i have spent WAY too much time thinking about this, and i finally decided to write it so please enjoy the things that go through my head while i'm pretending to do math homework.
this is gonna be an "ahsoka's wedding" type of thing, but i'm not specifying who she's marrying so u can just imagine it to be whoever ya want
Master Plo cleared his throat as the music began to play. Ahsoka looked up to him, suddenly realizing that she didn't even have to look up very much any more.
Her three-year-old self used to cling to one of his large claws with one tiny hand, but now her whole palm rested against his as she slid her fingers into the gaps between his.
They began to walk down the aisle, Ahsoka's short dress brushing up against her knees with each step.
"Farewell, Little 'Soka," her founder whispered as they paused a quarter of the way down the long carpet (it had to be extended nearly twenty feet in order for the whole 501st to fit in the seats that lined the sides), just like they had planned.
Ahsoka smiled, hesitating for a moment before throwing her arms around his neck. He laughed softly, patting her back before stepping away to allow Master Kenobi to take his turn at her side.
He laid his forearm out beside her, and she gently placed hers on top of it with a grin as the music grew louder in her montrals.
"Seems like it was only yesterday that you stepped off of that ship on Christophsis," he sighed. "And though you were Anakin's padawan, I just couldn't seem to keep you out of my life."
"Not sure if that's a good thing," she laughed quietly.
"Oh, it's a good thing," Obi-Wan promised with a soft smile.
"I was lucky to have two masters," she told him. "Most padawans only got one, but... you were always there for me if Anakin wasn't. And sometimes... sometimes I would go to you first," she admitted, smiling sneakily as if it was a secret.
"Would you now?" Obi-Wan asked with a smirk. "We might just have to relay that to Anakin."
"No!" she giggled. "He'd kill me. You were just always a lot more sensible, and your solutions to my problems rarely included killing someone."
Obi-Wan closed his eyes and sighed again, the end of it breaking into a laugh.
"Of course," he said under his breath.
They arrived in front of her next aisles-walkers, and Obi-Wan leaned forward to gently kiss her cheek. She pulled him into a tight hug, turning her head for a moment to press her lips to his cheek as well before burying her face in his shoulder.
"Thank you, Master Kenobi... for everything."
"Of course, my dear."
She stepped away with one last bittersweet smile. Obi-Wan bowed his head, his eyes closing for a few moments as she linked arms with Rex and Jesse, who had been waiting on either side of the aisle for her.
"You look beautiful, Vod'ika. The new kid's lucky to have you," Jesse told her, reaching forward to playfully tilt the thin flower crown around her montrals that Luke had made her.
"Aw, come on- really, Jess?" Rex groaned, readjusting the crown so that it sat correctly on her head.
"It's okay. You don't need to be such a stick in the mud, Rex," she joked, nudging him. He raised his eyebrows at her as he turned to see Jesse snickering.
"Damn, Commander, that is cold," he chuckled as Ahsoka bent her head forward to laugh quietly at his expression.
"And how many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that?"
"That's what you're always going to be to us," Rex defended. "Our little Commander... and our little sister."
She beamed as they stopped next to Anakin- the last person she'd walk with before getting handed off into her new life.
She laughed as they both leaned in to kiss each of her cheeks at the same time, squishing her head between theirs.
"I'll see you guys soon," she said, pivoting to wrap her arms over both of their shoulders at the same time. Rex winked, reaching forward to squeeze her hand one more time before she turned to Anakin.
He was bouncing up and down on his toes in anticipation as he waited for her to stand beside him as his little girl, one last time.
"You look gorgeous," he said, his voice cracking as she wrapped her arm around his back. She rolled her eyes as his arm came around her waist.
"You and Padme helped me to pick out this dress. You've seen me in in like... ten times already."
"Yeah, but Snips... you're glowing." He reached up to wipe at his eyes as they began to walk, and Ahsoka resisted the urge to tease him about his tears. "I don't think I've ever seen you this happy."
She shrugged.
"I'm with everyone I love. I don't think I've ever felt this happy." They were close to the front now. Leia was waving wildly from her spot in front of Padme, her basket of flower petals spilled in a small pile on the ground in front of her.
Ahsoka giggled and waved back to her.
"I had... so many things that I wanted to tell you before I let you go," Anakin whispered in a breathy voice. "And now I just can't find the words to tell you how much you mean to me."
Ahsoka looked up at him, watery blue eyes meeting clear ones alight with happiness.
"Don't worry... I already know."
That broke him, his head falling forward as the tears he'd been trying so hard to hold back came pouring down, steady rivers flowing freely down his cheeks.
Ahsoka reached for his free hand, squeezing it tightly once she got a hold of it. Anakin looked down at her as she whispered,
"I love you." They had stopped walking, and it was time for him to give her away. She folded her arms around his back, hiding her face in the crook of his neck as he told her he loved her back.
He held her tightly for a few moments, head resting against hers, before pulling away and only holding onto her hands.
"Go kick some marriage ass," he said with a bittersweet smile. Ahsoka nodded, standing on her tip toes to lightly kiss his cheek before stepping away.
He let go of her hands, and they fell to her sides.
And she walked into the next chapter of her life.
this is so random but y'all know when fives smirks and asks anakin "are your scopes... jedi issue, sir?" and he answers "stay focused, fives" while looking so DONE WITH THIS MAN... i just- i think about this a lot cuz i'm not sure if the way that i always interpret it is how it's meant to be interpreted iF yA kNoW wHaT i mEaN...
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