AN: Part two of The Ship Sunk...
Devin sighed as he curled up by the sacred tree, glad that no one else was home right now. His wings were wrapped around himself as he struggled not to cry. Not that he deserved to. He had no right to cry when everything was his fault. Nobody's fault but his own.
Back before the true alphas had come into their lives, Devin had had the biggest crush on his bandmate. He had never told her as he was too shy to do it. Not to mention she never seemed to be interested in anybody so he didn't have to worry about anyone taking her from him. And then they came. The true alphas Rian and Austin.
That's when things got complicated.
When they came, he felt started feeling a twinge of something whenever he saw Rian. He didn't know exactly what it was but he had an idea of what it could be. At the same time, he loved Bri, and that wasn't going to change, he loved her more than anybody.
Then he discovered something. A single action caused him to find out that Rian was a shipper of sorts... and that he liked him. At the time, Devin hadn't known how to take it. But he had known one thing. He couldn't be with Rian when his heart loved someone else. It wouldn't be fair.
Now he wished he had done something different.
The other day, he had seen Bri kissing Austin and he knew right then and there, that he had lost. You could tell just by looking at the two how much they cared for each other. He hadn't been expecting it. Even after Austin revealed his own feelings for the female, he thought he might have a chance with her. But... Austin had won. And he had lost.
He had spent a long time crying in his room after that, not knowing what else to do.
After crying for a while at home, he had tried to come up with some positives. But all he came up with were things that just wouldn't work in the long run. He had decided to go to Ashborne to clear his head a little, which would be easy to do considering everyone was out doing stuff so he'd be alone.
Turns out, that was a bad idea. It seemed the second that he landed on the sacred tree and got down to thinking was the moment in which he started thinking about Rian. With his stupid bandanna and those red eyes that seemed to stare into his soul. The way he acted...
It was then that he realized that he cared about Rian like he cared about Bri. Maybe before he had loved her more, but now he realized that he cared about him just as much.
The worst part was the fact that he had rejected Rian.
He was so stupid. That was two people. Two people. That he loved. That he couldn't have. Cause of himself. He did this. He never made a move with Bri. He had rejected Rian. And now? Now he was stuck with the consequences of loving two people when neither would love him back.
As caught up in his thoughts as he was, he didn't notice as someone else entered the scene. He didn't even hear the crunch of the leaves as someone walked up from the other side of the tree. And he didn't hear them as his sighs started to turn into actual tears.
Then suddenly, he felt a hand on his wing and he looked up startled as he unwrapped his wings from around himself. His wings went right back in place when he saw who it was, however.
"Devin? Are you ok?" He heard Rian ask, touching his wing again, but he couldn't respond as he felt more tears gathering. "Devin answer me."
"I... I'm just... so stupid..." He felt the hand against his wing stiffen.
"You're not stupid." He shook his head, he was, he was so dumb. Then Rian asked. "Who called you that?"
"No one called me that, I'm j-just so dumb." Devin told him.
Suddenly, he felt Rian pulling his wings out from where they were tucked around his body. He yelped in surprise even as Rian got right up in his face.
"You're not dumb and I don't want to hear you call yourself that again." Rian said in a tone of voice that didn't allow for argument.
"Don't argue with me." Rian told him sternly.
"What makes you think you're dumb?" Rian demanded to know and Devin knew he couldn't answer so he stayed silent. That didn't work so well as he felt Rian take ahold of his chin and turn his face so that he had to look at him. "Devin, answer me."
"N-no." He said trying to get out of Rian's grip, but the true alpha wouldn't let go of him.
"Devin tell me."
"I c-can't." He couldn't tell him.
"Cause I did some stupid stuff and now its too late to fix any of it." Rian stared at him for a moment before asking. "What did you do that you can't fix?"
Devin was silent again.
"I rejected you." Rian's eyes went wide as he could only stare at Devin in shock.
"I-I- what? Are you-? What? I- Huh?" Rian's confusion was obvious but Devin could only cover his head with his wings as tears gathered in his eyes once more. "You said that you didn't feel the same-"
Devin stayed silent until Rian pushed his wings away once more to see his face.
"Please explain." The true alpha begged of him.
"I-I... I fell in love with two people." Rian stared at him as he continued. "I thought she was- but she loves someone else, and then I rejected you and- god I'm an idiot, I'm just gonna go-"
Before Devin could even attempt to fly away, Rian had grabbed his arm and it was clear that he wasn't going to let the incubus go. He pulled Devin back down to his level and told him. "I said I didn't want to hear you call yourself an idiot again."
Devin could only look away as tears continued to gather in his eyes. Rian sighed and then he said. "You know how you said that you couldn't fix your mistakes? That it was 'too late'?"
"I-" Before Devin could finish speaking, Rian pulled him forward and kissed him, shocking him. "Well lucky for you, I didn't completely give up."
AN: Alright, remember if you have any suggestions, leave them down in the comment section below, while I may not get to them right away, I will do them eventually. I also accept ship requests (though if you have a ship request, try and give me a scenario as well, it makes it easier) so if you have any leave them down there too! Alright, have a nice night/morning/afternoon (whatever time zone you are in)!
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