Harry slowly opened his eyes and smiled; he could feel Severus's arms wrapped around his naked form, with one of his hands pressed upon his swollen belly, the other wrapped around his cock, and his own cock teasing the cleft in his arse. Harry let out a satisfied moan and inched backwards, prompting Severus to come to and press his lips to Harry's neck, biting down gently as he went, only to smooth the aches with his tongue. It had been a wonderfully happy three years since he had been married to this beautiful and generous man, and Harry wouldn't trade that time for anything.
Harry remembered their wedding on New Year's Eve, precisely one week after Severus had asked Harry to bond with him at Malfoy Manor. They had moved into Hollow Hall, after Severus had put Spinner's End up for sale almost as soon as he'd inherited it, due to not wanting to live there because of bad memories. Hollow Hall was somewhere Harry felt happiest, and although his mother and father had passed away some years ago, it did not hold any terrible memories for him. Severus, meanwhile, adored the place, and the only section of the house that he deemed needed remodeling was the kitchen, which they changed to be an exact replica of the one at the confectionary, and Harry couldn't have been happier with the wedding gift.
For Severus's wedding gift, it had been the gift of, and the promise of, a family, which Severus had wholeheartedly accepted. Harry had also planned an amazing honeymoon in France, Italy, and Germany, with help from Mum Weasley, Hermione, Ginny, and Fleur, and Severus was overjoyed to see his old masters again. The newlyweds went to the Wizarding French Quarter, Nymph Lane; the Italian Wizarding District, Fairy Corridor; and the German Wizarding Neighborhood, Bowtruckle Byway.
In France, Harry and Severus meandered through the Louvre Museum, looking at all the paintings, and even managed to gain access to the Wizarding Section, where such painters like Luxo Karuzos, the Quidditch player Roderick Plumpton, and Oliver Cartwright. In Italy, they went to Ristorante la Campana, which had been opened nearly three hundred and fifty years previously by a wizarding family, and the food was absolutely incredible. In Germany, they went to Viktualienmarkt, where they bought the freshest ingredients imaginable, and sampled local meats, cheeses, fruits, and pastries.
But Harry's favorite part of the trip had been when they visited Eremo Della Giubiliana, a hotel in Sicily which dated back to the twelfth century. The pair of them stayed in the sixteenth-century Guard Suite, which still looked very much like it did upon its construction date. The sitting room was eighteenth-century with period furniture, and the entirety of the suite was all on one level. Because of Severus's former master's schedule, they'd had to go to Italy first, and Harry had been permitted to do the research and select the hotel, the hotel where he would be giving himself to his husband for the first time.
When the night finally arrived, Harry lay out on the bed while Severus readied himself in the bathroom beyond. Harry wouldn't dare to tell anyone that he wasn't nervous; of course he was nervous. He hadn't done anything with anyone in his entire life, because he had wanted to wait until he found love before he went that far. However, when he had first met Severus, he didn't realize that he would ultimately be marrying him. Naturally, the attraction within that foundation had built from there, and he couldn't imagine his life without his beloved husband now. Satisfied that Severus would make the entirety good for him, he leaned back against the fine pillows and silken coverlet to wait.
When Severus exited the bathroom, he gazed at Harry hungrily, before he crossed the room and sat down upon the edge of the bed. Reaching out, he gently stroked Harry's bare leg, and informed him quietly, "We do nothing you're not comfortable with."
Harry nodded, reaching outwards and taking Severus by the hand. "I trust you."
Severus climbed slowly on top of Harry then, not wishing to frighten him, and pressed his lips gently to his. "No regrets?" he asked.
Harry smiled up at his husband. "None," he assured him.
