Hiding a Broken Wing
AN: This one-shot was suggested by WelshKitsune
Devin winced as he brushed his wing against the side of the entrance to Ashborne. The other day he had had a bit of an accident while flying and had hurt his wing a little bit. Of course, it was nothing he couldn't handle on his own but it did hurt a little bit *cough* a lot *cough* when he brushed it against things or tried flapping it.
Walking in, he was not surprised to see his boyfriend and Austin arguing once more as Bri and Blythe watched them in amusement. They always got into stupid arguments so why would today be any different. He pulled out his sword and stuck it in between them as he always did.
The two true alphas broke apart with a grumble before Rian walked up to Devin and put his arms around his waist. He got a tiny frown on his face upon realizing that Devin had winced slightly at his hand brushing against his wing. He decided to leave it for now but he would keep a close eye on his Incubus.
The true alpha pack then got into business. They discussed things such as: what they wanted to do next, what Blythe had been doing since he was never around too much, song ideas, current relationships (Blythe was curious to see if Ari had become an official thing yet), etc, etc. As they talked, they moved around, especially Austin and Rian considering they got into play fights about almost everything. Normally, Devin would fly up and watch these little play fights from above but that was a little impossible right now.
Everything was fine though until Austin and Rian started chasing each other around the clearing. They were going around the sacred tree, jumping over houses, heck they even fell in the pool once. And then they started weaving their way in between him, Bri, and Blythe. It was fine at first, cause they only dodged in front of him, not even getting close to his wings, but then Austin managed to get close enough to Rian to push him forward, straight into Devin, knocking them both over.
The second his wings hit the ground, Devin couldn't hold back a scream of pain. Everyone stopped dead, especially Rian, as they stared at him with wide eyes. Rian quickly scrambled off of Devin before asking. "Dev? You alright, love?"
Devin sat up a little shaky but he nodded, trying not to worry them. Even if his wing was throbbing with even more pain than before. "I must have landed on my wing wrong or something."
All four looked at him disbelievingly, especially Rian, but they didn't say anything. Instead, Rian turned to the others and sent them a look. The other three quickly got the memo and, after one last concerned glance at Devin, they left. Rian then turned back to Devin.
"Don't you think for a second that I bought your lie of landing on your wing wrong." Devin looked away as Rian said this. He should've known his boyfriend could tell when he was lying. He felt a hand on his chin and looked up into Rian's dark eyes that held both concern and love within them. "Please tell me what's wrong."
Devin sighed, knowing he couldn't lie anymore even as he turned his back to show his boyfriend his wings. "I hurt my wing the other day when I was flying. I didn't think it was that bad, so I didn't tell you..."
Rian was silent but a moment later he felt the gentle touch of his boyfriend's hands on his right wing and hissed. Rian shushed him gently as he continued looking at the wing before he ran his fingers over the other's back.
"You really did a number on yourself, love, your wing is definitely broken," Rian told him gently and he turned to his boyfriend in shock. "Broken? I didn't think I had hurt it that bad!"
To prove his point, Rian put his hand back on Devin's wing and pressed lightly. Devin let out another cry of pain, making Rian stop immediately and press a kiss to the wing.
"You definitely broke it." Rian told him before adding. "We should probably get that fixed up."
"How? It's not like we can go to a hospital. Unless they're in hell, which I couldn't fly to anyway with my wing like this, they're not going to accept an Incubus." Devin bit his lip in concern.
"Don't worry, my love, I know how to set broken bones. Had to do it a few times considering Austin can be clumsy at times and its not like we had access to hospitals either as true alphas." Rian reassured him before asking him to turn around. While reluctant, Devin did so after a moment and allowed the true alpha to do his thing.
"Now this'll hurt but I promise you it's for the best." Rian told him and Devin nodded as he braced himself. Rian put his hands on his wing before bringing the wing out so that it was flat against his palms. This caused Devin to let out another scream of pain but both understood that this needed to be done. Taking a couple long pieces of wood, Rian placed them against both sides of the wing before wrapping a cloth around them to keep them in place.
Upon finishing up, Rian pulled him into his lap, careful of the now splinted wing, and kissed his cheek. Devin smiled at him as he cuddled close to his true alpha. The two of them cuddled for a while before eventually falling asleep, which is how the others found them, all three smiling at the cute sight the couple made.
AN: Alright, remember if you have any suggestions, leave them down in the comment section below, while I may not get to them right away, I will do them eventually. I also accept ship requests (though if you have a ship request, try and give me a scenario as well, it makes it easier) so if you have any leave them down there too! Alright, have a nice night/morning/afternoon (whatever time zone you are in)!
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