Chapter 21 Round up
Round up!
"Of course I'm in, What made you think I wouldn't love to kick some hunters ass?" Cadey replied into the phone making me giggle. I laughed "I had to make Sure. " I say. "Mind if I bring a friend " Casey asked. I smile "The more the merrier " I say. "Do you know the twins numbers?" I add. I hear a pause "Uh Yeah hang on its in Here somewhere." I hear a lot of rattling as I shift from one foot to the other and her voice then comes through "All I have is Cason's but where Cason is I'm Sure you'll find Carter. " I nod. Okay well Meet us up in Georgia near the border on Saturday night.
"Will do " The line then went dead as I then put another 50 cents and dialed Cason's number. After three rings a deep voice went through "Yellow?" I rolled my eyes "Only you Cason greet people saying yellow" I said as I laughed. "Muuuuufffyyy " Cason said as he drug it out. I heard shuffling in the back ground then Carter's voice "Muffy!?!?!" I laughed "Hi Carter "
"Hi Muffinn we've missed you" They both said simultaneously. I giggled "How have you guys been?" I asked. "Fine " they again said at the same time. I then sighed turning serious "I was calling because I need help. " I said. "What is it Muffinn? " Carter said being the more serious one of the two. "Cadey, Arish, Kat and Kitten and myself are going to go after the hunters and we need as many people to help out as we can get. " I said. "We are so in" They both said at the same time.
I smiled as I gave them the same info I gave to Cadey. "Do any of you know Haven or Lizen's number? " I ask. "Uh I know where Haven lives somewhere around the place you want us to meet at. and I know Lizen's number. " Cason stated. I nodded as he gave me the number " Okay Thank you " I said as I then hung up and quickly called Lizen.
"Hello? " Came a tired voice. "Lizen? " I asked. "Muffy? " I sighed "Hi Lizen where are you?" I ask. "In Paris. " I then sighed and proceeded to tell her my plans. "Well you can come and live with me we can all squeeze in and I'd love to kill the hunters!" She said sounding more awake. I nodded "Perfect." When then said our goodbyes and hung up. I turned to Arish and gave her a thumbs up receiving a large smile in return. "Let's get home now. " I smiled
Arish walked to me and put her arms around me as she then teleported us home. We arrived at the front door of the house. I opened the door and walked in with Arish behind me. She was quickly pulled into an embrace by her mate making me giggle and her blush as she slowly returned the hug. I look around and spot Fable walking towards me. He kisses my forehead as he bends down and whispers in my ear "next time bring guards with you" I giggle as I roll my eyes and push him away, he narrows his eyes "Muffy I'm serious next time you leave to town or anywhere, for that matter, bring guards with you." I roll my eyes "I can take care of myself Fable" I tell him. He shakes his head "your a Luna you shouldn't have to." I roll my eyes "being the Luna I should be able to handle them" I say not backing down. A low growl rumbles in his chest "I just want you safe Muffy don't argue with me." I sigh.
'Just give in your not going to be Here long anyway' Flare states as I sigh knowing she is right. "Next time I'll bring a guard" I tell Fable making him smile "That's all I want. " I sigh as I smile back him. I lean up on my tip toes and Peck His lips. I looked around seeing a lot of people around. I leaned in and whispered in Fable's ear. "Let's get out of here and go watch a movie" He looks at me and winks as he grabs my hand and pulls me out to the garage.
Unknowns POV
Red curtains, black carpet , red and black furniture and a black wood door, with a white door handle. Two book shelves with every kind of book, a clock right above the door. Windows in random places reaching the ceiling and the floor giving a beautiful view of the trees.
Perfect. I think to myself as a smirk graces my lips. My beautiful vampire beloved will surely be please. I walk to one of the windows as I think to my self. Who in there right mind would take My Magdel? I glare at the trees. Who would be so terrible to take my girl away? I grunt as a knock sounds at my door."Enter " my voice booms from the walls and the door creaks open. A young maid steps in. I look her up and down. Brown hair, blue eyes and thin lips, her age is around 16. But her breast, perfect. Her eyes hold fear but her face is blank. "Dinner is ready sir" she says in a strong voice that if you didn't listen clearly, you would have never picked up the slight tremble in her words. I slowly walk towards her as she stiffens. My hand glides around her waist as my other hand takes her covered breast as my mouth slams onto Hers she tries to fight but I slam her against the wall making a scream fall from her lips as I slip my tongue in exploring her mouth.
Suddenly a pain fills my tongue a quickly pull away. I glare at her as I slap her . I think place my hands right above her jawline then in a perfect motion, I jerk her head to the side snapping her neck and killing her instantly. She then limply falls to the floor. I step over her body as I go to the door and open it. There my second hand man stands. "Aid " I nod. He looks at me "Sir there is still no trace of her. " I grunt "keep looking" I say. "We've looked every where. But in pack lands " I look at him with narrowed eyes "there is your problem. Look. Kill off the small packs take in prisoners the whole sha-bang until you find her" I yell as I turn and walk away.
A little short but better then nothing!!
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