Adam's POV
My heart is racing with her head on my chest. I try to keep my breathing steady but it's diffcult. After I put my arm her, and she put her head on my chest, that seemed to make her comfortable enough to sleep. I realize that with my arm around her and her head on my chest, I'm trapped. I realize that I don't have a lot of time to get more sleep so I close my eyes and soon, I was asleep, right next to Blake.
"Adam! Wake up, wake up, wake up!" I hear Blake's voice but I just groan. "I don't want too." I mumbled. I could imagine her face. She always sticks her tongue out when I tell her I don't want too or no. I fell something crawl on top of me and my eyes fly open. I blink and see Blake. She's in her school uniform, her hair for the first time is pulled back into a ponytail with 2 pieces of hair in the front lose just to add cuteness. She also has black eyeliner drawn or done in a cat eye style and black boots on. I blush. "It's time to get ready for school. I have some of your things here." Blake informs me. I snap out of my thoughts by her sweet voice. "Thanks. I forgot you guys also bought a uniform for me and kept it at your house." Blake smiles. "Well, you spent the night so many times and forgot about the uniform so we decided to get the size you wear and just keep a lot of them here." Blake says and I smile. I want to tell you so bad. I say in my head. Apparently she read my mind because she tilted her head. "Tell me what?" Blake asked. "Um....uh..." was all that came out of my mouth then I simply just shook my head. Blake frowned. "Aw okay." Blake wasn't the type to push people unless she needed too but she didn't need to push me. She knows I would have snapped. I got up and began to put my uniform on when Blake blushes and turned. "A-DAM! DON'T GET DRESSED IN FRONT OF ME!" When Blake yelled that I had my pants on and I walked over with my shirt over my shoulder. I hug Blake and she turns and her face turns red. She pushes me away. "P-put your shirt on!" She demands and I laugh and obey. "Okay time to go." Blake says and I realize something. "Sissy, are you and Adam ready yet?" Kayla yells up the stairs. Blake opens her mouth to answer but I cover it. "Coming!" I yell. Before Blake could move I grab her around the waist and kiss her. Soft. I noted in my head. I pull away a second. Sorry. I couldn't help it. I tell her and she's blushing. I start to walk away but Blake walks towards me, grabs my chin and kisses my lips again. She pulls away, blushing and then walks towards the stairs. I watch her go and soon, I'm right behind her. She grabs her bag and hands me mine. "Thanks." I say and she nods as a you're welcome. "Let's go." The three of us walk out the door.
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