Million Dollar House
Chapter 5
Million dollar house
It didn't take long for Adee to come.
She was a 14 year old pup. She had brown hair and brown eyes with light freckles around her nose. She was quite short and wore jeans with a green cami.
"Are you Buffy?". Adee said with a dark gleam in her eyes.
This bitch knew she said my name wrong! Before I continue, lets say that I'm very immature for my age so lets see how this goes.
"No its Muffy, and you must be Adie." Yes I pronounced it A DIE.
I smiled sweetly. She rolled her eyes at my childish behavior "Whatever Buffy." "Its Muffy!" I said raising my voice.
She smirked. Then I decided to see if maybe I could scare her. My smile grew like a Cheshire cat as I slowly let my fangs grow to their full length. The girl's eyes widened. " A... are you a v.. vampire ?" Adee asked. I shook my head no. I bent down to her level as I whispered " I'm your worst nightmare " Adee screamed, "freak!" And ran off.
I was laughing so hard I fell clutching my stomach as my fangs went back to their regular height were they just barely protruded from behind my lips. I let a long sigh escape my mouth as I slowly climbed to my feet.
Well shit now I don't know where the hell to go.
Nice job dumb ass
Hissed my snake
I rolled my eyes while shutting her out. I closed the room and started walking down the hall. There were about six doors not including the door I had just left. I passed three doors when I got to a set of stairs and an elevator.
Stupid rich people.
I pressed down on the elevator and stood there for minute until I heard a ding. The doors opened and I stepped in side. I need to come up with a plan to get out of here. I wonder if I could just walk out. No they would notice and ask question and most likely lock me up. "Hello, you must be the Luna?" I heard a voice come from nowhere.
"Holy shit!" I screamed closing my eyes as I randomly swung my fist towards where the voice came from.
I hear the elevator doors open along with a pained groan. I peeked my eyes open and saw tons of people staring at me and the man in pain, wide eyed.
I then looked at the man, maybe a year older then me on his knees while holding his face. My eyes widened. I slowly crept to the buttons for the elevator, pushing all the buttons and jumping out as the door closed leaving the unknown man behind.
I turned and not a single person moved. "What? Can't a girl ride an elevator without people looking at her like they just saw a man get slugged?" I said I then walked away from the crowd through a door.
Oh look a kitchen, great. Note the sarcasm.
I noticed a girl that looked just like Fable.
"Hi... um do you know where Fable is?" I asked her. The girl's head snapped up.
She glared at me as she crossed her arms and popped her hip out. "Why the hell do you want to know I'm sure you are just another hoe going for the female alpha status." The girl glared.
I raised an eyebrow as I got in the same posture as her. "Bitch you don't even know me! I ain't no hoe. I'm still a fucking virgin, bitch. What crawled up your ass and died. Now Im going to ask one more time. Where. Is. Fable." I hissed.
She stepped back her eyes wide. She quickly composed herself and simply said "In the jail house." She said, crossing her arms.
"Think you could show me...?" She sighed and rolled her eyes. "Come on, whore." I hissed while she growled.
We walked through the back door. We walked through the woods till we got to what seemed like the middle. The girl bent down and pulled up a trap door. "There whore. Don't spread your legs down there you might get a disease.... or spread a few."
She smirked and turned and walked away. I rolled my eyes telling myself Ill get her back next time, then climbed down.
When I got down, a foul sent hit my nose It was a but dark but with my i guess night vision I could see clearly There were cells all around me. I walked down a hall trying to not make a sound.
"Ah," I hissed looking down and saw I stepped on a pointy rock. I wiped it off me foot and continued walking. the walls were dark and the floor felt like pure cement, it felt as though eyes were digging into me, after about 5 minutes later I suddenly started hearing grunts of pain. I walked past a few more cells and saw Fable in the same cell as the head vampire. I looked and saw the other vampire asleep in a separate cell.
"Tell me your name dammit!" Fable yelled hitting the man in the face with his fist. I saw the man laugh as he spit some blood out. " No" He said. Fable growled. I rolled my eyes.
I walked to the cell and opened it stepping in.
"Hun you're doing it wrong, Why do you need his name anyway? " I stated. As I pushed Fable out of the way. "I need to be able to know who he is related to" Fable answered. The vampire glared at me. "miss me?" I said winking.
The vampire just hissed. I laughed. I walked to the other cell. I kicked the other man in the stomach waking him up. " Donnie! " The head vampire yelled. I smirked. "Oh so you care about Donnie boy eh?" I said as I grabbed the vampire by the hair and pulled him up. He screamed and the vampires eyes widened. "Leave my brother alone!" The man yelled. "Oh I will. Once you tell me your name and whatever my mate wants to know. " I said winking towards my mate. His eyes turned pitch black as he growled with a lust full look in his eyes.
This could be fun.
Fable them snapped out of it and looked at the vampire. "Name" Fable demanded. The man lowered his head. " 1" I said as I started counting. The mans Head snapped up. " 2" I said. Still nothing. I then quickly turned and punched Donnie in the face making his head snap to the left while he stumbled a bit. I turned back looking at the vampire straight in the eye " 3" I said
The vampire hissed. " Well?" I asked. He didn't move. "Fine" I said turning and kicking Donnie in the face as I turned making him scream as I heard a crack. I turned and saw him holding his nose. " No you bitch!" The vampire screamed. I smiled. " Answer my mates questions " I demanded. The vampire sighed. " Danny. " The man said. I smiled. " Next question babe" I said batting my eyes at Fable.
He smiled then glared at the man "Why did you trespass?" he asked. The vampire smirked "Messing around" he shrugged. "Why did you target my sister?" Danny shrugged. "She would have been an easy kill"
Fable growled then gave me a look that said kill'em I nodded. I looked at Danny. "Night, night Donnie." I said as I stuck my fangs into his neck giving him every ounce of poison needed to kill him. " No!" Danny yelled. "Oh, shut up he is dying painlessly its like falling asleep." I said rolling my eyes. Fable went up behind him and snapped his neck. You heard a sharp scream then his body hitting the ground. His neck was in a very weird angle making me want to gag.
Fable came up to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and walking us out.
Its a bit short I'm sorry but I have the flu but I knew I needed to update so here you go! another will be up tomorrow.
until then my loves eat some bacon its good for your soul but not your health.!!
vote comment and follow!!
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