Vibrator pt.2 (Smut) Bl
Characters- Mandex (aka Dex) & Tarian (aka T.) From "...didn't know where else to go..." a now complete book of mine :)
Background info- Mandex bought Tarian a pair of boxers with a vibrator built inside of it and now he is going to try it out today...
Kinks & toys- Hair pulling, praise, overstimulation, dildo vibrator, butt plug, small vibrator, begging, dom/sub, pet names
Types- anal sex, vibartor sex, overstimulation, blowjob, also public place sex
It had been about a month since the last time Mandex and Tarian had gone out and had their 'fun' trip to the mall and Dex was ready to have round two already.
The reason why he waited so long was because he wanted to see if Tarian would ask him about it at all but Tarian didn't bring it up, not even once.
So, now he was taking matters in his own hands.
"Baby! Where you are?" He yelled as he walked out of his room, moving towards the living room.
"I'm in my room!" Tarian yelled back making Dex stop before turning around and walking towards the dirty blond's room.
"Hello love~" Dex purred as he walked into the room, seeing Tarian reading a book while sitting atop of his bed.
"Hello, do you need something?" Tarian asked with a smile as he put a bookmark in his place so he could put all of his attention towards his needy boyfriend.
"Me? Nooo~ I can't just come and see my boyfriend for no reason?" Dex asked as he laid down onto the bed, his head laying onto T's thys as he looked up at his lover.
"No you can't, now what do you want." Tarian giggled as Dex let out a fake offended gasp.
"I am wounded! You have killed me with your harsh words!" He exclaimed as he rested a hand over his head and the other over his chest.
Tarian laughed at his antics before leaning down and kissing his temple.
"I'm ever so sorry my love, I hope my kiss will be enough to bring you back from the dead." Tarian laughed as he moved Dex's hair out of his face, exposing his beautiful eyes.

(Thats what Dex looks like w/ out his hair pushed back^)
"They help a little bit but you know what would help a lot?" Dex asked as he looked up, his eyes adjusting to the new lighting.
"What?" T asked, a small smile still gracing his lips.
"If you used the boxers I got you a while ago. I mean I don't want the money to go to waist and you didn't seem to mind what we did last time~" Dex hummed as he sat up, moving so he and Tarian could meet eye to eye.
Tarian instantly grew a dark blush as he averted his eyes.
"Do we have to go out in public again?" He asked getting a smirk back.
"Of course we do, that's what makes it exciting, the risk of getting caught!" Dex smiled, clearly excited for what he had planed.
Tarian thought about it for a few minutes before letting out a sigh.
"If we don't go to a super public place then I'll do it." He finally agreed as he looked back at Mandex only to find him grinning widely back.
"Deal, I love you." Dex said before kissing Tarian quickly.
He then got up and ran to his room confusing the slightly younger boy.
About two minutes later Dex reappeared in the room holding the boxers in his hand.
"You ment right now?" Tarian asked sounding shocked yet still took the boxers.
"Yep!" Dex smiled back before adding, "Now go change and then meet me in the living room." He then kissed T once more before leaving the room.
*Ten minutes later*
Tarian left his room and did as Dex said, meeting him in the living room.
"What took you so long love? Are you okay? We don't have to do this if you don't want to." Dex asked quickly as he got up from the couch to hug his lover.
"I'm fine I just had to prep myself first that's all. Let's go." T reasured with a soft smile when he saw Dex's sigh of relief.
"Okay then, to the car!" Dex cheered as he opened the door, allowing Tarian outside before him.
Once they were both outside of the house Dex quickly locked the door before getting inside of the car where Tarian was already waiting on him.
"So where are we going?" T asked before Dex turned the car and vibrator on.
Tarian's whole body jolted from the sudden pleasure making him let out an unexpected moan.
"We are going to the rundown mall instead of the busy mall." Dex answered as he turned the vibrator down to five instead of seven.
This vibrator went up to fifteen so he was still being gentle... for now.
