Part 2 found out
No one pov
Rae and xylo have been going going on and having dates and hanging out and been helping with each other and been doing other stuff that involve kissing and hugging and holding each other while gazing into there eyes and sometimes blush
Rae pov
It's been 5 weeks ever since me and xylo got together and he makes me happy when he is with me and when im with him and i always see the necklace he gave me glows and today we are going on a date and i brushed my hair and put on a nice red and black fade dress and get ready for our date.
No one pov
As Rae is getting ready,in pack heaven xylo is also getting ready but he is secretly doing it because he is afraid what Mario the alpha and everyone else would think that he is dating a witch so as he finishes up he gets out of his cabin and walks to the back entrance of pack heaven and doesn't know that Mario spot him.
Mario pov
As i was walking around in pack heaven i noticed xylo the omega was walking out of his cabin and going to the back entrance looking suspicious and been noticing him doing that a lot in the past few weeks and so i decided to bring Relena and Bryan to see what is going on.
No one pov
They follow xylo and hide whenever he turns around and check if he is not followed and yet he is and he continues to walk and stopped at the witch tower Mario and the others were confused of why he is the witch tower
Xylo pov
As i waited i then saw rae come downstairs and wearing a beautiful dress "Hey Rae rae" i said "hey how's my puppy" she replied as she pets me and my tail wags and i smiled "ready to go" i asked "yes" she answered and we took a walk at the beautiful night sky as the stars glimmer and then stopped as we went to a village and good thing Rae put a spell to have the villagers see us as humans and we went into a restaurant and sat down in a table and ordered our food and drink a little bit i drank some water and she drink some (you guys can guess what rae is drinking) then our food came and we eat then after a little bit we finished and i pay for the food and we left the restaurant and walked.
Relena pov
I didn't know what was going on and what is xylo doing with that witch and that Rae called him "her puppy" and i also see that he is wearing a collar i was wondering what is going on and me and Mario and Bryan continue to follow them and saw them stop at a clear field with some flowers and some fireflies "Xylo...." Rae said "yah what's wrong?" Xylo asked "can i see you without your eyepatch?" Rae asked.
Bryan pov
I didn't know what was going on and im confused from this as ever.
Mario pov
I see that Xylo was silent and to be honest i never seen him without his eyepatch then i see he taking it off and then he opened his eye and showed he had a big scar and that his eye is white i was a bit stunned by how deep his scar is and that his eye is white "oh did your get that scar.." Rae asked sounded concerned "well i got this scar when i was a pup i was really stupid i was wondering around the forest and i was attack by some werewolf hunters and gave me this scar then i was saved by a young vampire and killed the hunters" he said "what was the vampire name" Rae asked "the vampire was Mitch" Xylo answered and i was surprised same with Relena and Bryan that he knew Mitch the leader of the vampires "yah...he saved me but then run away before i thanked him and then i want back to pack heaven and as time went by i didn't listen to Mario heck i used to be exiled by him when i wouldn't reveal the vampires secret blood vault and he named me a feral and maybe i am ever sense the blood moon there was one time when i was defending pack heaven from some creatures and then the blood moon took effect on me and everything went red and then when i woke up i was a bit horrified when i had a piece of werewolf flesh in my hand and felt some werewolf blood in my mouth so i decided to not tell anyone and i still kept it and haven't told alpha about it and he still doesn't know" Xylo said with sadness and i was stunned hearing about this then i saw his ears go down and said "im just a pathetic excuse of a werewolf im not as strong as alpha or smart as Relena or quick as Bryan im just a pathetic omega.." some tears fell down his face.
Rae pov
I was angry at xylo's alpha was not noticing this and just wanted to put a curse on him and i wipe his tears off his face "shh shh it's ok and listen you are not a pathetic werewolf you are strong and smart and kind and caring i think you are a great werewolf and im happy that im with you" i put my hand on the side of his face and he sighed softly and put his hand on mine and smiled then i decided to use my magic on his eye and then it glows and suddenly he now has 2 beautiful purple eyes and the scar is healed but still there i saw xylo being silent for a little then he grab my waste and swing me around happy and put me down and said "thank you" i smiled that he is happy and i said "of course my sweet puppy" and as we looked at each other and were about to kiss when then heard a shout "Xylo!" and we looked over and saw Mario i hid behind xylo and he kept me close to him.
Mario pov
"What is going on and why are you wearing a collar?!" I shouted as i looked at them and seeing Rae is hiding behind xylo and seeing xylo has both purple eyes and they glow.
This is awesome i love doing this also give me requests for me to continue this
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