The loud chiming echoing of the walls causes me to shoot up. "Ahhhhhh," I groan. I roll off my bed and onto the floor with a thump.
"Y/n are you okay?" Pansy asks. I jump up quickly.
"Peachy!" I say, "just forgot I wasn't in my room at home." I grab my clothes and pull them on. My black pants and a gray button up. I now had all of my Slytherin things for my uniform too.
"So you rolled off your bed?" She asks.
"This beds smaller then mine at home," I say, "I didn't mean to roll onto the floor." SHe chuckles. Once I get everything I leave Pansy in an attempt to find Harry and Ron. I finally found them at the Gryffindor's table at breakfast.
"Hey Y/n!" Harry says.
"Hey," I say walking towards the table.
"Oh, you're the Slytherin chick they were hanging out with," One of the twin's I saw at the platform says.
"Ron introduce us," The one who smiled at me says. He was kinda cute. He and his twin were definitely identical. Except he had a different pattern of freckles and a slightly different haircut. Very subtle differences.
"Y/n these are my brothers George and Fred, you two this is Y/n Cultven," He says.
"Hello," I say politely.
"Hi," Fred says.
"Hello," George says.
"Y/n if you know whats good for you I would stay away from them," Ron says, "they are trouble."
"I told you this yesterday little sis," Mikey says sitting down beside where I was standing.
"We aren't trouble," They say in unison. Mikey rolls his eyes.
"That's your brother?" Ron asks.
"Yep, can't you tell," I say with a goofy grin cocking my head. Mikey following suit. Mikey and I didn't look anything like each other. "the only Cultven ever to get sorted into Gryffindor."
"To be completely fair I was adopted," Mikey says, "I'm Micheal or Mikey."
"Adopted?" Harry asks.
"Its a long story," I say.
"I'm Ron Weasley," Ron says.
"Another Weasley," He says, "amazing. You better be a good beater like these two. Or at least one the team."
"He's on the Quidditch team with us," The twins say again in unison. Referring to Mikey.
"Hence why I know you're trouble, so stay away from my sister," He says to them.
"Don't listen to Mikey," I say, "he's just an arse."
"And you are Harry Potter," Mikey says. He nods.
"Hello," He says.
"Its nice to meet you," Mikey says, "I'll warn you. The twins are trouble."
"They are," Ron warns.
"Be nice," I say to Mikey.
"See I like her, she doesn't write people off for a couple of silly pranks," George says.
"How nice off you love," Fred says.
"She's 12," Mikey says.
"I can wait a couple years," Fred says teasingly my face goes red as Mikey flips them off. It was more to screw with Micheal then me anyway.
"Ignoring that, I should go to my table. But I'll see you around," I say to them all. The twins wave their goodbyes.
"Bye," Harry says.
"See you later," Ron says with a full mouth.
"Bye," Mikey says, "and good luck with your first day!"
"Thanks," I say pulling him into a hug. He pulls away and I walk over to the Slytherin table and slide down into an empty seat. Not many Slytherin students came down to breakfast. But a few did. Most were 5th and 6th years. But one that was there was good old Draco.
"A mudblood really?" He asks.
"Excuse me?" I ask him.
"You're hanging around the mudblood, Micheal?" Draco asks.
"That's my brother you git," I say standing up and stomping off.
My first class was with Professor McGonagall's class first. As I walked in I quickly scanned the room for a friendly face. Draco? No not after this morning. The Neivelle Kid? No someone just sat down there. Hermione? Why not. She was nice after all. I walk towards her seat and smile. "May I sit here?" I ask.
"Of course," She says. I smile politely and slid into the seat.
"All right students," McGonagall says, "get out a quill and some parchment and start on the lesson on the board." I groan loudly and begin. After a while of quietly writing I hear people burst through the door. I turn to see Harry and Ron rushing in. I smile at them cautiously. See at this moment Gonagall had transfigured into a cat and was perched on her desk. I feared to see what she would do to the boys.
