Snarry's Gift of the Magi
Harry wrote down all the recipes he'd come up with over the last several years, and had a couple of baking lessons with Molly Weasley before he was due to meet Severus. Molly, meanwhile, was very pleased that Harry had a plan, and spoke very highly of Duke Snape, telling Harry more than once how unfortunate it was to be cut off from one's family. Molly even encouraged Harry to adapt some of her own recipes to impress Duke Snape, and Harry was enthusiastic about the support from his surrogate mother. Arthur, too, was quite excited about the prospect of Harry finally gaining employment, and praised the pudding Harry made them that evening—a trifle filled with strawberry jam, cream, and sponge cake.
Harry spent the final day before he was due to meet Severus revising and reading at Hallow Hall, the ancestral family home of the Potter's, and made sure to go to bed very early the evening before. His snowy owl, Hedwig, had carried letters back and forth from Harry and Severus, the latter of whom praised the animal for her intelligence, beauty, charismatic spirit, and devotion to Harry. Hedwig informed Harry, in her own way, how much she enjoyed Severus's company, and Harry was so relieved to hear that, hoping that he would spend much of his time in Severus's company as time went by.
On the day of Harry's baking audition, for, really, he had no idea what else to call it, he was up at two-thirty to ensure that he was clean and presentable. Once he had finished bathing, he gathered up the supplies Molly had surprised him with as an early Christmas gift, and took the Floo to the confectionary, saying goodbye to a sleeping Hedwig, who tucked her head back under her wing as Harry left. Stepping through the Floo, Harry felt strong arms around his biceps as he stumbled and, looking up, was locked in eye contact with Severus himself, causing Harry to flush deeply and Severus's expression to change minutely, before he gently released him and stood him up in the back room of the confectionary.
"Scourgify," Severus said, waving his wand around Harry's form, and got a good look at what Harry was holding. "Ah. You made some purchases?" he guessed.
Harry nodded. "Yes. My surrogate mother and I have been using these since I was a child. I think it is always beneficial to have some things you are comfortable with, once you are in an environment unfamiliar to you."
Severus gave a small smile to Harry at his words. "Precisely," he replied, and waved for Harry to follow him, and the pair of them ventured into the kitchen beyond. "You will have three hours to prepare me whatever you wish. At least one thing," he explained, and Harry nodded his head in a respectful manner, "but if you can manage more than one, that is all right, as well."
Harry gave the man a bright smile. "Yes, sir. Thank you, sir."
"I will be in my study going over the books," Severus explained, pointing to a door just outside the entrance to the kitchen. "Let me know if you have need of anything."
"I will, sir," Harry assured him.
Severus spent the next few moments pointing out where various ingredients and other baking essentials were kept, as well as bowls, spoons, and other items. He then gave a nod to Harry before he slipped from the kitchen, closing the door to his study behind him. He did, however, take the opportunity to remind Harry that if he needed anything, anything at all, he would be on hand to assist him.
Harry, nodding his head decisively, decided that it was best to get to work. He began preparing the space to make his dark chocolate torte, by mixing the batter for it together and cooking the cherries in a port wine reduction over the cauldron above the fire in the massive fireplace the kitchen had on offer. Harry hummed to himself as he worked, and the kitchen soon smelled quite heavenly. He put a Keep-Warm Charm upon the cherries and port wine before he began to make the chocolate ganache, and, quite soon, the chocolate torte with cherries, port wine, and chocolate ganache had officially come together. This he placed beneath a Stasis Charm, for he still had plenty of time, and wanted to make one or two more dishes.
The second dish that Harry would be preparing that morning was his very favorite, treacle tart, which he'd adapted in recent years by including maple butter, which he made himself, into the dish instead of syrup, for a richer, creamier tart. Harry set to work making the crust from scratch and by hand; he knew entirely well that some shops would provide pastry crust for their customers, but there was something delightfully homey about doing it oneself, for one could truly say they had made the entirety of the dish themselves. Once the treacle boiled just ever so slightly, he ladled it carefully in the now-baked crust, and popped the bubbles, merrily popping away upon its surface, before it, too was placed beneath a Stasis Charm.
