Blake's POV
"Okay." I get up and walk down into the girls locker room where I see Kayla. She looked worried. "What's up?" I ask as I put my warrior outfit on. "It seemed too easy. I'm unsettled... by it." I walk behind her and put my arms around her. "It'll be fine. I'll text Adam and make sure that he keeps an eye on you and tell me if he notices anything suspicious. You'll be safe. I promise okay?" I reassured her. She smiles and nods.
Kayla left so I grabbed all of my weapons, my Sniper Ak47, my .357 magnum revolver, my Combat fixed blade knife, and my sword. I wonder what I have to do? I put them all on and stand still, and close my eyes so that I'm teleported out onto the battle ground. "Blake, for your trial, you will have to defeat a robot." They tell me. That's not gonna be hard at all. I tell myself. "The trial begins now!" I open my eyes and see this huge and tall silver grey robot. It's head was shaped like a Knight's helmet in the medieval times. It's dark gray along with the rest of the robot. It has what looks like lightly armored arms, legs and lightly armored chest area. Shit. I thought to myself as I realize what could happen if I fuck up. That's when I noticed that the robot has a sword with it. Well shit that doesn't help. The robot made the first move, lifting up it's sword. I looked up and saw the sword and do a back flip to get out of the way as the robot swung the sword down into the ground. As I land I swiftly and smoothly grab my sword and quickly place my right foot infront of my left foot as I take one step and my magic lifts me off the ground a little and quickly takes me over to the robot so I can get one hit in. I sliced it a little bit and I was in the air, did a flip and landed with my sword in front lined up with my left foot. I could tell it lost sight of me for a second but quickly found me again. It swung it's sword over and I rolled under it but didn't see it turn around and move it's fist. I looked up and its fist hit me in the face. It's armor ended up splitting open the cut on my eye that Andrea gave me. I was down on my right knee with my right hand covering my eye as blood drips down into my hand. Blake, are you okay?? Adam and Kayla asked. I heard a couple of whispers coming from the control center. "Ladies and Gentlemen there seems to be an error with the robot that Blake is facing," Mrs. Shiina's voice sounds shaky. Everyone gasped. The robot turned to me. "Blake's trial will either end in her defeating the robot or her escaping because nothing is responding." Mrs. Shiina announced. Everyone started looking at each other, concerned. Blake you gotta get out of there. Adam told me. I slowly got up with both my eyes closed. I lifted my head up high enough to see the robot. I can't open my injured eye so I opened my uninjured eye. I place my right foot a little forward, adjust my body to where my right side is pointing towards where I wanna go, and my sword is out infront of me. The robot started running towards me. My uninjured eye was closed and it flew open. As the robot got closer and was about to bring it's sword down onto me, I quickly move my right arm up as my sword started glowing and it deflected the robots sword and almost made it fall over. I stab my sword into the ground as ice appeared over and froze the robots feet so it would stay in place. Blake what the fuck are you doing? Get out of there! Kayla and Adam both said. I was on my right knee still as I hear the bot move to swing his sword. I looked up, squinted and then ran towards it. As the blade came close to the ground I jumped on to it. My left knee touching the blade while I stand up, and roll a little closer to the robot as I use the magic "disarm" to knock the robots sword out of it's hand. I used disarm with my sword, by cutting the robot in the right place where it's holding the weapon is how I got it out of it's hands. After I did that I jumped onto the ground and stood up looking at the bot as it looked at me. "BLAKE YOU CAN DO IT!" One by one, people in the audience start to scream words of encouragement to me. I smile. The ice around the bots feet weren't frozen anymore and he ran and tried to punch me but I rolled out of the way. I stood up quickly and I raised my right hand and the sword in the air and brought it down releasing icy blue lines towards the robots arms. The robot was pinned in the air. I'm on my right knee as a red circle appears underneath my knee. It launches me into the air as I adjust my body in the air, make another red circle appear and make it push me to the robot. My sword lights up black and red as I slice the robots chest in half and I land on my right knee, my left hand is down on the ground and my right arm with my sword is stretched out behind me. I was panting after everything that happened. Everyone was silent. Then, everyone started cheering. Is..it over? I asked Adam and Kayla. Yeah. I heard the door open and people running over to me. I also hear Adam and Kayla yell my name but that's all I heard before I passed out.
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