Chapter one
"Icepaw, please step forward." Dawnstar spoke, her light voice echo throughout the camp. She stood on the high rock, a massive rock with a cave down the bottom of it, which is where the leaders slept. Icepaw walked forward, her eyes downcast.
The next ceremony she was supposed to be in was her warrior one, with her parents watching, her mentor cheering her on, but now it's so much different. She didn't have parents. She didn't have a mentor.
The other leader, Rattlestar, stepped forward. He would make the decision of who her new mentor would be.
"As we all know, Icepaw has lost her mentor. Slitherfur was a very good cat, she was brave and determined, and Dawnstar and I both knew she would be a great fit for Icepaw." The leaders bowed their heads for a moment. "But now the time has come for a new mentor. After careful consideration-" He paused. Usually Icepaw would have been laughing at how serious he was, but she wouldn't do that now, not ever. "I announce that Asterpetal will be Icepaws new mentor." The pretty she-cat stepped forward from out of the crowd, looking very happy. She smiled gently at Icepaw, but she couldn't find enough power to smile back. "I trust that you will train Icepaw to be the amazing warrior that she can be," Rattlestar smiled at her, "as you have shown to be a great hunter and fighter, and you deserve your first apprentice."
Dawnstar stepped forward again, her head held high. "This meeting is over." The clan departed, going to do whatever. Some went hunting, others went to clean dens, and it seemed like Icepaw was the only one who didn't know what to do.
"Icepaw?" She turned around with a hiss. "Woah, chill." The voice, which belonged to Dartpaw, took a step back, giving her a 'you good?' look.
"Oh, hi Dartpaw." She said turning back around and flicking her tail.
"You sound disappointed to see me. Expecting someone else?"
"No, just disappointed to see cats in general."
"I came to see if u were okay." He asked, his tone of voice worried.
"I'm fine." She snapped back, pinning her ears down.
"Well, u totally sound okay." Dartpaw said sarcastically, rolling his vivid blue eyes. He was small for his age, but he always said that he wouldn't let it change him.
"Just," she sighed, lowering her head, "I don't want to talk to anyone right now. It's only been 4 days after the battle, and talking just makes me want to fall into a hole and never come out."
"Oh, okay." He grimaced. "I know it's hard Icepaw, but you will need to get over it eventually, continue on with life." He said softly.
That was the exact opposite of 'trying to help.'
"You don't understand what it feels like." She snapped, whipping her head around and snarling at him. Without waiting for a reply, she stormed off into the forest.
When she reached the border, she down next to a towering birch tree, closing her eyes, and thinking about her parents.
Bloomheart stood over Icekit, her face filled with love.
"Hello my dear."
"Mother!" The little white kit jumped up and licked her mother on the face.
The Queen chuckled, curling her body around the little she-kit.
"What have you been doing today, my love?"
"I've been playing with Dartkit, Sandkit and Smokekit!" She squeaked, a massive smile on her face. "We were playing with the apprentices!"
"Which ones?"
"Well, Redpaw is way too boring, Sparkpaw is okay, but she was out hunting, so we played with Joypaw, Viperpaw, Hawkpaw, and Mistlepaw!"
"Oh, that former kittypet? Mistle?" Bloomheart enquired.
"Yeah! She's so nice! She went outside of the camp to get moss so we could play with it!"
"Oh, she does sound nice." Her mother smiled. "Did you know it's Joypaws, Hawkpaws and Viperpaws warrior ceremony today? They should be having their warrior ceremony today."
"Really?!" She shrieked with excitement.
Bloomheart laughed. "Yes my dear. And it's going to be yours in a few days."
"Yay!" She got up from where she way laying and started trotting happily around the nursery. "I'm gonna be a apprentice." She sung to herself.
"Well, should we go and see if they have come back yet?"
"Yeah!!" She followed her Mother as she got up and walked out of the den. "I love you mother."
"Aww, I love you too, my little ice cube."
End of flashback
Hoped you guys like that chapter!! If you want to know more about Icepaws parents, just tell me and I might start weighting a bonus story about them. More characters will come up in the story, including Glimmerdawn, Asterpetal, Hawkswoop, and Dartbite, and you might want to know about their backstory, and how they came into this one. So just tell me if u want a bonus about these cats when they come Into the story!
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