20- letters from the broken. teaser
Chapter 20 teaser
Letters from the Broken
Walking in the kitchen I saw Kitten, Kat and Arish eating eggs, Bacon and biscuits. I grabbed a plate and grabbed some as well sitting beside Arish. Arish had her head down and wore a dark green Beanie on with a green sweater and dark blue jeans with lime green converse, Kate wore a black blouse with white shorts that stopped above her knees with black flats. Her hair up in a pony tail. Kitten had her hair down and wore a red shirt that said "I love wolves " She wore black skinny jeans with Red lace up boots. All were quiet and all heads were down as we ate. Kat was the first one done as she put her plate in the sink, Kitten and Arise were next then myself. I stood up and they silently followed as I grabbed some random keys and walked out to the garage door. Going to a four door truck I jumped in the driver side, Kitten got in the passenger side and Arise got behind me in the back with Kat behind Kitten.
"I say we write letters to explain, I don't want them thinking we rejected them. " Arish silently stated. I nodded in agreement " I was already going to do that I don't know about Kat and Kitten though" I said.
"We will" They both said after a minute of silence. I drove down the road and turned on the interstate going towards the huge mall.
"I can't believe we are leaving in two days." Arish whispered as she looked out the window. No one said a word. All just agreed silently in our heads.
As we pulled up to Starbucks we all climbed out and walked in, Kat walked to the counter all grabbing us something.
"I Hope this works" Arish suddenly spoke after we sat down in the far corner " Well That's all we have now is Hope and Each other. " Kitten said smiling encouragingly. "Ugh why do you have to be so mushy Arise? Seriously man the fuck up" Kat said returning to our table and giving us our coffees. " Why don't you shut the fuck up?" I said to Kat as Arish looked down with her hands in her laps. Kitten giggled "don't worry about her Arish You know how my sister is always a grumpy pants" Kate shot a glare as the words fell from her lips.
I rolled my eyes as Kate started arguing with Kitten and Kitten just giggled and teased her sister some more. "Okay guys let's get back on track here. " I said as I cleared my throat. They each looked at me and nodded. "So we take a Bus which luckily comes a bit during the ceremony so when Bable is reading what I wrote we will already be off and out of here. " I said.
They nodded but Kat spoke up "I was thinking maybe once we leave and find a hide out we could start Looking for-he-who-shall-not-be-spoken-of and kill all the hunters working for him. then we'd No longer have to run, I know we would never be able to come back because doing all this could take years and our mates would already have moved on but atleast we could have some peace. " Kat spoke. I shook my head "They know our weakness" I said "So why are we running from a bunch of fucking humans? " Kat argued leaning more towards me.
"They know are weaknesses " I said back softly but firm. "I'm Sorry Muffy but I'm going to have to go on my sister with this, Yes they know our weaknesses but they don't know our strengths plus we know theirs as well." Kitten replied. I nodded as she continued " your a fang me and Kat are fairies and Arish the telekinesis chick and I bet we could gather more victims, hell we could get am army of some sort think about it. especially the people still trapped. " I nodded my head "Alright we'll do it. we an disuse the plans later when we leave. " They nodded..............................
just a teaser of chapter 20- letters from the broken
tell me what you think! (Sorry It's coming slow I only have main parts thought of I have Nothing for in-between so making it up as I go!! )
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