Chapter 11- Fitz and Keilar
Chapter 11- Fitz and Keilar
Hello people! This is Fitz's view on the interrogation, and you will see a small glimpse of Keilar's true power. ALSO, a very flustered Fitz ahead! Sorry if he'll seem out of character, but I'm just not used to writing about Ritz Savory Cracker!
Original reference photo:
I blanked out when Elwin asked that. I glanced at Keilar, hoping she wouldn't able to feel my emotions. I tried hard to remember the details as I got a flashback of the events witnessed two minutes ago.
Keilar had held her hand to probably push the splotcher. I held mine out too. Sir Caton said, "Splotch!" And I pushed the splitter as hard as I could in my mind. But it didn't move at all. I glanced at Keilar, who still had her hand held out. She didn't look like she was trying too hard, but her hand was slightly shaking. Then out of nowhere, small purple veins appeared at her neck and her eyes turned dark. She sent me a chilling smile that sent shivers to my bone. I didn't have enough mental energy anymore to push the splotcher. She said something in another language, but it sounded like: Is that all you got?
She opened her other hand, and her eye colour changed slightly from grey-blue to purple. The splitter came at a rapid speed towards me and hit me in the stomach, which sent me flying into the walls. This reminds me of last year, I thought as I sank into unconsciousness. But the last thing I saw was the purple veins withdrawing and Keilar falling as if she was unconscious while standing. And the the entire world fell black. But that cold stare and menacing smile was the thing that haunted me in my sleep.
I stuttered, "N-no. N-nothing at a-all." I don't think that conviced Keilar. I think I convinced Elwin, because he said, "Hmm... Well, you should get to your sessions now, you may get late." I practically jumped off the bed. "Wait Keilar!" Elwin yelled. Keilar turned around. "You won, and your prize is a pardon for any punishment. I thought I should tell you that." He said. Keilar nodded.
I was walking with Keilar to my next session when Keilar pinned me to the wall. I was startled by the sudden attack that I didn't have time to react. I tried to struggle from Keilar's firm grip on my hands. She asked me, "What did you see?" And for a split second I didn't know what she was talking about. Then I remembered that Keilar could feel all emotions much stronger that she didn't even need to try to sense the exact feeling. She must have sensed me lying, so I lied again, "Nothing! I already told you that I didn't see anything!"
"Oh please! I could feel you lying from a mile away! Literally!"
"Oh come on, let me go!"
I struggled and tried to break free of her grasp. But she didn't budge. She smiled calmly and said, "Okay". But then she let go and instead held me by her telekinesis. Now this was just getting ridiculous. She laughed and started recording me with what looked like a human camera. I blushed hot red as she recorded me with the camera she pulled out of literally nowhere. She said that this humiliation would just stop if I just told the truth. So I did. Kind of.
Some parts of it I didn't tell her, like the purple veins and the dark stare. I didn't want to worry the pixie-like girl.
After that, she was in deep thought for about ten seconds. She said, "Hmm... thank you." And then she kissed me on the cheek and ran away. She let go of the telekinetic grasp on me and I fell on the floor with a thump. By the time I looked up, she was gone.
I flushed a little red and ran in the other direction too. I reached my session in time. I may had flushed too red, because my mentor asked me, "Fitz, you look very red and feel hot. Are you sick?"
It was my first kiss. It tasted like... like mint and chocolate. And it was satisfying, like the kind you want again. But it ended quickly, and Keilar ran away. I saw the red in her cheeks as she let go of her telekinetic grasp on me. I landed on the floor with a thump. I got up and walked in the other direction, trying extremely hard to forget that. But I couldn't. I never realized it, but... maybe I like her.
Okay, not the normal like, but the 'like' like. Anytime I'm near her, I feel a weight on my shoulders lifted. My heart starts pounding and my cheeks turn red and I feel flustered. Very. I'm good at hiding it, but not too good with Keilar.
And... now I don't know what I should tell her. Should I tell her that I like her? Should I ask if she actually likes me back? Should, Should, Should, Should.... (Sound Familiar?)
I leapt back home, still puzzling over that kiss.