Finally, Harry decided that his final dish would be bread and butter pudding with a rich custard, which he made with large eggs and clotted cream for an extra creamy flavor. Because he absolutely despised currants, Harry had always used some dried cranberries he had prepared into a sweeter reduction by melting them down in a pot with fine sugar. As Harry folded in the cranberry mixture, he did his best to bake it in an unfamiliar oven, as he had done with the torte and the tart earlier. Thankfully, he understood it very well as was just primping it once Severus elected to return into the kitchen.
Severus's eyes widened at the three dishes Harry had set out for him, and was quite impressed with the versatility behind them all. It was just gone seven, so Severus was still in the right amount of time he'd proposed to Harry. As Severus stepped forward, he inhaled each treat, watching as Harry removed the Stasis Charm from each and stood back; there was a dusting of flour on one of his cheeks, but his apron wasn't stained, and his hands were clean, his long sleeves rolled up to ensure that his shirt wouldn't become ruined. Severus was also impressed that small slivers of each delight had been cut up for him, and rested on plates before each dish, yet each cut was done precisely and evenly, a true respect for each dish very apparent.
"Impressive display," Severus said, and moved towards the torte first, for he was the most familiar with it, out of all the dishes Harry had described. "This is the torte you mentioned, correct?"
Harry nodded at him. "Yes, sir," he replied.
Severus picked up the plate and the golden fork, and stabbed into the torte. It was cooked correctly and wasn't too hard, nor too soft, and, once he tasted it, many flavors (which went very well together), exploded upon the surface of his tongue. The chocolate ganache went very well with the tartness of the cherries, and were smoothed over by the port wine. "Very nice," Severus said at last, finishing the small slice, and set down the plate. He turned to the second dish and looked down at it. "And this is?"
"Treacle tart, sir. My favorite," Harry admitted.
"It is always wise to make things close to our hearts," Severus informed him, before he lifted up the plate and sampled the dish. "Mmmm. Much richer in flavor than I have ever tasted. What did you do differently?"
"Maple butter as opposed to syrup, sir," Harry explained.
Severus looked impressed. "I would have never considered that," he admitted, nodding his head in approval, and, again, finished the slice before lowering the plate and turned to the third and final dish that Harry had made. "This looks a bit different than the bread and butter puddings I've been used to," he mused, not unkindly.
Harry smiled, pleased that Severus had recognized the dish for what it was. "I make the custard richer with large eggs and clotted cream, sir," he informed him. "As for the bread and butter aspect of it, I... Well, I am not fond of currants," he confessed, and Severus looked up at him. "I just don't like them. So, what I do instead is use cranberries, and boil them down with some fine sugar in a pot. I think it rounds out everything nicely."
"Very interesting," Severus said, nodding his head, and made to sample the final dish. His eyes widened considerably and looked down at Harry. "I have never enjoyed this pudding before now," he informed Harry, whose heart hammered within him at the words. "However, I do believe that, now that I have sampled this, that has officially changed." Severus finished the final slice and lowered the plate down, licking his lips. "Very impressive, Harry... How would you feel if these were the specials today?"
Harry raised his eyebrows. "Do you mean it?" he asked.
Severus smiled a bit more this time. "I do indeed, Harry. You're very talented. In fact, I would appreciate it if you created a special each day. Can you handle that?"
Harry nodded his head. "Yes, sir. I can."
"Wonderful," Severus said. "The bakery closes at three o'clock daily. I can man the store until you've finished in here, and I wholeheartedly approve of Cleaning Spells. Then, you can take over in the front, and inform the customers that your wares are the ones being bought. Once we close up shop, I would like to spend an hour or so going over with you what the special would be the following day, although the final decision is up to you, of course, although I do reserve the right to make a suggestion or two. Would you mind if I did that, Harry?" Severus asked, almost as if he didn't want to overstep.
Harry shook his head at him. "No, sir. I don't mind."
"Excellent," Severus responded with a nod. "After four o'clock, the day is yours to do with as you please. You will be expected back here at four the following morning, but, in the time in between, you may do as you will. Saturdays we close at noon, and we are closed on Sundays, which means we needn't discuss anything after noontime on Saturday."
Harry found himself smiling at the notion that he had fully landed upon his feet. "Yes, sir. I can handle that, sir."
