"Okay, now let go with the other hand... slowly... slowly..." Ahsoka steadied herself, keeping her arms out to the side for balance. "This is so cool!" she shrieked, swaying slightly as she stood on Fives's shoulders.
"Think you can make the jump?"
"Without a doubt," she replied.
"Are you sure that this is a good idea, Commander?" Rex asked, nervously standing where she had told him to.
"It'll be fun!" she insisted. "Okay Rex, when I say duck, lower your head and I'll land on your shoulders. Ready?"
"Not really," he muttered under his breath.
"Alright, Fives, lean down a bit... count me down, will you?" Fives nodded, bending his knees a bit.
"JUMPING IN 3... 2... 1!" he shouted dramatically.
"DUCK, REX!" Ahsoka yelled, pushing off of Fives's armor. Rex's blond head dipped, and her feet landed skillfully on his shoulders. "Whoa!" She slipped backwards, covered her head, and prepared to make contact with the ground.
However, she was grabbed by her waist, and lowered more slowly.
"You're welcome," Anakin said, smirking.
"Master! I had it all under control! I-"
"Um, no. You were about to fall, and I caught you. You're welcome," he repeated, grinning once again. Ahsoka rolled her eyes.
"Thank you," she replied, mocking his tone. "I'm going to try it again," she stated, running forward and hopping up onto Fives's back.
"No," Rex replied. "I'm not doing that again."
Anakin chuckled and crossed his arms.
"Snips, we've got to get back to our quarters," he told her as she sadly climbed off of her friend.
"Because we have a mission tomorrow, remember?"
"It's okay, I'll sleep later," she said nonchalantly, crossing her arms to mimic her master. He rolled his eyes and gave her his best 'really?' look.
"C'mon, we're going now." He took a few steps forward, placed both hands on her shoulders, and began to guide her away from the clones.
"If you don't let me stay, I'll tell them about where I found you sneaking out of the other night," she whispered.
"You would not."
"Hey, boys! Did you know that-" her words were muffled as Anakin's flesh hand covered her mouth. She stuck out her tongue.
"EW, AHSOKA, DID YOU JUST LICK MY HAND?!" he exclaimed, wiping his palm off on his robes as Ahsoka fell to the ground in a fit of laughter.
"Goodnight!" she called to the clones, giggling as Anakin slung her over his shoulder, cursing about how he was going to get her back for that.
Based off of my interactions with my own siblings lol
Have a great day! Leave ideas if ya want!
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