Some people find something that just makes them feel so free. Lets the troubles of their real lives slip away into nothing. Mine was riding on that broom high above everyone else in that intense of the quidditch games. Everything about my real life just slips away when I'm in a game. So here now as I fly above the stadium waiting for the ref to release the balls I feel so much better. The fact death eaters have returned slips away, the fact my husband has been gone for about a month now on a mission that got moved up due to the severity. The fact my two male best friends are with him and there has been no word from any of them. It slips away as I focus on crushing Scotland. These scots are going down.
"You good over there?" Puck asks me. I nod. His bright green hair blending into his robes perfectly.
"Just thinking," I say softly. Noah shakes the Scotland team captain's hand then flies up to take position. Within seconds the quaffle and buldgers are releases signaling the start of the game. Very quickly I rush to the nearest buldger smacking it at the scot chaser. The sound of my bat hitting the buldger makes a deafening crack.
"Malfoy has hit Wallace knocking him down! The Ireland chasers have their chance and!"
"They score!" The second announcer yells. I cheer as Noah smiles brightly at us. He is so excited to see us doing well. His team still is his pride and joy despite having a family who is also his pride and joy. All of us have a spot in our hearts that quidditch occupies from us doing this for so long. Its frankly amazing how much time all of us have put into the activity.
"I can't get used to calling you Malfoy," James laughs slightly. I roll my eyes at the comment. Everyone apparently was having such a hard time. Although now I have two sets of game robes, my cultven ones and my Malfoy ones.
"Its the rest of my life you get used to it," I say laughing at him. We move for the next play crushing the next couple plays. Very quickly we rack up points.
"50 to 10 as Scotland scores," The announcer says to the crowd, "its seeming to be a very great game. Ireland is racking up quite the status in the league. Undefeated this season! Its absolutely mad!"
"They've gotten close these last couple games," The second announcer says.
"Here the quaffle is in play! And Irelands got it but- Scotland Chaser McKinney smacks the buldger to Puck! That has to be a foul!" The announcer says, "Chasers can't hit the buldgers Ref!"
"The ref allows it!" The second announcer says sounding shocked, "and Scotland scores!"
"Bull!" I scream down to the ref, "he isn't a beater this isn't fair!"
"Cu- Malfoy stop its not worth it," Aidan says to me, "just focus on the game." I scoff. We move into the next couple plays and very suddenly with the pass of one dirty trick they are allowed one after another. The ref seems to turn a blind eye to all of the very obvious penalties. As my anger grows I keep at a steady pace against them. Smacking buldgers and keeping them off. It isn't until one hits a chaser in the chest the ref stops.
"Foul!" The Scotland teams yells at me.
"No its not!" I scream back, "it hit your chest not your face! Read a rule book!"
"A dispute seems to be forming among Malfoy's last play," The announcer says, "I didn't see any immediate foul in the action but the ref seems to be very sure." The ref flies up to the Scotland team and I. Followed by my whole time as we go into a time out to solve the issue.
"I have to call it," The ref says, "she hit her in the face!"
"No it didn't!" I yell back, "Noah!" Noah looks at the scot chaser then to me.
"She didn't hit her in the face," Noah says simply, "it was legal!"
"She did I watched her! Penalty shot is in order," The ref says. I growl loudly. Noah curses out the ref loudly as fans scream in anger at the call. We seat up for the shot. They score putting us even further down in the hole.
"Disgusting that shouldn't have been a penalty shot!" The announcer yells, "Malfoy had a legal shot! This ref is clearly favouring the team."
"That aside," The second one says, "its now 100- 50 with Scotland in the lead. Ireland better catch the snitch and fast." But we don't. In fact with how many attacks on Aiden I doubt he has a chance to catch his breath. Constantly I'm trying to keep them off of him. We do score a hand full of times. They are up to 200 before we even hit 100.
"Alright!" Noah screams in the time out, "we need a different approach. Fuck scoring we need to get the snitch now!"
"I've been trying they won't get off me," Aiden huffs.
"We keep them off," James offers.
"Perfect," Noah says as the timer sounds signalling the end of our time out. "Come on guys we got this! We can do it! Ireland!"
"Ireland!" We scream loudly. The energy back up in the group as we retake the field. The ref releases the quaffle and buldger allowing us to start the game back up. I quickly move to guard Aiden's left as James takes his right. We keep the buldgers away for a while. Realising our strategy one of the beaters decides to charge at me instead. I try to move away but I don't in time and they knock me clear off my broom snapping the handle. I fall helplessly for a second before Noah pulls me onto his broom.
"That's a penalty!" Noah screams to the ref who seems to look away. He signals for a time out as our team all lands to the ground. I run towards my broom picking it up. I've had this broom for so long and now its gone. Man that really sucks. "They almost killed one of my girls! No charging that's a rule!"
"Not a penalty!" The ref yells back. Puck growls stepping up to the ref.