Severus seemed very satisfied with Harry's answer, and kissed him gently, before his lips slipped off course and nibbled at Harry's ear lobe, and gently left love bites in his wake down Harry's exposed neck. He stopped at Harry's nipples, each of which he laved with his tongue, sucking on them gently as he continued his journey down Harry's body. When he found Harry's navel, he dipped his tongue experimentally inside it, and Harry giggled, squirming beneath his new husband's ministrations. Severus gently bracketed Harry's hips with his strong hands, continuing his sensual assault down the rippled flesh, until he finally got to his prize—the engorged member of his young husband.
Severus bent down further and pressed his nose into the soft, Snape pubic hair, and inhaled the musky scent that was Harry. He grinned at Harry wailed above him, begging him to get on with it, and Severus slowly dragged his tongue from base to tip of his husband's cock. He was pleased that Harry seemed to like that, and continued in this vein, three times over, before he took the tip of the cock in his mouth and sucked. He kept ahold of Harry's hips as he took more of his cock into his mouth, and Harry moaned his repeated joy of Severus's talented lips and tongue, and Severus thanked Merlin for Silencing Charms.
"Turn over," Severus said huskily, and although Harry made a slight noise of surprise, he nevertheless obeyed his husband.
Severus pressed kisses from Harry's neck, to his shoulders, and down his back, until Harry somehow managed to buck his hips against the silken coverlet, which Severus put a stop to immediately, not wanting his new husband to come yet. Severus soothed his new husband's annoyance, and rubbed Harry's legs, coaxing them apart. Bending down, he smiled at the notion of his husband's untouched pucker, and gave an experimental lick to the furled surface.
Harry let out a squeak of surprise. "Severus?" he asked, his voice a question.
"Do you not like it?" Severus asked him.
Harry bit down hard on his lower lip. "Um..."
Severus chuckled, massaging Harry's firm arse cheeks. "That's not a 'aye' or a 'nay'..."
Harry cleared his throat. "Yes," he confessed, hiding his flushed face in the bolsters. "Yes, Severus, I... I liked it..."
Severus nodded and bent his head forward again, pressing his lips to Harry's pucker once more, and proceeded to eat him out, enjoying his husband's mewls of pleasure that he himself was delivering unto him. "Merlin, you're delicious," Severus moaned between slurps.
"Severus... Oh, dear Merlin," Harry moaned, his toes curling, and he couldn't imagine anything better than this...whatever Severus was doing.
Severus, deeming Harry ready, summoned the lubricant he himself had brewed in the few days leading up to their wedding, equipped with pain reducing and numbing ingredients. The pair of them had discussed at length what the consummation of their union would entail, and although Harry appeared slightly nervous, he nevertheless had acquiesced to his new husband more than once. Severus poured a bit of lubricant onto the pad of his finger, and empirically dragged it gently along the furl of Harry's pucker. His husband, meanwhile, moaned at the sensation of someone touching him there for the first time, and parted his legs even further in an inviting gesture.
"Please," Harry whispered.
Severus pressed a patient kiss onto Harry's inner thigh, nipping at it, and then soothing at the ache with his tongue. "Remember, love, I have to prepare you first."
"Please...wait," Harry begged him.
"What is it, my love?" Severus asked.
Harry looked at his husband from over his shoulder again. "Please... I want to look at you..."
Severus blinked. "Love, we discussed that on your front would be less painful..."
"I don't care," Harry replied, his lower lip trembling. "Please... Let me see you..."
Severus nodded his head, and turned his new husband over, and pressed kiss after kiss of assurance and devotion to his lips, coaxing Harry to calm himself. "It is all right, love, you're going to be all right," he assured him.
Harry nodded his head, and wrapped his arms around Severus. "Please... Please get inside me, Severus," he moaned.
Severus chuckled. "Patience, my love," he whispered, lowering his hands again and continued in the vein of massaging the oil around the rim, before he gently slipped a finger inside. "I'll want to go up to three fingers eventually," he said, and Harry nodded above him, doing his best to relax. Severus continued pushing and pulling the first finger, and, once Harry was relaxed enough, did the same with the second and later the third, to the point where Harry's hole was as stretched as it could be, and Severus felt a tremor of excitement bubbling from within him. "Are you ready, love?" he asked, his voice hoarse with emotion.
