A Little Bean and a Burning Tree
Brandon coughed as he ran from the burning tree he had called home. The smoke from the fire burned his lungs and caused his eyes to water as he ran. He would have flown however when the tree had started to catch fire, it had blocked off his flight path, leaving him with no other choice than to go by foot or risk having his wings burnt off.
He was almost off the tree when, suddenly, the wood underneath him gave away and he fell into the tree.
"Ow..." He rubbed his head where he had hit it, a solid lump forming underneath his hand. He looked up where he had fallen from and saw the fire still raging above him. He had to get out.
But just as Brandon spread his wings to fly out of the hole he had fallen into, he heard a light cooing sound. He would have ignored it but then he heard it again. He looked around but, at first, he didn't see anything, then he heard a soft coo coming from his feet.
Looking down, he saw something rather... interesting. He had never seen anything like it before. It was half green and half gray, with one blue eye and one red eye. Not to mention it was really tiny. The little... whatever it was cooed up at him sadly.
Brandon's heart broke seeing it coo at him while the tree, which was probably its home as well, burned around them. Stooping down, he picked up the little thing before he began to beat his wings. Just as he managed to escape the place he had fallen, a branch crashed into the hole. If he or the little thing had stayed even a moment longer, they would have been crushed.
Luckily for him, the branch falling also created an opening for him to fly through with the little whatever it was still in his arms. He quickly escaped flying a good distance away from the burning tree before stopping to rest.
Upon stopping, he looked down at the little being in his arms, only to be surprised to see that it had... changed. While before it was half green and half gray, the gray half was spreading, covering the little being's entire body. What was going on?
He heard a large crash in the distance and looked up. That was when he realized that he could no longer see his tree. It was gone. His home was gone. Looking down, Brandon saw that the little being was entirely gray now and that it's one blue eye was now red like the other. It cooed sadly up at him, making his eyes soften.
"Looks like we both lost our home, little one." He said to the little being quietly as it continued to coo up at him. Looking at those tiny red eyes, Brandon came to a decision. "Would you like to look for a new home together?"
The being stopped cooing for a second before seeming to make a nod like gesture. Brandon smiled even as he got ready to fly once more. As he flew off, he came to a different decision.
"I think I'll call you... Bean."
AN: Ok so I'm gonna explain this real quick for those of you who may not understand what I was going for. In this, Bean was a little tree spirit that used to live in Brandon's tree. When the tree caught fire and died, it turned gray to symbolize that.
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