Severus nodded at him. "I know you can," he responded, before reaching out his hand, which Harry took, and they shook. "Welcome to Prince's Confectionary, Harry," he said, his eyes boring into Harry's very soul, and his grip holding on a bit longer than considered appropriate, although Harry didn't mind.
Harry worked very hard as the Christmas season continued, and December arrived with much excitement from the other shoppers in Diagon Alley. Everyone wanted to sample Harry's confections, and Harry was pleased to be assisting Severus's business and earning an honest living, which he was quite sure was far too much. However, Severus informed him that his confections were doing much of the heavy lifting when it came to the confectionary's income, so it was only fair that Harry get a sizeable Galleon reward.
With December arriving also came invitations, and Harry and Severus had both received ones to the Burrow and Malfoy Manor. Harry stepped into work one morning and Severus caught him before he went into the kitchen. Harry would be making an abundance of Christmas cakes that day, because Severus insisted that he wanted many in stock to ensure that every wizarding household could sample Harry's delicious version of the treat, which was far more sweet than the traditional spicy variety.
"Did you happen to receive any invitations over the last couple of days?" Severus asked without preamble, although his tone was polite.
"Yes," Harry nodded, relieved that Severus no longer required him to call him "sir". "To the Weasleys' home, as well as to Malfoy Manor."
"You are familiar with the Malfoys?"
Harry gave Severus a small smile, knowing that this particular conversation would come up eventually. "Draco and I were in the same year at Hogwarts. Despite me being sorted into Gryffindor and Draco into Slytherin, we ultimately became quite close. Not to mention the fact that Draco is engaged to marry a young woman who is practically my sister."
"You know that his and I are close friends?" Severus questioned.
Harry nodded at him. "I was aware of that, yes. Draco informed me of it after the occasion of yours and my first meeting."
Severus stared down at the surface of his desk. "Traditionally, the Malfoy family tends to go all out for Christmas," he said quietly. "It is usually a formal ball, and my invitation communicated to me that that is what the event shall be this year."
Harry gave Severus a small smile. "Mine did as well," he said softly, hoping to lighten the mood, for Severus had suddenly become very serious.
"I was wondering if anyone has asked for you to accompany them?" Severus asked, his tone nervous, almost as if he was afraid of being refused.
Harry shook his head; his heart was hammering within him again, and the notion that Severus may have been asking him to the ball... "No," he responded at last. "I frequently just go with my adopted brother and his fiancée, or my godfather... Not that I would be averse to being accompanied in a different manner entirely," he said quickly, hoping he hadn't stuck his foot into his mouth.
Severus nodded his head. "Well, perhaps... If you do not think it inappropriate, you would be willing to be my guest?" he asked.
Harry blinked. "Your guest?"
"Yes," Severus told him, finally looking up at him. "As in, by my side for the evening. My dance partner. Eating supper with me. That sort of thing."
Harry swallowed, altogether trembling in his boots. "Is this merely because I am your apprentice that you are asking me, Severus?"
Severus shook his head. "No," he said softly. "No, it is not merely because you are my apprentice that I am asking you this, Harry."
"Right," said Harry, knowing that he would have to collect a catalogue from Madam Malkin's to purchase new dress robes to the occasion; he wanted to impress Severus, that much was clear, but he also didn't wish to make him look bad. "Yes... Yes, I would very much like to accompany you, Severus."
"Thank you," Severus said a bit awkwardly, and Harry was shocked at his tone of voice, before taking him by the hand and kissing it in an almost reverent manner, ebony meeting emerald as they proceeded to look their fill at one another. "Thank you for agreeing to accompany me for the evening."
Harry sighed, doing his best not to look so crestfallen as he did his best not to pull his hand away from Severus too violently. "For the evening, Severus. Of course," he said, and swept out of the room, feeling utterly defeated at the notion. Yes, Severus wished to be seen with him, but only in public, and certainly not for the long-term.
Harry did his best to focus on the influx of Christmas cakes he'd been told to make that day and, thankfully, he didn't mess them up. He was taking off for luncheon that day, as it was a Saturday, and he wouldn't have to be back in the shop until Monday. Once Harry had finished in the back, he went through the motions in the front, doing his best to sell his wares to the customers, and they bought many of the Christmas cakes. Harry was pleased when noon rolled around, and he quickly put his apron back on its peg in the kitchen, and said a stilted goodbye to Severus, whom he had been avoiding all day.