"Please, please," Harry begged again. "Please get inside me..."
Severus slicked his own erection and gently eased it between Harry's arse cheeks, and his young husband expectedly groaned at the unexpected sensation. "Breathe, love, and do like how we discussed," he encouraged him, remaining still, and running soothing circles upon the surface of Harry's belly, and Harry nodded, relaxing as best he could. Once the tension subsided, Severus was able to inch further inside Harry's hole, and, finally, he had bottomed out, and Harry mewled at his prostate's first stimulation.
"Oh, Merlin, right there!" Harry shouted.
Severus grinned and continued in this manner, pulling in and out expertly, and his husband was very satisfied with it, coming in ropes all over his belly within minutes. Severus followed shortly thereafter, overwhelmed with the sensation of being inside Harry for the first time, as well as the look on Harry's face when he came to orgasm. Severus gently eased himself out of Harry, and casted a Cleaning Charm around them, before enveloping Harry into his arms, and Harry held him tightly.
"How soon will we know?" Harry whispered.
Severus looked down at him. "How soon will we know what, love?"
Harry grinned and looked up at his husband. "How soon will we know that I'm pregnant?"
Severus and Harry had welcomed a beautiful, healthy baby boy at the end of the following September, who was christened Arthur Eli Potter-Snape, and was therefore the heir to the dukedom of Grimmauld. Arthur had wavy hair like Severus, and his eyes, but possessed Harry's high cheekbones and elegant mouth. Harry was over the moon at fulfilling his duty so quickly, and the pair of them lived at Hollow Hall together with their baby son, never happier in their lives than they'd been in those days.
Harry smiled as the memories poured forth from within him; their second son, Albus Severus Potter-Snape had been born a year and a half after Arthur, and was therefore the heir to the earldom of Godric's Hollow. And now, another year and half later, Harry was pregnant again, this time with twin girls, and Harry and Severus had had discussions on whether or not their family would be complete once Harry had given birth again.
"Are you well this morning, my love?" Severus asked Harry, pressing a further kiss onto Harry's neck, and Harry pushed himself backwards onto Severus's cock, which quickly rose to the occasion.
"Never better," Harry confirmed; Arthur and Al were currently at the Burrow, as the girls were due any day, and Harry and Severus figured they needed some time alone, which Arthur and Molly were more than happy to give.
"And our girls?" Severus asked, cupping Harry's belly more securely.
"Lily Rhona seems to not want to sit on my bladder this morning," Harry mused, "and Molly Hermione isn't doing cartwheels at every turn."
"I'll bet that Ron and Hermione will be spoiling them in no time," Severus said, and Harry smiled at the notion.
"If they don't have their hands too full with Rose," Harry mused, mentioning their two-year-old goddaughter, born a year after Ron and Hermione's bonding.
"Or Draco and Ginny with Scorpius Lucius," Severus put in, gently rubbing Harry's back, mentioning the next Heir to the House of Malfoy, born a mere nine months after Draco and Ginny's union, and already best friends with little Arthur. "Who will tell them that Baby Arabella Lucia will be an absolute nightmare when she grows up?" Severus mused.
Harry scoffed at that. "She's our goddaughter, love," he replied. "I don't think Draco and Ginny will take too kindly to you saying that..."
"Not to mention the nightmares that Alexander and Adrianna Nott will have to deal with when they grow up, being half-Nott and half-Malfoy," Severus chuckled; for his words, he did have a fondness for the twins of Theo Nott and Cordelia Malfoy.
Harry hummed to himself at that declaration. "Or Zacharia or Zaharina Zabini," Harry said quietly, knowing entirely well that both he and his husband adored the twins of Blaise Zabini and Cressida Malfoy. "Merlin," he said at last, grimacing. "If only my back wasn't killing me..."
