Clingy (Old Fluff-shot) Bl
From- My book "The Haunted House" is complete but an old book so it probably sucks (& not the good kind of sucking)
Background info- Angel is always clingy to Jake but one day when it's the other way around it slightly concerns Angel...
*There is also fluffy Gl in here too*
It was around four fifteen and Jake, Angel, Ava, and Sophie had all just gotten out of the high school school.
"Do you guys wanna go to the park? Ava asked as she laced her hands with her girlfriend Sophie's.
"Sure!" Angel answered enthusiastically, he loved the park and hanging out with his best friends (and boyfriend) so of course he was going to say yes.
"Sounds fun." Sophie agreed with a soft smile making them all look over to Jake, the only one that hadn't answered yet.
*sigh* "Fine but only because I don't have any homework due." Jake sighed as he wrapped an arm around Angel's shoulders.
Jake wasn't the type to put school before anything so they all knew he was teasing them.
"Yay!" Angel cheered before kissing Jake's cheek.
Jake blushed at the action as a tiny smile formed on his lips.
"Lets go!" Ava said as she grabbed onto Angel's hand and begun to drag them all through the sea of students, all of them wanting to get home as soon as possible considering it was the weekend.
Once they got to the park they split up, Ava and Sophie going over to the slides as Angel and Jake went over to the swings.
Jake sat down onto one of the swings and pulled Angel into his lap making the boy strattle him but in a cuddly manner.
With out saying anything, Jake wrapped his arms around Angel's torso pulling him into a hug as he rested his head on Angel's shoulder.
Confused by the sudden affection Angel hugged his boyfriend back and nuzzled into the crook of his neck.
"Are you okay?" He asked, his lips brushing against Jake's neck making the taller boy smile lightly at the tickling feeling.
"Yeah I'm fine, I just wanted to hug and hold you." Jake answered as he tightened his grip on the hug some.
"Are you sure? You usually aren't the clingy one, that's normally my job. Not that I mind though, I like cuddly you." Angel semi rambled making Jake chuckle.
"Yes I'm sure. I just really wanted to be able to hold you. You're nice and warm, you smell nice, and you have a calming aura around you." Jake answered instantly feeling the heat of Angel's blush on his neck and shoulder.
"Well I'm happy I could be of assistance, if you want to hold me whenever I don't mind. I like being held and people playing with my hair." Angel said as he nuzzled his head closer to Jake.
"Hmm." Jake hummed as he brought one of his hands up to run through Angel's hair.
Angel leaned into the hand with a smile. He didn't have a hair pulling kink or anything with a kink, no, he just really liked people playing with his hair. It felt nice.
"Love you." Jake whispered into Angel's ear as he lightly scratched Angel's head making the shorter boy melt at the calming feeling.
"Love you too." Angel replied with a smile before lightly kissing Jake's shoulder.
Jake smiled at the small gesture and returned it, feeling Angel's smile against his shoulder/neck.
On the other side of the playground both girls were sliding down all of the slides together, Sophie's legs wrapped around Ava's waist as they went down each one.
When they got to the bottom of the slide they would giggle when they almost fell off or if they did fall off then they would laugh together.
By the time they had been on all of the slides they ended up on the ground in the wood chips, Sophie in Ava's lap because they had fallen.
"Aww look at those two, they are so cute together! I'm really happy that they got together after the Haunted house." Sophie said as she leaned back into Ava's chest.
"They are cute and I'm happy that they got together too but nobody is a cuter couple as we are." Ava said as she brushed a strand of Sophie's hair out of her face.
Sophie blushed with a smile as she nodded in agreement.
Ava looked up at the sky and saw that it was getting dark so she looked at the time on her phone and saw that it was already six fifteen.
"We've got to get home now, it's getting late and I know how your parents get." She said as she stood up before turning around and helping Sophie up as well.
"Okay... I wish they would let me stay out longer." Sophie pouted as she and Ava started to walk over to the boys.
"Me too baby but at least they let you have some time and don't make you instantly come home." Ava agreed getting a short hum back before they reached the boys swinging.
"It's getting late so Sophie and I are going to leave, we will see you two tomorrow though!" Ava said as she moved over to hug them both bye.
They would all be seeing each other tomorrow because they had plans to go to the Science Museum together.
"Okay, we'll see you tomorrow!" Angel said as he hugged Ava and Sophie bye, leaning out of Jake's embrace but staying on his lap.
Sophie and Jake said their goodbyes as well and both girls left.
"We should probably get going too, do you want to stay the night at my house?" Angel asked as he went back to hugging Jake.
"Yeah probably and yes I would like to as long as your parents don't mind." Jake answered as he stopped them from swinging back and fourth slowly as they had been before.
"My parents love you, they won't care." Angel replied as he got off of Jake's lap so he could get up.
Jake just chuckled as he got up before grabbing onto Angel's hand and intertwining their fingers together.
So the two walked to Angel's house in a comfortable silence, Angel swinging their hands back and fourth slightly as they did so.
"Mom! I'm back and Jake is with me!" Angel yelled through the house as he and Jake walked inside.
"Alright, dinner is in the fridge so you can heat it back up and eat it. I'm going to bed, goodnight boys!" His mother yelled back from upstairs. She worked as a second shift nurse so she woke up and went to bed at weird house.
"Okay, night mom!" Angel yelled back before walking into the kitchen to fix himself and Jake a plate of food.
***After they ate and are ready for bed***
Angel climbed into his bed now in his pajamas before turning on his "Sleep" playlist on Spotify on his tv.
Jake climbed in beside of him and laid down before pulling his already half asleep boyfriend onto his chest.
"You going to sleep already? It's only seven and it's Friday night." Jake asked as Angel cuddled closer to him, their arms going around each other and their legs tangling together as well.
"Yep, I'm tired. It has been a long week and we are getting up at seven tomorrow morning to go to the Science place so I'm going to get some sleep while I can." Angel muttered against Jake's chest making his voice slightly muffled.
"Alright, sleep well Love." Jake said as he started to run a hand through Angel's hair knowing it helped calm and sooth him.
"You too." Angel murmured before shutting his eyes and falling to sleep.
Deciding that he too liked sleep and wanted to get as much of it as he could before tomorrow, Jack fell asleep soo after Angel. 💙
1,298 Words!
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