Streaming (Old Fluff-shot) Nb x B
YouTuber au (in the orignal T.J. is a demon protects Raven who is his significant other)
From- My un-published & deleted book of random OC oneshots
Background info- T.J. is a popular YouTuber who hasn't done a significant other reveal yet. Raven is a touch starved bean that wants cuddles during one of his streams... (Raven is also non-binary)
"Hey everyone and welcome back to my channel! Or welcome to my channel if your new here, it's nice to meet you." T.J. said with a large grin as he started one of his livestreams.
"Today I'm going to be doing a review on some My Hero Acidemia characters! All of the things I'm going to be talking about are just my opinion and I don't want to read any negative comments in the chat okay?" He proceeded to say, glancing at the chat when he finnished talking.
"Owo_owo_owo asks "Are you going to go over ships?" And to that I say no because I don't want to deal with all of the drama that will come if I go over them. What I will say though is that I DON'T ship any minors with any adults, nobody that's related together, or Eri x Deku because those all make me Hella uncomfortab-" T.J. cut himself off when he heard his door crack open slowly.
"Hey baby, I'm streaming right now, do you need something?" He asked sweetly, instantly having his chat blow up.
"Omg baby? Who are you dating?"
"Baby??? Awww that's so cute!"
"Aww he is so caring!"
More and more comments spammed through but T.J. didn't pay them any mind as all of his attention was on his lover.
"Oh if your streaming then I can wait." Raven said in a quiet tone, hoping that the listeners couldn't hear them.
"No what's wrong? I can mute this and turn off the camera for a minute if you want me to." T.J. asked making Raven blush lightly.
"Nothings wrong, I just wanted to see if we could cuddle but your busy so I'll come back once your stream is over." Raven answered with a small smile.
"Or I can do a quick significant other reveal and we can cuddle now." T.J. suggested knowing that Raven is touch starved thanks to how and where they were raised.
"Are you sure?" Raven asked as the chat continued to spam "omg yes! S/O reveal!".
"Of course love, come over here." T.J. replied as he waved Raven over to himself, scooting back some in his seat so Raven would be able to sit onto his lap.
Raven complied and as soon as they could be seen on the screen the chat went dead for a second before blowing up once again, gifts and read out subs were now getting spammed as well.
"Omg you're so cute!" One read out before another followed with "Aww T.J. your so lucky, he is adorable." Making Raven blush brightly and hide into the crook of T.J.'s neck.
"Thank you all for the gifts and subs, real quick though; this is Raven my significant other. They go by they/them Pronouns and if anyone has a problem with that then you can click off of this video now. If I see any negative comments then I'm blocking that person." T.J. stated as he wrapped his arms around Raven's waist, pulling them closer together.
A new voice message from the same person as before read out, "Sorry, I didn't know. They are adorable and you got lucky with them :)" making Raven smile against T.J.'s shoulder.
"Your okay 'Kiribaku_shipper_2257' you didn't know as you said, thank you for fixing the mistake though." T.J. said with a smile before Raven moved so they were straddling him before nuzzling their head into his shoulder and wrapping their arms around his torso.
T.J. wrapped his arms around their torso and pulled them closer with a smile before continuing on with the actual YouTube video.
"So to get back on topic, I'll start with Bakugou Katsuki. I think he is a very misunderstood character. So yeah he was a bit of a bitch in the beginning of the anime and he was out of line for telling Deku to kill himself BUT I think that he isn't that bad of a person. Do I think that at first he was just a boy who got to much praise growing up from others that was always hungry for the praise? Yeah. Do I think that he grew up to have trama and begin a redemption arch with Deku and therefor not be hated on that much? Also yes." T.J. proceded to talk about all different My Hero Acidemia characters, their trama, and if they were over hyped or not for another two and a half hours.
While ranting about how he wondered how anyone could simp over Shigaraki, he heard soft snores admitting from Raven and quieted down some.
"Alright guys, I'm going to go ahead and stop this stream now but I'll post the video later on today for anyone who missed it or is just now joining. I have to go and take care of my love, I'll see you all next time! Rember that I love each and every one of you, stay hydrated and eat a snack!" T.J. said before blowing the camera a kiss and ending the stream.
Having recorded the entire thing he quickly added the tags he wanted to and posted the raw footage, leaving a comment saying that it was all not edited and to leave a comment on what he should do next video before putting his phone down.
"Raven, baby, love." T.J. whispered as he gently shook Raven so they half way woke up.
"Mhm?" Raven hummed back, not being able to form coherent words at the moment.
"Do you want to stay here and cuddle asleep or do you want me to bring you to your own bed to sleep alone?" T.J. asked not knowing which one they would want him to do.
They had been dating for a while and both loved physical affection like cuddling but sometimes Raven would freak out after something because of how they were raised; but that's another story for another time.
"Cuddle." Raven mumbled back, their eyes droopy and heavy making them struggle to keep them open.
"Okay baby, you can go back to sleep now." T.J. said with a soft kind smile before kissing Raven's temple and picking them up.
He carried them over to his bed before laying down, making them lay down on top of him, instantly cuddling into his chest.
Raven instantly fell back asleep when T.J. began to run his fingers through their hair and soon enough T.J. followed suit to the calming pattern of Raven's breathing.
The next day there were a ton of different ship art drawings, shipping edits, and more of the two considering T.J.'s YouTube channel was quite popular and most everyone on there was a part of the alphabet mafia.
Later on there were fanfictions about them as well and occasionally they would read them together and sometimes they would even re-create them as well.
1,211 Words!
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