There was a fine powder of snow on the cobblestones of Diagon Alley, and Harry made his way to The Preening Swan, a fine dining establishment, where he was due to meet an old schoolmate of his, Cedric Diggory, who was in town from his position as a professor at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic in France, where he taught Transfiguration. Although Cedric was three years older than Harry, they got together many times a year for a pint and such, and they had faced off more than once on the Quidditch pitch together while at Hogwarts.
"Harry!" Cedric beamed warmly as Harry was shown to their table, getting to his feet and embracing him, clapping him on the back. "How are you, mate?"
"Fine, thank you," Harry said, nodding to the hostess and taking his menu, and sitting down across from Cedric. "Your owl said it was important," he went on, gazing over at Cedric, his eyebrows raised. "Are your parents all right?"
Cedric nodded. "Yes, they're fine. I'll mention you asked after them. You know how they adore you," he said, and Harry smiled; Amos and Maja Diggory were a lovely couple, and although they always cheered for their son at Hufflepuff matches, they claimed that Harry and Cedric ranked equally when it came to their roles as Seeker. "But it is a bit. Urgent, I mean." Cedric looked around before he dipped into the pocket of his cloak and pulled out a box. "I need you to tell me what you think of this."
Harry took the box on offer and opened it, his eyes widening when he saw the beautiful silver ring within, with a golden snitch as its center piece, which opened now and again to show off a beautiful diamond. "Wow, Cedric! That's brilliant!" Harry crowed, returning the ring to Cedric, who smiled sheepishly. "For Cho, right? How's things going with her?"
"Wonderfully," Cedric informed him, beaming once again; Cho and Cedric had been a couple since their Hogwarts days, and now Cho taught Charms at Beauxbatons alongside Cedric, and the pair never seemed closer. "I'm planning on proposing to her after Christmas dinner. I have our gardeners putting the grounds to rights already, making them match the decorations from the Yule Ball."
Harry grinned; if anyone could be sentimental, it was Cedric Diggory. "You going to wear the same dress robes, then?" he joked.
Cedric laughed aloud at that. "I did show them to Madam Malkin, and she's making them over for us. You know how my parents like to have things nice for Christmas. Her parents, Geun and Iseul, are invited for supper that evening as well."
Harry nodded; he knew that Lord and Lady Chang would be enthusiastic about the match, as Cedric was due to inherit the title of Count Diggory from his father one day, as his sole heir, and Cho would be a lovely Countess Diggory, Harry mused. "I think Cho will love the ring," Harry assured Cedric, clasping his arm across the table and grinning at him. "You designed it for her in mind, after all. She'll love that."
"What about you?" Cedric asked, once he thanked Harry, and Harry began sipping at his glass of Gillywater. "You mentioned in your own owl that you'd taken up an apprenticeship."
Harry nodded at him. "Yes, with Duke Snape of Spinner's End, at his confectionary down the road from here," he explained.
Cedric grinned. "That's always been a passion of yours—baking," he said, gleeful that his friend had found his niche. "I have heard many good things about Duke Snape. What's he like to work with? He's always been rumored as a bit elusive."
"I'd say you're correct in believing the rumors," Harry responded. "He's a nice enough man to work for, I suppose. He knew my parents back at Hogwarts."
Cedric raised his eyebrows. "Did he tell you much about them in those days?"
Harry shook his head. "He doesn't like discussing it. I think something happened there, something to make him not wish to discuss it..."
"So, a confectionary?" Cedric asked, not wanting to push.
Harry nodded at Cedric. "Apparently, yes. Duke Snape took private lessons with pastry chefs and confectioneries from France, Italy, and Germany, to learn all about the art of confection-making. He opened up shop not too long ago, as they wanted to learn as much as possible before taking that leap into the business world."
Cedric nodded in approval. "Smart," he said, as the waitress came to their table. "The leg of lamb, please, with boiled potatoes and root vegetables."
The waitress nodded. "Very good, Master Diggory," she replied, before she turned and regarded Harry for his order.
"The Cornish hen, please, with the herbed potatoes and roasted vegetables."
The waitress smiled at him. "Sounds delicious, Earl Potter," she said, making sure to write everything down with her quill before she sped away to relay the orders to the chef.