"Whew! We made it!" Ron exclaims, "Can you imagine the look on McGonagall's face if we were late?" The bloody idiots didn't realize she was the cat. I cough and try to signal ther but it was too late. She was already transforming back to her original state. "That was bloody brilliant!" Ron says in amazement.
"Thank-you for that assessment Mr. Weasley," she says scanning the boys to attempt to understand why they were late, "Perhaps it would be more useful if I transfigured Mr. Potter and yourself into a pocket watch. That way one of you might be on time."
"We got lost," Harry says.
"Then perhaps a map?" She says coldly, "I trust you don't need one to find your seats." I look at Hermione and we share a laugh over her comment.
"What do you have next?" I ask them.
"Potions with Snape," Harry says in disapointment.
"Me two," Hermione says.
"Same here," I say, "but I'm quite excited."
"Why? I heard Snape's pretty harsh," Ron asks.
"I've heard his only harsh to Gryffindors," I say, "plus my father made Micheal and I study potions growing up. So I'm a bit above my years. And I think its fun."
"Its at least interesting," Hermione says. We had started walking along the hallways to the dungeons for Potions. Once we get inside I notice the long rows of bubbling caldrons.
"Pre- assigned seats," Pansy warns as I walk by her. I nod and look at them.
"Pre- assigned seats?" Ron asks, "what are we 5?"
"Knock it off," I say smacking his shoulder. A list was passed over by us. And Hermione grabs it.
"Its to separate the different houses," She says.
"And your by me Cultven," Draco says walking towards us.
"Alright," I say. I look at my friends and shrug. "Sorry." I move myself and belonging to the front row with Draco. I was on his right. But to his left were two of the other new Slytherins. I remember him calling them Crabbe and Goyle? Or Crabie and Gale? Cap and Gay? Something like that.
"I wanted to apologize," Draco mutters quietly.
"Excuse me?" I ask.
"I want to apologize okay," He says,
"For?" I ask.
"Insulting your brother," He says, "I didn't know you were related."
"Its fine," I say, "just don't call him that awful word again."
"Well he isn't one if you aren't," Draco says.
"He is a muggle born," I say, "I'm not. Its that simple" He starts to respond but the dark figure entering the room shuts him and the rest of the room up.
"There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class," Professor Snape says as he walks down the path the front of the room. His voice was low and boring. Very expressionless. "As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion making. However, for those select few who possess the predisposition. I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I show you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death." He looks around an pauses, "Then again maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to not pay attention. Mr. Potter, our new celebrity." I look over my shoulder to see Harry scribbling down something. Poor guy. First say and Snape's already gonna kill him. "Tell me what would I get if I added root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" Easy. I look back at Harry who is shaking his head. "You don't know? Well let's try again Where Mr. Potter would you look if I asked you to find me a bezoar?" Hermione had her hand raised high clearly straining herself.
"I don't know, sir," Harry says, Hermione's hand still high.
"And what is the difference between monkswood and wolfsbane?" Snape asks, I look back at Harry and mouth 'There are the same' but he clearly doesn't understand. Hermione looked pained as her hand was still high.
"I don't know sir," Harry says.
"Pity," Snape spits, "Clearly fame isn't everything. Is it Mr. Potter?"
"Clearly Hermione knows seems a 'pity' not to ask her," Harry spits back.Hermiones hand still stretched to the ceiling. The class breaks out in whispers.
"Silence," Snape says in a flat voice. He quickly moves back to face Harry. "Put you hand down you silly girl." He pulls a chair up to face Harry. "For you information Potter. Asphodel and Wormwood making a sleeping potion so powerful its known as the 'Draft of the LIving Dead.' Bezor is a stone taken from the stomach of a got and can save you from most poisons. As for monkswood and wolfsbane they are the same plant which also goes by the name of acanite. Well? Why aren't you all copying this down?" I turn back to face front of the room and like the others pull out my notebook and copy the notes. Snape was now perched at his desk. Which just so happened to right in front of mine and Draco's. Great. I get to be by the teacher. So fun. "Gryffindors note that face points shall be taken from your house for your classmates cheek."
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