Watching your family fight is hard. But loosing them is a lot harder. A lot harder then Icepaw could have ever thought.
Surrounded by cats. Trapped. Held back. She couldn't do anything to save them. All she could do was watch as the cats that she loved died. Throats ripped out, a horrible battle raging around.
"NO!!" She screeched, writhing in the hold her clanmates had on her. "Do something!!" She sobbed, "do something, please."
"I'm sorry Icepaw, but we can't endanger anyone else trying to save them." The cat that was holding her back, Perchclaw, shook his head. "I'm really sorry dear."
She stared wide eyed as the rouges that they were fighting stabbed their claws into Bloomhearts throat, and with a final look at Icepaw, her eyes shut and her body slumped.
"MOTHER! NO!" She collapsed in a heap of sobs.
"Hey." Perchclaw nudged her. "Let's go. The fight is over." She tried to stand up, tried to look away from her dead parents body, but her eyes flicked over, and she saw the blood stained battle-ground, saw the bodies littered around like fallen leaves. Too many of her clanmates had died, and not enough of the rouges had.
"No." She snapped, her grief hanging over her.
"And why?" Perchclaw narrowed his eyes, but she could see the pain behind them. He probably lost some family member as well. Scanning the battle ground with a hardened heart, she saw the toms brother, Mulletscale, laying dead.
"Because I don't want to go back to the clan. I have no reason too. I've lost my Mother and father in this stupid battle, and my Mentor." She had only noticed Slitherfur, her mentor, dead later on.
"I've lost too Icepaw." He hissed, but then his eyes softened. "I know what it feels like to lose the cats you love. These rouges have taken my mate, and now my brother, but we have to move on. We will always have family to care for us, always have a reason to stay." She looked towards the ground.
Changing the conversation, she said, "Where are the rest of our clanmates?" The russet tom winced.
"Collecting the bodies." He looked away. "Come on. Let's go."
At his tone of voice, the sadness, the anger and the type of voice that made you want to cry, something changed inside of Icepaw. Something clicked, filling in the empty space that had gaped open her heart. She closed her eyes momentarily, giving her eyes and mind a break from the horrible sight before her. She had a sadness and anger raging inside of her, battling with each other, and it made her want to kill something. Supposedly the rouges, the ones that had killed her parents.
She had only just noticed the wounds on her shoulders, stomach, and pretty much every other part of her body, and now they were very sore and bleeding, making her wince again.
"Come one, let's get back to camp." Perchclaw nudged her, making her flatten her ears at the sudden touch. She turned away from him, and with one look at the bloody grounds, she started her walk back to camp- a place where she would never feel the same in again.
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