"Get a bloody ref change now! That's against the rules and you know it!" Puck screams. The game coordinator runs up to us with healers. They flood my sides. The healers look over me at once as the coordinator looks to the ref.
"Your call?" He asks simply.
"Not a penalty," The ref says.
"Get a new ref on the field!" The coordinator yells then looks back to me, "you okay darlin?"
"Fine just shaken," I say softly I look to Noah, "we have the back up brooms right?" He nods. He motions for one of the alts to bring a broom over to me. They take my broken broom and hand me a shiny new firebolt. I sigh at how its not broken in. The new ref signals for a penalty. We retake the field as Puck takes the shot. Suddenly the game might shift in our favour. But we are still behind.
"240 Scotland to Irelands 100" The announcer yells, "Ireland needs the snitch now! If Scotland gets it the game is over."
"Don't count them out yet," The other announcer says, "look at Aiden and Puller are diving! Here they go! And-" We watch completely neverous for the outcome. I can't bring myself to look. Instead I keep my eyes on the blue sky. The bright sky reminds me of my husbands eyes. I smile at the thought of the man I love. "He's got the snitch Ireland wins!" I'm completely shocked at the words. I land with the others screaming in excitement.
"We are going to finals!" I scream tackling James into a tight hug, "we have another chance!"
"I'm so proud of all of you!" Noah screams hugging each of us. We all celebrate but something feels off. I look over to see Ginny and Hermione pushing their way into the field with Arthur. All of them seem rather frantic as they reach me. I shove away from my team mates and move towards them. Something has to be wrong. They would never flood the field like this. But who is it? What happened? Hermione reaches me and places a hand on mine.
"It's Draco," She says to me, "he's at St Mungo's there was an accident-" The second I hear the words my heart stops. My throat closes as tears brim my eyes. I feel the eyes of my teammates fall on me. I don't care. My whole body is in shock.
"Y/n," Ginny says softly.
"Let's go," I say as I toss down my broom. I apparate in that second. They follow suit and appear behind me at once. Once in the hospital Arthur leads us through the twisting halls. My anxieties run high as we move. Every step reminds me I know nothing. Arthur stops in a hall where Harry and Ron are sitting. Ron is resting his face in his palms as Harry paces. Upon seeing me they both stand looking at me carefully. "What happened? Whats wrong with him? Let me see him!"
"No you can't the healers are in there," Harry says looking down to me, "I can't tell you my boss said-"
"I don't give a damn what your boss said!" I yell, "That's my husband what happened?!" A loud sob escapes my throat. I feel a ache in my chest. I'm supposed to grow old with this man. I'm supposed to have a baby with him. Live my life with him. "Please?"
"There were more of them then we thought," Ron says softly, "he got hit with a spell we don't know. Its a lot like the one Harry hit him with but worse. He lost a lot of blood. We got him here as soon as we can." Harry looks down.
"They don't know if he'll make it," Harry says softly. I start to collapse to my knees sobbing as Hermione moves towards me. She pulls me into her arms. I sob into her chest as the others around me watch the scene. I could tell the vibe. Every one is pitying the poor girl who's lost everyone and might just lose her husband. No a sound in the hall is heard except my loud sobs. The eyes of the others get watery at me being an utter mess. Hermione strokes my hair softly as I cry. Fear of losing Draco fills me to my core. The idea of him suffering so much causes me so much pain. I wish for once I could take his place in these awful situations. After what feels like forever I pull away from Hermione. My body still in shock as I continue to sit on the floor. My eyes red and puffy. I stop crying but I remain sitting on the ground weakly. I don't want to speak. "He's gone through so much. He's a fighter."
"Where is he?" I hear. I look up to see a rather hysterical Narcissa and Lucius running towards us. She's already crying. Even Lucius seems to be on verge of tears. Narcissa looks to me softly. "How is he?"
"We don't know," Arthur says to Narcissa. She whimpers leaning into her husband. I wipe my eyes as Ron moves to sit beside me. He pulls me into a hug as I bury my face. Narcissa and Lucius join all of us in waiting helplessly. No one talks. Its tense as we wait for anything. The hours pass. Ron stays beside me trying to comfort me. Times like this really set in stone that he is like a brother to me. He spends so long trying to keep me together. As the healers move in and out of the room I feel my heart sink.
"I can't lose him," I say softly to Harry and Ron as they sit beside me. "He's my everything." I look to the door. It opens again. The healer stands looking across us.
"The wife?" He asks the group. I stand up nervously. Narcissa follows suit moving towards me with her husband. She places a hand on my shoulder.
"I'm the wife," I say weakly, "how is he?"
"Stable," The healer says to me, "the wounds are bandaged. We will see what happens from here."
