Gag Reflex Who? (Smut) Bl
From- "...Didn't know where else to go..."
⚠️Blowjob, cussing⚠️ Mostly Fluff for this one too 💖
"I thought you said that you wouldn't be that close to me like that." Dex countered not wanting to take Tarian's sleepy mind to advantage.
"Yeah well that was before. Do you not want my help?" Tarian replied as he looked away from Dex with a dark blush.
"I would love your help but I don't want you to do something just because your tired and feel like you need to help me." Dex answered as he cupped Tarian's face with his hand to make them at each other in the eyes.
"I'm not that tired..." Tarian semi-pouted as he continued to look into Dex's eyes not being able to look away from him.
"Well let's at least get out of the tub first." Dex finally agreed with a small sigh making Tarian smile and get up.
So they both quickly got out of the tub and kind of dried off before turning to face one another once again.
Tarian connected their lips in a lust filled kiss shocking Dex but he quickly complied and kissed back.
After a few minutes of kissing Tarian moved down to his knees and looked at Dex's large member.
"Be gentle but you can use me." Tarian told Dex shocking him even more.
"Not yet, do what you want because this is your first time but in the future I'll take you up on that offer." Dex replied before running his hands through Tarian's hair giving it a small, short tug getting a breathy moan in return.
Instead of replying verbally Tarain nodded slightly before kissing Dex's tip a few times.
He moved some and licked up and down the dick before taking the head into his mouth, slowly bobbing his head, adding more and more.
Rather quickly he began to deep throat Dex getting deep, low moans from the black haired male.
"Fucking Hell~" Dex moaned as he tugged at Tarian's hair again making him moan, the vibrations going to Dex's dick making him moan again.
A few minutes later Tarian hollowed out his cheeks making Dex moan even more then before.
"Fuck I'm close." He warned only getting Tarian going faster in responce.
Not even a minute later Dex thrust himself deep down Tarian's throat as he came.
Tarian allowed it to happen and quickly swallowed the cum before Dex let him go so he pulled off.
"How was that for a gagg reflex answer?" Was Tarian's first words when he pulled of from Dex's dick, a small strung of cum connecting the two still.
"Very impressive if I'm being honest." Dex said as he tried to calm down from his high.
"Good now let's go sleep, I'm tired." Tarian said with a sleepy smile as he stood up.
"Yeah, let's do that." Dex agreed with a nod before they both changed into their pajamas and left to Dex's bedroom.
"Do you want to stay with me tonight? I don't plan on waking up until about one in the afternoon considering it's already about three in the morning." Dex asked as he flopped down onto his bed, instantly going under the covers in a mostly comfortable position.
"Do you mind if I do?" Tarian asked as he sat himself down on the end of the bed.
"If I minded then I wouldn't have offered. Now come and lay down so we can sleep." Dex answered as he lifted his arm, lifting the covers in the process so Tarian could join him.
"Okay." Tairan said quietly, sleep taking away most of his ability to talk. Well sleep and the deep throating thing.
Anyway, Tarian got under the covers and cuddled up to Dex's side, closing his eyes and getting comfortable.
"Don't expect me to be okay with stuff like that often." Tarian mumbled as Dex wrapped his arms around his smaller frame.
"I won't. Hell I didn't expect you to be okay with it at all." Dex replied as he moved one of his hands to run through Tarian's hair.
Tarian meirly hummed in responce.
"Well goodnight then." Dex said as he shut his eyes.
"G'night." Tarian mumbled back before falling asleep, feeling comfortable, warm, and safe in Dex's embrace.
***The Next Afternoon***
It was one thirty in the afternoon when Tarian woke up.
He saw that he was cuddled up to Dex and was confused for a spilt second before rembering everything that happened only a few hours ago.
A dark blush spread across his face, neck, and ears as he squeezed his eyes shut in hopes that it was just some wet dream and not reality.
His slight movements woke Dex up. "If it's not at least twelve o'clock then I'm going back to sleep." Dex said keeping his eyes closed and arms around Tarian's waist.
"It's one thirty." Tarian stated after checking the time on the clock next to the bed.
*sigh* "Fine, good afternoon." Dex said before yawning and stretching his arms, Tarian yawning after.
"Good afternoon." Tarian replied before nuzzling his back into Dex's chest, both of them having separated some in their sleep.
"So... still not going to catch feelings for me even after last night?" Dex asked with a teasing smirk.
And that's when everything seemed to freez for Tarian...
890 words!
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