The Way Kat Is
The Way Kat Is
Walking out of the pack house, I noticed people training and instantly saw a big weakness. This pack was very well trained but they practically told you their next move.
Everybody does it unless they are trained to pretty much be like ninjas, see what happens is, you look exactly where you're gonna go. Plus, people make their movements to obvious. I walked up to the people training. "You are doing it wrong. " I announced sounding bored.
"Ha! Like you could beat any of us? yeah right!" Shouted a high nasally voice. My head snapped towards the voice to see a black haired bimbo.
I raised an eyebrow, "yes even you whoever you are." I sneered. She huffed flipping her hair that went a bit past her shoulders. She had on a sports bra and I'm guessing shorts but they looked like panties. I still had on my dress but I could still take her. "It's Abby. I'm the Luna, Alpha Female, queen, alphas girlfriend, soon to be his wife. what ever you want to call it. " She said smugly. I smirked " I'd say more like whore, slut, hoe but its whatever you want to call it . " I heard snickers from all around as her face turned red. " Fine lets fight" She gritted out. I nodded as we got a bit closer and a circle formed around us. " Hey what's your name?" Somebody, sounded like a man, called from the crowd to my right. " It's Muffy!" I called back. Abby laughed " What kind of name is that!" I rolled my eyes " Shut up and lets just fight dammit " I spat. She huffed but nodded as we circled each other.
She looked at my stomach and then to the right but she looked with her eyes. She was ganna lung to the right then go to my stomach trying to tackle me down. And that's what she did. She lunged while I went left and grabbed the back of her neck slamming her down. I put my knee on her back keeping her in place. " Just say uncle" I sang. She struggled a bit more then finally she huffed. " Uncle." I smirked standing up.
Too easy.
I smiled as I started teaching everybody a bit on what I know.
After I finished I told them bye and was on my way to go on a run around the boarders. I took of going north so I'd go counter clock wise. I smiled, I love running. As I started heading west I was suddenly tackled to the ground as I squealed while going down. Looking at the culprit I came to see a very similar face. " Kat?" I screamed in shock. I looked at The black haired green eyed girl on top of me with an angry expression on her pretty face. I saw her green highlights as well, I was always jealous of how she could pull it off. She wore a long dark green dress that had a slit on each side so it showed her toned legs.
" What the hell? get off of me!" I screamed to which I received a punch in the face in response. I snapped my head back. " What the hell!" To which I got the same response and I looked back at her and slowly said " What. the. hell?" To which I just got another punch in the face. -_-# Do you see my frustration here? I hissed having enough of it.
I then kicked her off and jumped up. "What the hell is wrong with you!?" I shouted. She calmly got up and dusted herself off. I could already feel my bruise healing. She looked at me with a scowl. I didn't notice her wings where out until I saw them. They where a light green with swirls in them. They were about 2 inches taller than her.
" I was angry" She said calmly as she crossed her arms. I felt my left eye twitch and I probably looked like tinker-bell when she gets furious. " Have you ever heard of PUNCHING A TREE!!" I yelled lunging on her making us fall to the ground as we threw punches and slaps at each other while yelling at each other.
" BREAK IT UP!" I heard a deep and powerful voice yell. We froze instantly. I was on top and my left hand was holding her neck while my right hand was pulled back ready to punch. Her hand was on my throat while her right hand was about to slap me. To which she did slap me still looking at the man while I punched her. We then finally got up and dusted ourselves off. I looked up and saw my mate. I looked at him then towards Kat while my eyebrows rose in confusion. "Hey Kat where's Kitty? " I asked.
Kat sighed. " I don't know, I lost her after we escaped. " She sighed defeated. Tears started to fall down her face so I pulled her into a hug. " She will find us Kat." I said reassuringly. She hugged me back and continued to cry.
Kitty was Kat's younger sister by two years. Kat is the same age as me, 19 , so Kitty was 17. While Kat was a earth and wind fairy Kitty was a water and fire fairy. She had snow blonde hair with red highlights and crystal blue doe eyes. She was also pale but her skin was always warm.
" I know she will find us Kat. " I looked back into her green eyes and saw all her mixed emotions. Anger, sadness and worry. She then pushed me away while clearing her throat and dusting her self off while I just rolled my eyes. " Um Muffy. " Came a deep voice. My head snapped towards the person seeing my mate standing there awkwardly. I smiled. Grabbing Kat's arm while hearing a 'hey!' as I pulled her towards my mate. " Kat this is my mate, Fable. " She looked unfazed by his beauty and rolled her eyes shrugging her shoulders " Okay?" She stated bored. I narrowed my eyes hearing a growl. " He is also an Alpha" I gritted out.
She rolled her eyes like she could careless. Let's just say she thought she was still better. " Ugh you're impossible " I stated turning around and walking towards the pack house with Fable on my heels. " Wait can I come I've got no where else to go!" I rolled my eyes and huffed. " Fine" I yelled as I heard her start to fly towards us.
I just want to dedicate this chapter to my mom we just found out she has cancer. And need all your prayers.
anyway comment vote and follow!!!
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