"His business partner is actually my godfather's closest friend, Baron Lupin," Harry explained, and Cedric nodded, due to the fact that Remus had been their Defense Against the Dark Arts professor Cedric's sixth-year and Harry's third.
"So, it's just you, Duke Snape, and Baron Lupin, then?" Cedric wanted to know.
Harry shook his head. "Just me and Duke Snape for the moment," he explained. "Baron Lupin is spending time with his wife. She just was delivered of a boy, Edward, a few weeks ago. He's not due to return back to the shop until Easter."
"Blimey, mighty generous of the duke," Cedric said, nodding with approval. "So, the duke has you preparing the confections, then?"
"All except for the chocolates," Harry explained. "I couldn't do those with my eyes closed," he confessed with a rueful smile.
"You mentioned you were doing specials," Cedric said, his eyes wide with eagerness. "What was the special this week?"
Harry dipped into his cloak, and unshrunk the parcel from within, which was equipped with Stasis Charms, a Freshening Charm, and a Warming Charm. "This is for you and your family for Christmas," he said, and Cedric grinned.
Unwrapping it, Cedric gasped. "Did you make this?" he asked.
Harry nodded. "Yes," he replied, and explained the charm work upon it. "It should stay fresh up until Christmas supper."
Cedric beamed at Harry. "Your own recipe, right? Not too spicy?"
Harry grinned back at him. "The very same."
Cedric crowed at that, shrinking down the Christmas cake again, before he leaned across the table and kissed Harry on the cheek. "You're amazing, you are."
Harry shrugged. "Wish everyone thought so," he replied a little sadly.
Harry arrived back at the bakery the following Monday, his spirits still downtrodden as he thought about boing in close proximity to Severus again. Severus, however, was not in yet, and so Harry merely put on his apron and got to work. He was preparing a strawberry trifle that day, to be adorned with raspberries on top, and equipped with yellow cake instead of the traditional sponge, and clotted cream. As he worked, he was vaguely aware of Severus coming in, late, but said nothing and instead focused on his work for the day.
Once the trifles had been formed (Harry traditionally made a dozen or so for the special), he looked up to see Severus in the doorway. His ebony-colored eyes appeared haunted, and there were dark circles beneath them. Harry snapped his fingers, and the kitchen dishes began cleaning themselves as he took off his apron, and stared in a rather quizzical manner at his boss, wondering what the matter was.
"Is something the matter?" he asked at last, placing Stasis Charms upon each of the trifles, so as they would stay fresh until the doors opened later on that morning.
"Come to my study," Severus said, before he turned on his heel and left Harry alone.
Harry blinked, but nevertheless hung up his apron on the peg and followed the man, making his way through the rest of the kitchen and into the study proper. "What may I assist you with this morning?" he asked.
"What may I assist you with this morning, sir."
Harry gritted his teeth. "There is no need to call me 'sir', Severus."
Severus rolled his eyes. "I see that my...feelings...have been misplaced."
Harry felt his mouth go dry. "What are you talking about?" he asked.
Severus sighed, dragging a hand down his face. "I suppose I was pleased and flattered at the attention, but the age difference is much too great, and..."
"Wait a moment," Harry said, crossing the space between them and gently easing Severus's hands down from his face. "Please, tell me what you're talking about before you say or do anything completely rash."
Severus gazed down at Harry, but didn't push him away, or order him to release the soft grip upon his hands. "I saw you at The Preening Swan on Saturday last."
Harry blinked. "All right? I didn't know it was against the law to have luncheon in a public place, Severus," he said softly. "You said yourself that my time outside of the confectionary was my own to do with as I pleased..."
"Not if it involves young gentleman when I thought we..." Severus lowered his eyes and shook his head, as if chastising himself. "As I said, I should have considered the age difference much more carefully, instead of attempting to tie such a captivating young man to a broken..."
"You are not broken!" Harry said at last, raising his voice to the man for the first time, whose eyes immediately snapped to his. "Do you hear me, Severus? You are not broken. We are shaped by our experiences, of course, but we cannot allow them to define us completely. Yes, you were cast out by your family. Yes, you were alone during your Hogwarts years. Yes, your parents weren't there for you when they should have been. But that doesn't make you broken, none of it does!"
