The first quidditch match of the season finally is here. And through persuasion and a bit of my own money put up. I got every single one of the Weasley Clan, Blaise, Hermione, Harry, Luna, Lee, Neville, And hell even Draco tickets. So 15 tickets later my whole family, maybe not blood but my family, were all outside ready to watch my opening match. My green uniform hilariously similar to that of my Hogwarts quidditch uniform.
"Alright team," Noah says as he rushes into into the changing rooms. "We need to get out there. So let's go crush these London dweebs!" The teams loud various cheers erupt at the demand. We wanted to crush Londons team. As Noah leads us outside we wait at the gate for the announcers.
"Alright Ireland has quite the line up tonight. Seeker Aiden Lynch, Captain and Keeper Noah Cotlin, chasers Puck Doberman, Marvin Tohan, and Donna Cosellin, Beaters Y/n Cultven and James Cullen Who is subbing in tonight." They announce. The stadium erupts as we fly out and around the stadium. Cheers all around us. I fly past Draco's section sending him a wink. Then move towards my team as we all settle before the London team. London was already out and ready to fight. "We are in for a show tonight. Ireland's got to defend their championship name." As Noah and the London captains shake hands James and I high five to keep the excitement up. Noah rejoins us and I smile at him as he settles in between James and I. We line up as he ref marches out with the quaffle the. Within seconds the whistle is blown and the quaffle, along with the snitch and the buldgers, are released. We split up moving into play positions. My eyes snap to the buldger about 20 feet from me. Moving as fast as I can to hit it right into one of the London Chasers. As it smacks him away from the quaffle I smirk slight and fly with the chasers on my team. It was nothing like playing for a Hogwarts team. The skill was undeniable, the moment was constant, and thousands of more eyes were on your every move. Which comes fast considering within seconds of hitting one buldger I would be rushing to hit it again. My heart rate up and my body getting gross and sweaty.
"Ireland scores! Play by Puck on Evangelin!" The announcer says, "Now Now now let's look at Cultven and Bolins. Team work crushing the London offence."
I smack the buldger at another chaser and James his it again as it moves towards him.
"Hero on the field and to the world Cultven is," The announcer screams, "and if James is just the sub imagine the talent of the other guy. Oh oh wait a second! Ireland scores again! But wait now London's got the quaffle now!"
"Not on my watch," I hiss dashing forward to smack the buldger at the chaser who has the quaffle. It knocks her back allowing Puck to swipe the quaffle from her. He moves faster than the others to smack it right into the goal.
"Ireland scores again! Now Cultven isn't letting anyone score on her field. And chaser Puck might be old but he sure isn't slowing down anytime soon," The announcer says, "Now the quaffle is sent back out by Noah but oh! It lands right in the Ireland territory. But if Muggle history has taught us anything it's that the British have no problem taking Ireland's territory."
"Yikes," James chuckles!as Marvin gets the quaffle and barrels down the field.
"He's going all the way! And... Ireland scores!" The announcer screams as cheers erupt again. But what took the attention was Aiden's sudden dive. "Oh but it seems both teams have spotted the snitch! They are going. In the mean time it seems Ireland's rushing to keep their lead!"
"Let's go!" Noah yells forcing us to move on with the plays. We push to score again.
"Ireland scores 40-0 but if London catches the snitch they take the game!"
"Again!" Noah hells and barrel through London's team who seem not to focused on us but more on their seeker. We score again and again.
"Oh oh! Aiden is ahead of Duke and he's reaching he is reaching... and..." Aiden's hand shoots in the air. "HE'S CAUGHT THE SNITCH IRELAND WINS!
"YES!" Noah yells zipping towards us.
"Yes yes yes!" I cheer hugging James as the rest of the team gathers around us. Aiden holds the snitch above us. My first ever bro game and we killed it.
As I walk out of the locker room to the field I see my large group, along with other players families and friends, stood on the field waiting. I walk to Ginny and she tackles me. "You did amazing!" She yells. Harry, Ron, and George join her.
"You won!"
"You did amazing!"
"I can not believe Ireland won with such a gap," Bill exclaims as the tacklers get off me.
"Pay up," Charlie says to Bill as he ruffles me hair.
"No fair," Bill says, "it's not fair."
"Hey it's not my fault you didn't believe in our girl!" Charlie exclaims laughing. But my attention wasn't on them anymore. It was on the Blond in the corner walking meekly watching me. Draco and Blaise both watching my gathered crowd awkwardly. I wave to them.
"We did really well," I say to my group, "of course my last play was a little shaky. The bat I always use stared to crack. I'm going to have to fix that- can you excuse me for a second?"
"Yes yes Dear," Molly says, "Come on kids let her get to her crowd. Remember she's going home with us." The other back away letting me go and I rush towards Draco and Blaise. As I stop before them I look back to see Hermione watching my every move. I look back and sigh.
"Thanks for coming today guys," I say to them, "it's nice to see you out of Hogwarts."
"Same to you," Draco says and Blaise smirks at us.
"Yeah it's great seeing you crush on the qudditch field again," Blaise says, "it's even more amusing to see him Droll over you."
"Blaise!" Draco snaps.
"Oh whatever," Blaise huffs. And I smile at Draco.
"After all these years you still think it's hot when I play?" I ask him and Draco sighs. He takes my hands instead of responding. "Regardless. I was thinking that you're Christmas break is coming up."
"Yeah," He says, "I'm dreading going home."
"Well I think I've come up with a solution," I say to him, "maybe you can stay with me at the burrow and official meet the clan."
"I'll make sure to prepare," He smiles.
"Good." I say and hug them both quickly, "I have to get back but thanks again for coming."
"Bye," Draco says.
"See you later Cultven,"Blaise says as I wave then run back. Before Hermione can say anything I talk.
"Butterbeers in me?"
"Sounds great," Harry says, "lets go." The others nod and as we start walking off I smile.
"To Ireland!" I cheer.
"To Ireland!"
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