"Hmmm," Severus mused, pulling Harry closer to him and rubbing his back. "I'm terribly sorry to hear that, my love..."
Harry huffed slightly then. "Perhaps if one of your chocolates had potions in them..."
Severus stilled his massaging of Harry's back. "What did you say, my love?"
Harry turned slightly, so as he was looking over his shoulder at Severus. "Well, I mean, you always say that adding flavors to a potion makes them ineffective," he replied with a shrug. "I suppose I was wondering, should one add the potion to the center of a chocolate, if it could taste better, without diluting the ingredients for..."
Severus swooped in and pressed a profound kiss onto Harry's lips. "And how long have you been considering this, my love?"
Harry smiled. "Not long... A few weeks, perhaps. I had to do something whilst you were at the shop all day," he said with a laugh.
Severus smirked. "And what have you come up with, then?"
"I was thinking of a lavender chocolate infused with Calming Draught," he began.
Severus nodded his head. "That could work, my love."
"Then, perhaps a ginger chocolate infused with Pain Potion," he continued.
Severus raised his eyebrows. "That, also, would be something to try."
"Perhaps a cinnamon chocolate for diabetic customers, to lower their blood sugar, so as they can still enjoy a sweet now and again," Harry mused.
"Yet another brilliant idea," Severus said with a nod.
"Perhaps a peppermint chocolate infused with Pepper-Up Potion to help relieved irritable bowel syndrome and nausea reduction to those wixen who are with child," Harry whispered.
"I do enjoy a good peppermint," Severus remarked.
Harry smiled. "And, perhaps, chocolate infused with cayenne pepper to perhaps prevent cancer..."
Severus grinned. "I see you've been quite busy, my darling."
Harry shrugged. "Yes," he replied, a smirk coming to his lips. "Now, about my back..."
Severus, again, placed his hands on Harry, but proceeded to lower them towards his swelling cock and arse. "Perhaps a method of getting our girls to make their debuts is in order."
Harry grinned at that, but stayed on his side, as such a position was quite easy to maneuver due to his swollen belly. "I'd say that's a wonderful idea."
Severus grinned, and teased Harry's hole, still stretched and slick from their activities the evening before. "Are you sure?" he asked.
Harry nodded, arching his back. "Please," he confirmed. "I'm sure."
Severus gently eased himself inside of Harry, who mewled at the stretch, and reached backwards to grip on tightly to his husband. "Merlin, you're so tight," Severus whispered, pressing kiss after kiss onto Harry's neck.
"Oh, Merlin... You feel amazing," Harry moaned back.
Severus grinned, and continued in this vein, making love to Harry as he'd never done before, and then, just as they both came, Harry gasped. "Love? Are you all right?" Severus asked, immediately on high alert.
"Never better," Harry assured him, turning to look over his shoulder at his husband. "I think the girls are now on their way."
The smile that graced Severus's face was the most breathtaking one yet, and he leaned forward, pressing a kiss onto Harry's brow. "I'll Fire-Call Poppy at once," he said, casting a Cleaning Charm on them both and hurrying to fetch his robe.
"Severus?" Harry asked, positioning the bolsters behind him the way he liked, while all the while staring up at his husband.
"Yes, Harry?" his husband said.
Harry smiled up at him. "I love you," he said.
Severus grinned down at him. "And I love you as well, Harry."
"Happy Christmas, Severus," Harry said softly.
Severus stepped forward and kissed Harry again. "Happy Christmas, my Harry. And to many more with our families," he proclaimed, before exiting the room to get to the Floo.
Harry turned and spelled the curtains open, and smiled at the sight of snow falling upon the grounds of Hollow Hall. In this moment, as the fire crackled away in the bedroom, and as the frost clung to the window panes, Harry felt at peace and contented. He had a husband who loved him, two sons, and was on his way to welcoming twin girls.
Everywhere, Harry Potter-Snape and Severus Snape were the wise ones.
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