Severus shook his head again. "But that still doesn't change the fact that I saw you with that eligible young gentleman at luncheon on Saturday..."
"Eligible young gentleman...? You mean Cedric?" Harry demanded, shaking his head. "Cedric is an old schoolmate of mine, Severus. He was Hufflepuff's Seeker while I played the position for Gryffindor. Although there is a friendship there, naturally, we couldn't possibly be more than that at all. I adore his parents, and they me, which is why we were meeting. I always give him a baked good for their family's Christmas supper."
Severus blinked, utterly shocked. "You're merely friends with him?" he asked.
Harry nodded his head. "Yes, of course I am. In case you haven't noticed, one of the main reasons why I took the position here as apprentice..."
"You are hardly an apprentice, especially now," Severus said softly. "I've spoken with Remus and he is in agreement. We want to retain you as head baker, alongside Remus. That is, if you're interested in the position..."
"Of course I am," Harry assured him. "Other than my love of baking all manner of sweets and confections, my main reason for taking this position was to spend time with you."
Severus looked amazed. "Spend time with me?"
"Of course," Harry said, smiling then. "Initially, I wanted to make you smile, truly, publicly, and to ensure your happiness for the world to see and feel..."
Severus stared down at Harry, utterly amazed. "And now?" he asked.
"Now?" Harry whispered, reaching up to gently cradle Severus's face in his hands. "Now, I'm falling in love with you, Severus. The notion that I could make all the beautiful things for you in your kitchen just helped matters expedite. I don't think you could ever look upon me the same way as I do you, but I just wanted you to know, in case there is ever a modicum of discomfort between us, know that it is all my fault, and..."
Severus bent down then, closing the distance between them and cementing his lips to Harry's, closing around them in their first kiss. Severus felt Harry's hands drop from his face to ultimately settle upon his shoulders, and Severus wrapped his arms around Harry's waist, pulling him closer still, until the lengths of their bodies touched, their mutual hardness straining for release. Severus slipped his tongue in between Harry's lips and held fast, relieved that Harry seemed to melt into his embrace, almost as if he never wanted to let him go.
Finally, Sirus broke back and away from him, staring into Harry's eyes as he rested his forehead against his. "I must tell you that I am falling in love with you as well, Harry," he said, his voice hoarse from arousal. "I could never ask for a better Christmas present."
Harry smiled, standing on his toes to press a delicate kiss to Severus's nose. "Perhaps we can make our societal debut at the Malfoy's ball."
Severus sighed. "You still wish to go with me? After my obtuse behavior?"
Harry chuckled lightly at that. "Of course I do," he assured him.
Severus shook his head. "I can never apologize enough for it..."
Harry shook his head himself, pulling Severus closer and pressing his lips to his. "There is nothing to forgive," he said quietly.
Harry's new dress robes were an attractive green that brought out his eyes, and he was a nervous wreck when Severus arrived through his Floo to escort him to the Malfoy ball. Nevertheless, Harry slipped Severus's hand in his, and admired the attractive black and silver dress robes the man wore. Arm in arm, they Floo'd directly to Malfoy Manor, where an aged house-elf took their thick, winter cloaks from them and gestured for them to get into the receiving line.
The butler was a priggish sort of man, but nevertheless announced them to the party. "Presenting Duke Severus Snape of Spinner's End, escorting Lord Harry Potter, Earl of Godric's Hollow."
Looking down, Harry noticed that the wixen in attendance were many that he himself knew; Lord Albus Dumbledore of Mould-on-the-Wold, alongside his beloved husband, Lord Gellert Grindelwald, Baron Bagshot; Ron and Hermione; Molly and Arthur; Bill and Fleur; Charlie and his fiancé, Andre Egwu; Alicia with Fred and Angelina with George; and Draco with Ginny, who stood in close proximity with Marquess Lucius and Marchioness Narcissa, as well as Cordelia and Cressida with Theodore Nott and Blaise Zabini respectively, their dual engagements announced to The Daily Prophet at the beginning of the month.
Severus pointed out Sirius, Remus and Dora, who stood with Dora's mother and father, Andromeda and Edward Tonks. Venturing over there, Severus clasped Remus's arm, kissed Dora and Andromeda on their cheeks, and bowed to Edward, who was Squire Tonks, the same title that Arthur Weasley held. "Everyone, you know Harry," he said, beaming.
