery glittered into focus and I turned to study the sprawling mansion in front of us, which somehow managed to be both super colourful and really, really boring. The walls were floor-to-ceiling windows, and each pane was a different shade of glass, arranged in vibrant, alternating patterns of the light spectrum. But the architecture itself was pretty basic.
Flat roof.
Square rooms stacked on top of each other.
Lots of sharp angles.
Even the wide, straight flight of stairs that Elwin led them up was made of dull, square stones. And the door was a simple sliding sheet of glass. Inside, the huge main room was almost entirely empty. The only furniture was a swivelling white armchair and a small, round table, both arranged precisely in the center.
"This may not have been what you've been expecting-"
"Do I have my own room?"
He was taken aback by my question. I just want my own room and it to be a quiet spot, else I have no complaints with a dull, boring house as much as a bright, sparkling house.
"Me. My own room. Like a quiet space."
"Oh! Yes, you will have lots of quiet space here, and you will be very much surprised by what you see." Elwin said to me.
He set his pet down so that the animal would duck down a go wherever it lived. "I'm guessing somewhere over here there's going to be a sparkle overload?" I said. I took my things up the stairs. Then I called down to him, "THERE'S THE SPARKLE OVERLOAD!!" When I had reached the top of the stairs, I found myself in a hall where the windows were draped with crystal-beaded curtains and the doors were each positioned near fancy chandeliers. And there was so much... sparkling and glittering and light that I had to steady myself before calling down to him. Elwin came up and said, "Yeah, the bottom level is my quiet space, so I kept things simpler. But up here is where I live." He pushed open the first door, revealing a room packed with so many stuffed animals, I almost wanted to swan-dive into them and drown in fuzzy snuggles. "This is my Emotional Support Stuffed Animal collection. Over here, some elves have adopted some of them for Emotional Support. There was a red dragon, now named Mr Snuggles, who sat right there," He pointed to an empty space, "Here was a Mrs Stinkbottom," He pointed to another space, "And over here," He picked up something that resembled a colourful dinosaur, "Is Stinky the Stegosaurus."
I blinked. Then I said, "Can I have any of these animals? You know, for the time being?" as I eyed a shimmering, silver bird. Elwin said, "Of course Keilar. Take any of these as you want. Also," he pointed to the bird, "That's a moonlark."
I smiled. Elwin was one of the first people I now trusted in this weird place. He's an elvin physician of the Foxfire school. He was the one who checked me up and gave me all the medicines to strengthen my physique and stabilize my body. I looked down to my frock; light blue with plenty of sparkles. I was also wearing black boots decored with a single mauve jewel on each boot. I was wearing a light blue necklace shaped like a butterfly; with butterfly pins in gold and silver holding my front hair back. My hair was open and very messy with knots hidden behind curtains of hair. Elwin had took me shopping for clothes. I didn't get too much; just enough to blend in to the sparkly unicorn-y world of glitter.
"Sooooo.... What's with all the glitter and the elvin history and everything?" I asked. Elwin said, "Yes, It's a very looooonnng history that we have. So whatever you learned in your human school, forget it. I'll give you some tim-"
"Let me check."
"Yep, Done."
"Well, um- okay then...." stammered Elwin. He must be taken aback from me forgetting all of the things I learned at school. Not that it was of much use anyway after I got kicked out. Sure, I know basic things that writing and speaking, but I have a really bad memory. I would have been expelled much earlier if I hadn't used my excuse that I have "Dyslexia", which makes me... forget things? Or was it confuse them? I don't know, I forgot all that I learned at school. And yes, I'm not joking. I literally forgot all that I learned at school.
Elwin continued, "Now the Elwin history is very long, so I do not want any interruptions in between the speech, okay?"
I said, "Sure."
And then the very looonnnng elwin history class began.
Heyyy Guysss! Sorry for the short chapter and not updating for a few days. I have been smacked between doing my schoolwork and my *other* classes, (as if I'll tell you what those classes are!) and sketching. I also have been travelling for the past weeks, so most of the time I have to write in a phone! So pleeeaaasssee be patient with my updates!
Here are this chapter's illustrations:
*Last image is cover for upcoming book of Shannon Messenger, Stellarlune. I looovvve it! Don't you?*
Okay. That means Black → out.
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