When I reached, I said a quick Hi to Elwin before disappearing to my room. I grabbed my moonlark stuffed animal and hugged it so tightly that I thought it's neck stiching would come off. Then I jumped on the bed belly first, winding when I hit the bed hard. I held my animal at arm's length in front of me and stared into its big sparkly eyes.
Man, how my world has changed. I thought. The I heard that voice in my mind again. (True dat.) It said. And this time, I didn't even bother to argue.
Because it's true. Almost two months ago I was in Paris, clicking photos of what I thought was a beautiful Eiffel tower. I was poor, a thief and some-what selfish. Now, I live in a place where abilities, powers, and rebel groups exist. I didn't have anyone to love for, I was always solo. It wouldn't even matter if I died then; no one even knew I existed. But now it does. Because I have friends and a love and a guardian and adults who would maybe hold a funeral for me if I died. And that's a comforting thought, to have myself be known. It's much better than my human life.
But teenage life is even more complicated, I realize. I didn't have to worry about it in the past; I was already mature enough to be an adult. But I'm not the living lie- detector or the badass expelled student or the careless prankster in this weird Elvin world. No, I'm the elf who's better off in Level two, who got detention on the first day of the elite school, and who kissed the boy that every girl would want to kiss. And now... what?
What to do now? What do I say to Fitz? That I like him? That this is happening too fast? Did he kiss me because I kissed him on the cheek and he misunderstood? I did that to say thanks, but I'm not extremely segmental against that kiss. Oh god, why the fuck is stuff like this so complicated??
I leaped to Everglen, where I was greeted by my mom and my sister Biana. My heart still hadn't recovered from that kiss; it was still thumping. I said Hi to my mom, made small talk about today, and everything was going quite with my mom and me until Biana joined in.
"So Keilar, the new girl, had held out her hand and I couldn't push it-"
"Oh the new girl! Righhhtttt......" Biana sighed and jumped on the seat beside Fitz.
"What do you want?" Fitz said annoyingly.
"Nothing.... Mom, did you know that Fitz got knocked out into the wall and went unconscious like last year to this new girl?"
Fitz blushed as he flashed back to that moment.
"And did you know that he was in Elwin's healing center for five minutes before his session started but almost came late?"
Fitz's cheeks turned red in embarassment. "How do you know tha-"
"And did you also know that he was with Keilar when he was in the center and they had a brief ta-"
Fitz's face was now hot red as he grabbed his sister's shoulder from saying anything else. He took her upstairs to have a brief chat, leaving Della confused. He took Biana in one of the guest rooms before checking if the coast was clear. Then he interrogated her.
"What do you know Biana?"
"That you kissed Keilar in liplock mode before leaping home."
The word 'liplock' caused Fitz to turn red in anger and embarrassment as he interrogated her more. "How did you know that?" He asked her.
"Because I had stayed behind for a moment to see what chatting you were doing. Then she looked confused and then you kissed her. I didn't see after that, since I was grossed and creeped out at the same time; I blocked my eyes and leaped away. But I filled in the blanks when your cheeks were still red and tried to avoid a specific topic with mom."
Fitz stared at her sheepishly. Then he said to Biana, "PLEASE don't tell mom and dad or anyone else. PLEASE."
"Oh yeah? Or else?"
"Else I'll spread the rumour to Keefe and the others that you're in love with Dex. Your secret will go out."
Biana gasped in shock. "You wouldn't!"
"Believe me. I would. And Keefe can spread rumours pretty good." They both glared at each other before Biana sighed and said, "Fine. I won't tell anyone." Fitz smirked and was about to leave the room when she added, "But don't think I won't pester you about this love-thing going on between you and Keilar!" He grunted and left Biana alone.
And...done! No people, not the story! No, from now on you are eligible to add suggestions on one-shots with the entire gang + Keilar! Kitz has been official since last chapter, but I guess this is most likely the first chapter that actually has ♡RoMaNcE♡.
I'm saying that until the suggestions do not come until 10th July, this story is on hiatus. But even if there are no suggestions after that then I'll have to make my own one-shots in the story.
Also, tried my best to write a kissing scene. Not my fault if you cringe on it; I never wrote a kissing scene! And I drew that last drawing... how is it?? I don't think I got the jaw right....
So now Black⚫ → out.⚪
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