Trusting Each Other
As Sir Pentious continued to work on his next ray-gun, he can't get Alastor out of his head. Everywhere he slithered or doing the rest of his agenda, Pentious would suddenly lose focus. Even in his sleep, he kept dreaming about Alastor getting to close near his face. The next day, Sir Pentious did role call to see if all his Egg Bois are still present with his clipboard...
Sir Pentious: Egg minion number 87?
#87: Here!
Sir Pentious: *checked him on his clipboard* Egg minion number 88?
#88: Here!
Sir Pentious: *checked him on his clipboard* Egg minion number 89?
Sir Pentious: *checked him on his clipboard* Egg minion number 89? Number 89, are you here? *groan & face-palm* *pulls a near-by lever and a new Egg Boi comes out* Let's try this again. Egg minion number 89?
#89: Here!
Sir Pentious: That's better *checked him on his clipboard*
After attendance, Pentious then looked at his security cameras to see his minions doing their assigned jobs around the Territorial Takeover. He started to feel proud to see his minions doing what they're told. But then suddenly, on camera 6, he thought he saw Alastor's shadow near one of his Egg minions, looking like he's going to attack him. Sir Pentious rubbed his eyes (his main eyes on his face, since he has like 26 eyes all over his body *including the main eyes*) and saw nothing but an Egg Boi doing his job on camera 6. The next thing he did is tinkering an old machine he worked on before, until Cherri Bomb and Angel Dust smashed it. He wipe the sweat off his face with a towel, and when his towel is off his face, he saw Alastor face-to-face with that sinister smile at him. The serpent suddenly blushed, but shook his head and saw that no one was there. He started to get really frustrated, that he needs to get him out of his mind. And he knows what to do. He grabbed the card Alastor gave him, and dial in his number.
Alastor: *through this phone* Hello, Sir Pentious. I'd figured you'd call me back.
Sir Pentious: Listen, Radio Demon, I just wanna have a talk with you. In person. Sssso, meet me at the Devil's Café this afternoon at 12:00. Sssso we can talk
Alastor: *through the phone* I'll be waiting for you. Penty.
Sir Pentious: Don't call me that. *hanged up* Geez, the nerve of this guy.
#106: Where are you going, Boss?
Sir Pentious: I'm off to have a discussion with the Radio Demon, and I'll be back in like a few minutes or hours with him.
#106: Oh, ok.
Sir Pentious slithered out of the Territorial Takeover and head to the Devil's Café to wait for Alastor. When he got there, he started wait for a lest a few minutes or so. He looked at his pocket watch to see that it is 12:30 p.m., and when he looked up, guess who showed up. Alastor, himself, was sitting in front of him with the creepy smile he still have on his face.
Sir Pentious: Oh! I thought you'd reschedule and couldn't make it?
Alastor: I've always been on time for important meetings or so *puts his hand on Sir Pentious's and starts petting it*
Sir Pentious: *slapped his hand away* Oook. Well, listen, we need to talk...
Kaitlyn: Hello! I'm Kaitlyn, I'll be your waitress. Can I get you gentlemen anything?
Alastor: I'll have a dark hazelnut cappuccino, please.
Kaitlyn: Ok, and you sir?
Sir Pentious: I'll have a cup of tea.
Chefs: YES, MA'AM!!
Sir Pentious: Well...that was...something.
Alastor: Indeed. So, what would you like to talk about?
Sir Pentious: Remember How you said that you'll be helping me achieve my goal?
Alastor: Which is to takeover Hell?
Sir Pentious: Yes. And...
Alastor: You want me to work with you and help you out?
Sir Pentious: How did you know?
Alastor: I have my ways, my scaly friend. So, how shall we do it?
Sir Pentious: Um...
Kaitlyn: Here are your drinks, gentlemen. One dark hazelnut cappuccino, and one cup of tea. Is that right?
Alastor: It is. Thank you ma'am.
Kaitlyn: My pleasure. Is there anything else I can get you boys?
Sir Pentious: We're good, thank you.
Kaitlyn: No problem. If you need me, I'll be behind the counter.
As Kaitlyn walked away, the guys toke a sip of their drinks and continued talking. Alastor have been giving unusual stares at Sir Pentious, but he intends to ignore it, but he couldn't. Then they've come to an agreement.
Alastor: So, if I help you, you will do something for me. That way, we can both get what we want. Do we have a deal? *reached his hand out for a handshake*
Sir Pentious wasn't fully sure about it. But he oblige.
Sir Pentious: *shook his hand* Deal.
Alastor: Pleasure doing business with you, my friend. *payed for the drinks and gets out of his chair*
Sir Pentious and Alastor left the café and then saw the Angels exterminated demons again. That's unexpected.
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