"What is with you and having sex in a mall? Those places are gross." Tarian asked as he began to adjust to the feeling of the vibrator.
"Malls are public places. The fact that we could get caught is exciting to me." Dex shrugged before turning the vibrations down to two as he pulled into the parking lot.
Tarian didn't respond as they both got out of the car.
"Oh and rember, same rules as last time. For every time you cum in your pants inside of a store is another three levels up the vibrator will go. It only goes up to fifteen so each one will have quite a bit of an effect on you. If you need to cum then tell me so we can go to a bathroom or just try and hold off if I'm busy talking to someone. Stay with me at all times and don't wander off. Don't touch yourself at all, I will take care of you. We won't be out long and if you only cum twice or less then I will give you a reward when we come back home. You still good with all of that?" Dex reminded him as they walked towards the large building.
"What happening to only going up once? Why is it three times now?" Tarian asked in a whisper as they walked into the mall even though nobody was around them.
"Because this one goes up to fifteen, the last one went up to ten." Dex answered as he wrapped an arm around T's waist.
"Fine." Tarian agreed to the rules before Dex pulled him into the first store.
It was a boring sports store and Tarian already knew that Dex wouldn't bye anything from here and that he just came in here to buy time.
"Hello sir, is there anything inparticular your looking for today?" A pretty young lady asked as she walked up to Dex, Tarian coming up beside of him.
"No ma'am, I'm just looking around. Thank you though." Dex said with a kind smile making the girl blush before nodding and walking away.
"She so thinks your hot." Tarian said with a laugh as they began to walk in the shoes area of the store.
"Yeah well I'm taken and gay so I appreciate the compliment but no thanks." Dex chuckled as his hand slipped into his pocket, subtlety turning the vibrations up some more making T send him a half hearted glare.
"Love you~" Dex hummed before kissing Tarian quickly.
He pulled back from the kiss and saw a pair of shoes he actually liked.
"I'm going to try these on and maybe bye them. Do you think you'll last that long before we can make it to a bathroom?" Dex asked having felt Tarian's hard on when he kissed him against his leg.
Tarian blushed darkly and nodded, implying that he could wait.
"Words Love, use your words or I'll turn the vibrations up more." Dex threatened as he opened the box of shoes to try them on.
"I'll be fine, I can wait. Just don't take too long." Tarian said quickly, the vibrator was already on six and he didn't need it to be higher while inside of a store.
"Good boy." Dex praised with a small smile before getting up and walking around with the shoes on his feet.
"I like them, I'm going to get these then I'll help you out in the bathroom." Dex said before kissing Tarian's forehead and taking the shoes off.
"Okay." Tarian hummed before letting out a quiet sigh of relief when Dex turned the vibrations back down.
"Okay let's go." Dex said as he grabbed the box of shoes with one hand and Tarian's hand with the other.
There wasn't any line considering it was a Tuesday afternoon and most everyone was either at school or work.
"Did you two find everything you needed okay today?" The cashier asked with a clearly forced smile.
He looked like he had just dealt with some Karen's and was very done with life now.
"Yes we did, thanks." Dex answered as he pulled out his wallet, dropping the box down onto the counter and taking his hand back from T in the process of doing so.
The cashier nodded as he scanned the box before putting it in a bag.
"Dude, I love your hoodie." The man said when he saw Todoroki, Deku, and Bakugou all on Dex's hoodie.
"Thanks man, it's my favorite one." Dex said with a smile as he rolled the numbers of the vribrator up and down in his pocket, instantly having Tarian clutch onto his arm and burry his face into his back.
"Favorite anime or hoodie?" The man asked as Tarian began to dig his nails into Dex's arm.
The pleasure of the vibrations going off at different speeds was going straight to his already hard dick so he was now just in pain from how hard he was.
"Both." Dex answered with a chuckle as he turned the vibrations onto five and left it there.
"Well thanks man, bye." Dex said with a wave before wrapping an arm around Tarian's shoulders and leading them out of the store.
