"okay, remember n-" I started to explain.
"Don't listen to what they say, don't follow there lead, I know Lindie." Jemima giggled twisting a hair elastic around the end of her carrot orange braid.
" I just don't want you turning into a mini-them" I shivered draping my purse strap over my shoulder
"If you don't like them, why do you even hang out with them?" My fourteen year old sister questioned with a raised brow.
"In middle and high school, it was kinda like a privilege now as an adult it's more of an obligation" I attempted to explain.
"Being an adult is weird" She informed opening the door.
"Tell me about it kid" I giggled holding the door open for her before following her out.
Closing the door behind us I draped my arm over Jemima's shoulder she had now reached the perfect height as a leaning post. Walking side by side I looked down at her, her fiery red hair and freckled complexion. She really did look like a mini-me from my old yearbooks, minus she wore jeans and baggy flannel tops were I was always in a dress or skirt back then.
The two of us walked up to Carley's convertible were she was waiting with Violet the two looked like mirror opposites and twins at the same time. The only difference was colors and styles, they both wore sunglasses there hair in loose waves and as I opened the back seat door I could see there both where sundresses as well.
"Why does her little sister get to come and not mine?" Violet scoffed.
"Cause your little sister is a spoiled brat, and Mymy isn't" Carley informed as we crawled into the back seat.
"Yeah, don't call me that" Jemima informed as she sat down.
"Whatever, buckle up kid" Carley rolled her eyes at us from the rear view mirror.
I had to bit my tongue at that, not wanting to giggle, you could feel the annoyance radiating off of Violet and Carley both for different reasons. Violet for being told her sister was a spoiled brat, which really she was. while Carley absolutely hated being told off by anyone.
As Carley started the engine the car fell silent, all of us sitting quietly as she pulled out. Soon after tune spilled from the radio filling the silence. Jemima and I sat in the back seat, minding out business the wind slightly messing up our hair as we drove to the movie theater.
The drive was short lived as Carley pulled into the parking lot of one of the local corner stores. All three of us looked at her as she shut the engine off and undid he belt. It took her a couple moments to realize we weren't following suit.
"We're getting freak snacks, hello" She informed acting as if we were dumb.
"Ohhh" Violet hummed as she undid her seat.
Violet was quick to follow behind Carley as she slammed her door overside purse in hand taking long high heeled strides towards the door. I still didn't understand how she drove in those things, Getting out of the car, Jemima followed closely to me.
"Do not steal anything, whatever you want I'll buy it, understand Jemi?" I informed, looking down at her with a serious expression.
"No shit Sherlock" She sassed back, I nudged her lightly before we walked into the store.
Jemi instantly ran for the "bulk" candy section a small smile forming on my face as I watched. Walking slowly I scanned the store, Carley was at the front counter distracting the older cashier who was practically drooling over her revealing dress. While Violet went through the isle shoving her bag full of stuff.
Doing a loop I walked to the back of the store grabbing drinks for Jemi and myself before looping around to the snack cake aisle. I peered over the Isle watching Jemi for a few seconds. I could see her mouth moving slightly as she attempted to keep track of how much candy she put in. Reaching my hand up I gently scratched behind my ear, the thing that followed caused an ever so quiet groan of annoyance out of me.
feeling my ear sure enough one of the small diamond studs my grandfather had given me for my sweet sixteen had fallen out. crouching down in the aisle I started to look around moving the various snack cakes as I searched for the earing. The sound of the bell dinging signaling someone had entered caught my attention briefly before I went back to looking.
Feeling under the shelves I could feel the built-up dust and unknown objects as I searched blindly. pressed against the shelf I could hear Violet and Carley mumbling things to each other, words I couldn't quite make out. Then I heard it, his voice.
"You should call people stuff" Samael voice hissed.
I could hear items crashing on the floor, suddenly Jemima was crawling around the corner over to me, a look of fear filling her big sapphire blue eyes. She crawled over me in hand grabbing onto my shirt as she pulled her self into me.
"They have guns" there was barely sound to her voice as she mouthed to words to me.
"You know? It's rude!" Samael snapped, causing Jemima to flinch.
I pressed a finger to my lips shuffling forward I looked in the reflected mirrors in the corners of the stores. In one I could see Samael's older brother Raphael, I didn't know much about him other than the rumors but as he held a gun to the old shopkeepers head my blood ran cold. In the other mirror, I could just make out Samael, his back towards Jemima and I.
I took a deep breath pulling Jemima to me I tucked her under me covering her as much as I could. Keeping us low I shuffled to the end of the aisle looking both ways, one way I could see Samaels back, and just make out Carley's stilettos, the other way I saw the back door.
I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, adrenaline coursing through my veins. keeping my head down and arms around Jemima I pulled her towards the back keeping myself low. Reaching the door Jemima opened it, holding my hand the two of us started to ran.
Suddenly my body was jerked back forcing the air out as an arm snaked around my waist, my hand slippered from Jemimas. she stumbled forward before turning back, her eyes growing wide as she looked at me I squirmed in the arms of my captor.
"Run Jemi!" I screamed at her, she backed up a large hand covered my mouth.
" I wouldn't do that kid" an unfamiliar voice snarled and out of the corner of my eye I saw the barrel of a gun.
Jemi stood there, not moving fear filling her eyes as they welled with tears. My eyes flickered between her and the barrel, a gunshot ran out from inside the store. I could see Jemi flinch suddenly all the panic in me washed away and only one thought remained. Jemima, I needed to make sure she got away, that she was safe at all costs.
As the man behind me whistled, I managed to wiggle my mouth enough to get it over his hand, clamping my teeth down on it, he yelped losing his grip. His hand dropping form me, I slammed my elbow back into his gut, I could feel him stumble back and out of the corner of my eye, the back door slowly opened.
"Run, Jemina, now. GO" I screamed at her.
She stood for a few moments longer watching me, watching the door before she turns and ran away disappearing down the streets. A pain filled my leg as I crumbled to the ground, catching myself on the hard pavement of the alley.
"You little bitch" I heard the male voice growl, looking over my shoulder I saw Samael younger brother Gabriel, the barrel of his gunned aimed right for me.
"Gabe, wait" a stern male voice directed, I watched as Raphael exited the building.
"She fucking bit me" Gabriel snarled.
"Forget that, she's the girl Sammy always watching, isn't she?" Raphael questioned walking closer.
"So?"Gabriel questioned.
"I think she'd make the perfect birthday gift, don't you?" Raphael smirked yanking me to my feet by my arm.
"Let me go you son of a bitch" I spat at him.
"Fiesty" he smirked wiping the spit from his face.
Without warning a sharp pain radiated from my cheek as I stumbled back against the brick wall of the building, Both Raphael and Gabriel stood in front of me blocking my paths to escape.
"We can do this the easy and quiet way, or Gabe can go after your little sister" Raphel smirked.
I narrowed my eyes at him and as if an unknown force had claimed my body I swiftly raised my knee slamming it between his legs. Raphael groaned stumbling back, distracting Gabriel as he watched his brother. I took that second to run, stumbling forward I headed for the street.
I didn't get far before the pain exploded in the back of my head, a gasp escaping my lips as I stumbled slightly before slamming onto the cold hard ground. A groan escaped my lungs my vision blurring as I started to lose consciousness. I could see a pair of nicely shined shoes step in front of me before Raphael crouched down.
"Bad choice" he snarled as my vision turned to black.
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