This request comes from Graysonismysexuality and I (once again) can't remember if I already named a chapter this, and I am far too lazy to check ✌🏼
"I'm not answering that question," Anakin muttered.
"Come on, you have to have a favorite," Ahsoka insisted, jogging to keep up with her Master's long strides; he often forgot how little her legs were in comparison to his.
"Do you?" he retorted. Ahsoka opened her mouth, stuttering as he raised his eyebrows at her.
"- it's just-"
Ahsoka glared at him as he laughed at her scrunched-up face. She rolled her eyes as he squeezed her shoulder, ducking out of his grasp.
"I don't know them all well enough yet," she stated, crossing her arms defiantly.
"Well, I do," Anakin replied, mimicking her form, "and I still don't have a favorite trooper."
They stopped in front of the doors. As Anakin reached forward to swipe his access card, Ahsoka grabbed his arm.
"Ummm, yes?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at the smirk on her face.
"I know it's Rex," she whispered. Anakin just rolled his eyes, shaking her hand off of him.
"Whatever," he muttered, a smile tugging at his lips.
"General, Commander," Rex greeted as they entered the sparring room. Blue and white mats lined the floor of the vast space, mimicking the colors of the 501st's armor (though most of them were just wearing their blacks at the moment).
"Rex," Anakin said with a nod.
"Hey, Rexter. Did you know that you're Skyguy's favorite trooper?" she asked, her smile widening as she watched Anakin's face go red at the use of the nickname.
"No, I did not," Rex replied, smirking as Anakin clamped a hand over his Padawan's mouth.
"She can't keep her mouth shut, this one. You know that I love all my men equally," he reassured the soldiers. Most of them had just brushed off Ahsoka's comment, but Fives had dramatically toppled backwards into Echo's waiting arms.
"I thought I was the favorite," he whispered.
Echo just rolled his eyes, standing his brother back up.
"Alright!" Anakin shouted, clapping his hands. "Ahsoka and I are here today to work on your hand to hand combat. I was informed that we lost a man to a droid back on Christophsis because he," Anakin sighed, "tried to punch it."
The snicker that Fives tried to stifle was met with a glare from half of the men.
"That was our brother," Echo reminded him.
"Went out like an idiot. Just like you will if you don't take your nose out of the rule book once in awhile to pay attention in battle," he joked.
Anakin ignored him.
"To demonstrate," he called out, gesturing to the sparring mat in the center of the room, "Ahsoka and I will show you some of the moves we've been working on."
As the troopers backed away, giving the two Jedi space, Ahsoka narrowed her eyes at Anakin.
"What's the glare for?" he whispered, pulling his hands into a ready position.
She bared her teeth, growling.
"Snips?" he asked, trying not to laugh. He knew she was trying to intimidate him, but her barely-grown-in fangs and big blue eyes just made her look like a baby tooka getting ready to playfully wrestle its sibling.
She hissed as she caught the first punch that he threw, turning his hand downward like he had taught her.
She brought her knee up to jab it into his stomach, but she was quickly met with a palm hooking underneath her knee, easily pulling her to the ground.
Anakin's disappointment in her quick defeat was clear on his face as he helped her back up.
Her stripes were flushed with embarrassment, but she quickly tried to cover it up by saying,
"And that's our lesson on what not to do- lift your feet off of the ground. If you keep your feet planted firmly, you'll have a better chance at staying up due to your foundation."
"Nice cover up," Anakin mumbled, lifting his fists again. "Now, we'll show you what to do!" he shouted, making eye contact with Ahsoka.
She glared at him again, not focusing so much this time on making herself look scary.
She threw her first punch at his stomach, which he blocked, using his other arm to pin her forearm to him. She struggled to move out of his grasp, finally jabbing her elbow into his wrist, hard enough for it to bruise-
That is, hard enough for it to bruise flesh.
"OW!" she shouted as Anakin quickly let her go, lifting up her arm to inspect it.
"That's the metal arm, you dummy," he told her. "Open and close it for me?"
She did as he asked, relieved to find that nothing was broken.
"Alright, I think we've had enough of the demonstration," Anakin said. "Everyone pair up and try it out yourselves."
He pulled Ahsoka to the side.
"You're distracted," he said. It wasn't a question. "What's the matter?"
"Nothing," she answered. "I'm fine."
"Ahsoka," he warned.
"Fine, I just want to make a good impression. I don't want the men to think that I'm just an inexperienced little girl. I want to show them that I can handle myself."
Anakin sighed.
"Does this have anything to do with my initial... reaction to you?"
"You mean your rejection?" she retorted, scowling.
"Listen, you've proved yourself to me already. You let your guard down, and showed me that you were ready. If you want them to respect Ahsoka, then you need to act like Ahsoka- not whoever that 'fang-baring little monster' was," he teased.
"Okay, okay," she replied, bowing her head. "I'll be patient."
"Good," he answered with a smile, patting her shoulder. "You walk around and help them with their forms. I'm going to spar with Rex."
"'Cause he's your favorite?"
"Sure," Anakin replied, rolling his eyes with a smile.
Ahsoka skipped off happily.
No one died in this one yayyy!
I just feel the need to rant abt this here for a sec so u can ignore it if ya want:
Am I the only one who just does not like anidala very much? Like they make me so uncomfortable. My two otps are Kanera and obitine because OF COURSE. I think it might just be me cuz I prefer my ships to be super sarcastic and banter-y with each other, and anidala really isn't like that. I just don't like that they're all over each other 24/7 and all they ever say is like "I love you" and blah blah blah and they're just too MUCH sometimes. They kinda just bore me. I don't ship either of them with anyone else, but they're relationship is just too bland for my liking.
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