Sirius sighed, having been warned by Harry to be on his best behavior that evening. "Yes, we do know him, my lord duke," he replied, inclining his head.
Remus turned and regarded Harry with a smile. "How wonderful to see you, Harry."
"Always a pleasure to see you, Remus," Harry said from Severus's side.
Remus looked at Harry warmly, before turning to his wife. "And you know, Dora, of course, and her mother and father, Squire Edward and Dame Andromeda Tonks."
"Wonderful to see you all," Harry said.
"It's lovely to see you again, Harry," Dora put in, positively beaming as her hair changed color multiple times to confirmed her happiness. "Little Teddy will be sorry he missed you."
"Please, do come for tea to Lupin House whenever you like," Remus said.
"And you are always welcome at Tonks Cottage," Edward Tonks put in.
Harry smiled at them all. "And all of you are welcome at Hollow Hall whenever you wish to come by," he assured them, "Teddy, too."
They spoke a bit more pleasantries with Sirius, the Tonks and Lupin families, before Harry guided Severus away to formally introduce him to Molly and Arthur; it was the day of the Winter Solstice, and the Burrow's celebrations did not occur until Christmas Eve. As they stepped towards Harry's adoptive family, Harry couldn't shake the pride he felt about being on Severus's arm, in public, for all the main players of the Wizarding World to see.
"Molly, Arthur," Harry said tentatively as they stepped forward, "this is Duke Severus Snape of Spinner's End," he said.
"A pleasure, my lord duke," Arthur said, beaming at him, pleased to see his youngest son so happy. "I'm Squire Arthur Weasley, and this is my wife, Dame Molly Weasley."
"Wonderful to finally meet Harry's surrogate parents," Severus said, and he was beaming. "I am very much looking forward to your gathering in three days' time. Harry and I will be bringing the Christmas pudding, of course."
"Of course," Molly said, smiling up at Severus. "We look forward to it."
Next, Harry and Severus ventured over to where Ron, Hermione, Draco, and Ginny were all standing, mad grins on all their faces. "Good evening," Harry managed to say. "I'd like to introduce you to—"
"Ah, Uncle Severus," Draco said, grinning familiarly at Severus. "So pleased you could finally join us here again."
"Draco!" Ginny hissed at him. "Be nice!"
"My dear godson is quite correct, Miss Weasley," Severus said, and Ginny flushed as red as her hair. "No, no, don't be embarrassed, my dear. I know as well as young Draco does that I have been neglecting my family for long enough. And you," Severus went on, turning to Ron and Hermione next. "The pair of you must be Master Ron Weasley and Lady Hermione Granger. It is a pleasure to meet you both."
Ron nodded, smiling. "A pleasure to meet you, my lord duke," he replied, bowing to Severus in a moment of respect.
Hermione curtsied. "Lady Hermione Granger, sir, daughter of Earl Humphrey and Countess Charlotte Granger," she said.
"I have it on good authority that your Master Ron will make a fine earl one day," Severus said, and Ron looked surprised by this. "Harry has informed me at length of your good character, Master Ron, and I am inclined to believe him."
Ron nodded his head. "Thank you, my lord duke."
"It is 'Severus' to all of you," Severus assured him. "Any friends of Harry's are friends of mine."
Harry then followed Severus to greet Lucius and Narcissa, who were pleased to see that Severus and Harry were there together. Theodore Nott and Blaise Zabini respectfully presented Lady Cordelia and Lady Cressida respectively to them both, and Severus and Harry treated both gentlemen accordingly, although Severus seemed to be more familiar with his Draco's sisters than Harry was. Little treats were passed around the ballroom, and then it was time for dancing, with Lucius and Narcissa leading the waltz, although most of the other couples hurried to the floor as well.
"Are you having a nice time?" Harry asked Severus as they danced.
"I should say so," Severus said, turning Harry, and his eyebrows raised.
"What is it?" Harry wanted to know.
Severus spun Harry so that they could both see what he'd been looking at. "Your friend, Cedric Diggory," he said, nodding across the room.
Harry nodded. "Those are his parents, Count Amos and Countess Maja," he explained, nodding to the older couple watching Cedric.
"And who is that fair maiden on his arm?" Severus asked.