"Bye, come again soon." The man said back as he began to clean off the counter.
"Sorry love, that took a little longer then I thought it would." Dex appoligised as he and Tarian looked for the closest bathroom, luckily finding one rather quickly.
"Your vibrator control wasn't helpful at all." Tarian muttered quietly, not knowing if someone was in the bathroom or not.
Mandex checked the stalls and saw that they were all empty.
"Lock the door baby." He said as he walked back over to him.
Tarian did as he was told and locked the door before turning back around to face Dex, instantly being met with his chest.
"I'm going to make you cum with just the vibrator okay?" Dex said as he slipped Tarian's pants off.
He then disconnected the vibrator from the boxers and pulled them down, leaving the toy inside of T.
"Okay." Tarian nodded, shivering from the sudden exposure.
"The safe word is red." Dex said before turning the vibrations up to ten, Tarian letting out a gasp followed by a moan at the sudden jump of level.
"I'll let you feel level fifteen at home if your good~" Dex purred into his ear as he wrapped one of his hands around Tarian's waist, the other pushing the vibrator deeper inside of him.
"A-aah~" Tarian moaned rather loudly, letting Dex know that he had hit his prostate.
"There it is~" He cooed as he pushed the Vibrator as deep as it could physically go making it press right on the middle of Tarian's nerves.
"Fuck~" Tarian moaned out as his legs began to shake before going out on him, Dex catching him and keeping him up by his waist and ass.
Dex began to circle the vibrator with his finger making the vibrator move more giving T even more pleasure then before.
"Your doing so well baby, are you close?" Dex asked before he began to kiss down Tarian's neck and jaw.
"Y-yeah I'm cloSe." Tarian attempted to say through heavy breaths and moans.
"Cum for me love." Dex said deeply, right beside of Tarian's ear, almost instantly having Tarian let out another loud moan as he came.
"Good boy." Dex praised as he turned the vibrations down to one and let his hand off of the vibratior, instead moving it to T's hip to help keep him up.
"Do you want to go home now or do you want to stay here for one or two more stores?" Dex asked as Tarian began to calm down from his high.
"Well you need help and we're both horny now so let's go home." Tarian said as Dex stepped back from him.
"Okay, sounds good to me." He agreed before grabbing some paper towels to clean up T's cum off of the floor as Tarian pulled his boxers and sweatpants back up.
The two quickly left the mall and went back to their house, Dex teasing Tarian with the vibrator all the way there.
When they finally reached the house they got out of the car and inside within two minutes.
Dex chucked down his new shoes into his closet floor before grabbing the buttplug and vibrator from their last mall trip.
"You know the drill, strip for me love." Dex said as he put the toys down onto the nightstand before stripping himself, shuttering from the cold air hitting his naked body.
Tarian stripped but left the vibrator inside of himself knowing that Dex would have wanted him to.
He had ended up leaving the vibrations on five so that's where it was at now.
"Your such a good boy for me baby." Dex said before kissing Tarian deeply, the kiss full of nothing but love and lust.
"Can I help you now?" Tarian asked knowing that having a hard on without relief for a while gets painful.
"Yes please." Dex agreed quickly.
So Tarian got down onto the side of the bed and onto his knees before looking up expectantly at Dex.
Mandex took the hint and moved so Tarian could reach him.
Right once he was in reach Tarian was already licking up and down the long shaft.
A few seconds later he kissed the tip a few times -(getting breathy moans from Dex in return)- before he began to deep throat him.
The perks of having no gag reflex was that he could easily deep throat Dex's eight inch member and give him as much pleasure as he could muster.
He hollowed out his cheeks, his tongue pressed against the bottom of his dick, and he allowed his teeth to graze along the shaft gently every now and then as well.
"Fucking shit baby, your so good at this." Dex groaned out in pleasure as his hands tangled themselves inside of Tarian's hair.
He suddenly tugged at the hair making Tarian moan against his dick adding to the pleasure even more.