"Can we see him?" Narcissa asks. He nods. The three of us move in first. The others remain outside giving us our space. The curtain is drawn around his bed. We move all the way back to his bed past the curtains. The first sight I see of him laying helplessly in the beds breaks me. I choke out in a sob as I move my hand to cover my mouth. His blond hair is matted with sweat and blood as its pushed out of the way. His shirt is gone and replaced with layers of bandages.
"Dray," I say softly. I move to his side taking his hand. I peck his hand. His skin feels hot. Like he was sick and feverish. I keep his hand in mine. His whole body feels limp. I've never seen him so weak. His parents sit on the other side looking over their son in tears. The boy they love so so much on the verge of death. I caress his cheek with my free hand whimpering softly. "Baby?"
His eyes are shut tight. The only signs of life is the soft rising and falling of his chest. Seeing him like this is earth shattering. My chest somehow gets tighter. At this point I'm just numb. The others after about an hour join us in the room. Upon seeing his bloody bandages and weak form they too are saddened. They try their best to help comfort his parents and I. Its meaningless. All I can think about is the terrifying thought of losing him.
"Y/n," Hermione says after what feels like forever. I haven't moved. I still remain clutching his hand tightly with both of mine. I look over at her too see her weak expression. "Maybe we should take a walk-"
"I want to stay here," I say quietly. My voice doesn't go higher than a whisper. She nods then stands leading the others out. His parents and I remain at his side. Soon Blaise and Theo join the room. Both of them too in shock from the idea of possibly losing their best friend. I grab my wand using it to collect a wet rag. I use this to wipe away the blood and sweat from his face and hair.
"Cissa," Lucius says softly to his wife, "lets take a walk." She starts to resist but gives in. He leads her away. Blaise moves towards me. He places a hand on my shoulder.
"Theo and I are going to run to your house and get some things for you and Draco," He says to me, "keep us updated." I nod. As they leave I'm left alone with my unconcius husband. The healer walks in.
"We need to change his bandages," She says to me, "if you want to leave-"
"No," I say firmly. She nods. I move away slightly getting out of the way. They cut away at the original bandages. Now I can see the three long slashes along his chest. I cover my mouth to stifle the sob at the sight. He had to of suffered. Its awful. As they place something over his chest I see them seal slightly. It only lasts for a few seconds before they reopen. They finish the bandages and then the first healer looks to me again.
"He'll be fine," She says to me, "we just need him to regain conscious." She looks away slightly. I keep my eyes on Draco. "He needs to regain conscious."
"He will right?" I ask her. She nods.
"He'll be alright," She tells me, "he lost a lot of blood but we got it under control. The only thing we are worried about keeping them sealed. Its something we've seen before. The curse is similar to another. Hopefully we can keep stable." She places a hand on my shoulder comfortably. "I have full faith that your husband will make it." I nod as she moves away leaving he and I alone again. I look back to the boy taking his hand back in mine. I trace along his hand. I see his eyes twitch slightly. Then they flutter open.
"Draco," I say weakly. He looks up to me and smiles weakly.
"What a sight for sore eyes," He says to me. I laugh weakly as tears fill my eyes. His hand moves to cup my cheek. "I'm okay."
And he was. Except not really. The three deep wounds kept him in the hospital for a week. They kept reopening and causing so much issues. But soon after the week is up he is okay to be sent home if he takes it easy. Harry and Ron had to help me get him home.
"You okay?" I ask Draco once we get him settled in our bed. Harry and Ron left to get to work as I fix the pillows and such. Essentially just trying to get him comfortable.
"Yeah," He says settling down, "actually I think I need a kiss to make me feel better." I roll my eyes moving towards him kissing him. I pull back and look over him carefully.
"Do you need anything?" I ask him, "I don't have to go into work today. George already said I can take as much time as I need to help you-"
"My mum is coming over," He says to me, "besides I'm a grown man."
"You are my husband and I want to take care of you," I say to him, "please Draco." He sighs moving over slightly so I can sit beside him. I follow suit. He takes my hand looking up at me.
"Love you need to relax," He says to me, "I'm on bed rest for today then I go back to work tomorrow. I'm fine. I can still get up and such."
"I know but just to be careful," I say to him.
"Y/n love I promise you I am fine," He says to me. I look away nodding. My eyes fall back to him and I sigh.
"That scared me Dray," I say to him, "actually. I thought that I lost you."
"I'm sorry," He says to me, "I dove in front of Ron and I didn't think it would be as bad as it was."
"You dove in front of Ron?" I ask him. He nods.
"He was fighting- But I didn't mean to scare you," He says to me, "I am so sorry. You don't deserve to be put through that." He cups my cheek. "But I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. You and I are gonna grow old together." I smile at him. He pulls his hand pack then pecks my cheek.
The injury put one thing into perspective for us. There is still so much chance and the two of us picked two rather dangerous careers. Meaning we could still lose so much. However it really showed us again how much we love each other. He really moved to save Ron. Harry and Ron really were the first ones there to help and support us. We've all grown. Its nice.
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