"That would be Miss Cho Chang, daughter of Lord and Lady Chang," Harry informed him, and Severus lowered his eyes back down to Harry. "Cedric is going to propose to her on Christmas Day," he explained.
Severus blinked. "What?"
"That was the other reason why he asked me to meet," Harry informed him, positively grinning up at the man. "He wanted my opinion on the ring he got for Cho."
Severus sputtered in shock. "Ring?"
"Yes, ring," Harry told him. "The pair of them have been together since Cho's fifth-year and Cedric's seventh-year. Cedric even took an apprenticeship at Quality Quidditch Supplies in Hogsmeade to be near here until she graduated."
"And what form of employment do they have now?" Severus asked softly.
"They teach at Beauxbatons," Harry informed Severus. "Cedric is the Transfiguration professor and Cho is the Charms professor."
Severus shook his head. "I've been a fool, haven't I?"
Harry sighed. "If you are a fool, then so am I."
"A fool in love?" Severus asked.
Harry gasped. "You... You mean that?"
Severus nodded. "Yes. I love you, Harry Potter."
Harry grinned up at him, standing on his toes and whispering into the man's ear, "Come with me, and hurry."
Slipping through the other dancers, the pair of them left the ballroom entirely and came upon a balcony down the corridor close by. Snow swirled outside onto the Malfoy grounds, and it was truly a beautiful sight to behold. Layers upon layers of white gathered down upon the maze in the center of the garden, and Harry sighed in contentment.
"Did you bring me here just to watch the snow?" Severus asked, and Harry turned to look up at him with a smile. "Not that it isn't lovely, but..."
"Severus," Harry interrupted him gently. "Can you move?"
Severus blinked. "Well, of course I..." He began, but found himself rooted to the spot.
Harry grinned up at him. "Neither can I," he responded.
Severus looked up then, and spotted the sprig of mistletoe hung up onto one of the beams. "Oh, Merlin," he said softly, before looking back down at Harry. "Did you know about this?"
"Of course I did," Harry assured him. "I wanted a moment alone with you."
Severus raised his eyebrows. "So did I. But whyever did you wish for a moment alone with me, Harry?" he asked.
Harry smirked, standing on his toes again and wrapping his arms around Severus's neck. "So that I could do this," he replied, pressing his lips to Severus's.
Severus allowed the kiss for a moment, before gently easing back and away from Harry. "And what if I asked you if you wished to do that every day?"
Harry blinked, surprised by the words. "Every day?" he asked.
"Every day," Severus repeated, finally able to move again, before he swept downwards to one knee, and produced a box from inside his dress robes, "for the rest of your life."
Harry's eyes widened. "Severus..."
"Harry," Severus whispered, unfurling the catch upon the ring box and opened it, revealing a beautiful platinum band set with emeralds. "Harry, would you do me the honor of becoming my husband?" he asked quietly.
Harry gasped. "But... But Sirius..."
"Sirius and I have come to an understanding," Severus replied with a grin. "After our discussion, I went straight to Grimmauld Place and asked for your hand. Then, once he consented, after a fair amount of shouting, and apologies for past disagreements, I went into the Prince family vault at Gringotts and found this ring for you."
Harry found his eyes filling with tears. "You mean it? You truly want to marry me?"
"I do," Severus responded. "I want to marry you as soon as possible."
Harry swallowed. "New Year's Eve?" he asked.
Severus blinked. "So soon?"
"Yes," Harry replied, determined. "I don't want a long engagement. I want to marry you, and keep on baking in your shop..."
"Harry, once we marry, it will be our shop. Well, ours and Remus's."
"Yes, yes, I want that," Harry said. "I want to raise our children to learn how to bake as expertly as I do, and have a shrewd business sense like their father..."
"Children?" Severus asked.
"Yes," Harry replied with a grin. "You'd make a wonderful father."
"As would you," Severus replied, looking down at the ring and Harry again. "So, Harry, would you consent to bonding with me?"
"Yes, yes, I would!" Harry cried out, his wrist trembling as he held out his hand, and Severus slipped the ring onto the correct finger.
"Happy Christmas, Harry," Severus said, wrapping his arms around him again.
Harry looked up at Severus, tearing his eyes away from the ring. "Happy Christmas, Severus," he replied, standing up on his toes again and kissing him.
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