Dex removed one of his hands and grabbed the vibrator remote and put the vibrations up to seven, getting more moans in return.
"I'm close." He warned as Tarian continued even though his own legs were beginning to shake with pleasure.
Dex soon came down Tarian's throat making Tarian swallow every drop, not that he minded.
"You have been so good today, what do you want your reward to be?" Dex asked as Tarian got onto the bed next to him.
"I wanna feel level fifteen." Tarian admitted, a dark blush growing on his face.
He had become quite fond of vibrators and really liked feeling them at full speed even though they make him cum quicker that way.
"I was going to let you feel that anyway, what do you want other then that?" Dex asked as he slowly began to turn the vibrations up.
"For you to fuck me afterwards while I'm overstimulated." Tarian answered before getting pinned down onto the bed.
"Sounds good to me love." Dex hummed before turning the vibrations from ten to fifteen with the push of a button.
Tarian moaned loudly as his back arched, tears of pleasure pricking his shut eyes.
"Fucking Hell~!" Tarian moaned so loudly it could probably count as a yell.
Dex smirked, he loved seeing his lover like this.
He moved his hand to T's ass and move the vibrator around some, almost immediately having Tarian moan his name loudly as his while body stiffened as he came.
The hot ropes of cum fell back down onto his stomach only to be licked off by Dex's eger self.
Dex began to take the vibrator out but was stopped by Tarian's hand grabbing his.
"Wait- more~ please~" Tarian begged as he looked Dex in the eye, his vision being slightly blurry from the tears.
"Okay baby." Dex nodded as he instead pushed the vibrator deeper inside of Tarian.
Tarian's eyes rolled back in pleasure, he was choking on his moans, one not being able to get fully out before the next one was coming.
His legs shook violently before he came with another loud moan of Mandex's name.
"My turn now?" Dex asked, not yet touching anything until Tarian nodded.
He quickly pulled the vibrator out before turning it off.
He grabbed some lube and lubed his dick up before pressing himself inside, going slow as Tarian's tight walls clenched around him.
"Y-you can move." Tarian said after a minute of adjusting.
"You rember the safe word?" Dex asked having no intentions of being gentle.
"Yes I do." Tarian said with a nod.
Dex nodded back before he began to ram his hips in and out of Tarian at a slow but powerful pace.
He kept his pace up but began to move around some in hopes to find what would send Tarian over the edge again.
"T-there! Please, pleaSE! Fuck!" Tarian begged letting Dex know he had found what he was looking for.
So he picked up his pace and thrust faster and deeper in that exact spot.
"DEX!~" Tarian moaned out as he came again but Dex didn't slow down nor moge away from the now extremely sensitive bundle of nerves.
Tarian's moans were sounding more tired but his dick was hard again so he let Dex continue what he was doing, occasionally letting out a small whine at the pain of extreme overstimulation.
"I know baby, just a minute more. Your doing so good." Dex attempted to comfort and praise, slowing down his pace some.
Tarian nodded before closing his eyes again, allowing all of the pain and pleasure take over his body.
A few minutes later Dex buried himself as deep as he could inside of Tarian before filling him up with his sead.
"AaH~!" Tarian moaned aloud as he came for the last time, Dex slowing down way more then before now just trying to let them ride out their highs.
He eventually pulled out slowly before colapsing next to Tarian.
"Sleep now and shower in the morning or shower now and sleep in a few minutes?" Dex asked Tarian as he looked up and over at him.
Tarian looked tired as Hell and fucked out. "Sleep now." He mumbled, clearly already almost asleep.
Dex nodded before picking Tarian up and carring him over to T's room, laying him down onto the bed before going to the bathroom to grab a warm washcloth to clean most of the cum off and out of him.
Once Tarian was clean Dex cleaned himself off and threw the rag into the sink before going back to T's room.
He flopped down onto the bed and big spooned Tarian seeing as he was already asleep.
They would shower, clean the bed sheets and towel tomorrow, for now they sleep.
3,322 Words!
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