😝Shower Sex (Bl)
From- My drafted book "Freaks"
Background info- Nex is a demon (aka one of the "freaks") and Acid is the "Freaks tamer/collector". Nex has fallen for Acid and Acid has accepted his fate as Nex's mate~
Kinks- Low-key degrading & hair pulling (& biting but not really)
Type- Dry fucking anal
⚠️This one is kind of fucked up before the smutt happens⚠️
"Acid~ can you come here please?!" Nex yelled from his cage in the room of all the freaks.
"Oh would you shut up already! We get that you like master, you don't have to call for him every single hour!" Alexis hissed from her own cage.
"Let him be in love Love, you know we have each so it's only fair that he has his own romance." Flura said as she pulled her human/snake hybrid lover into her lap.
"Yes but we aren't together every hour and don't go batshit crazy when we are apart." 'Lexis replied as she cuddled into her wolf/human hybrid girlfriend, throwing Nex an eyeroll as she did so.
"Acid!!! Lex is being a bitch to me!!!" Nex yelled up to the ceiling where he knew Acid would be.
"I've told you not to call me that." Alexis snapped with a hard, cold glare.
Nex just stuck his tongue out at her.
Nex instantly perked up at the sound of the door unlocking upstairs. Acid was coming down!
"Why are you all yelling this late at night?" Acid asks as he walked down the stairs, clearly tired.
"Your demon boyfriend wanted you. Please master, I beg of you make him shut up." Alexis said making Acid look over to her.
"Is this true Nex?" Acid asked as he looked over at the demon boy.
"Yes actually, can I come up with you? Please please please?" Nex answered with pleading eyes that were extra powerful with his natural demon charm.
Acid looked over at Alexis and Flura who were both also giving him pleading looks wanting Nex gone even if just for one night.
"Fine." Acid sighed as he moved over to the cage, unlocking it for Nex who instantly bounced out of it, a large smile across his face.
"Anyone else need or want anything while I'm down here?" Acid asked as he looked around the large room of freaks, monsters, and creatures.
A collective saying of "No master." went around the large room from all of the freaks that were awake.
"Alright then, let's go pet." He said turning back to the stairs, pulling Nex by the collar he wore.
"Ooooo~ new name. I don't know if I like this one or not." Nex hummed as he walked beside of Acid.
"I figured it was the most appropriate out of all the names so far." Acid hummed back before shutting the door to downstairs and turning back to Nex.
"Now why did you want to see me?" He asked looking the demon up and down before settling his eyes on the other's face.
"Because I wanted a hug." Nex said with a small smile that easly let on that a hug wasn't all he wanted.
"You could have hugged me down there if that's all you wanted. Now what do you really want?" Acid asked as Nex opened his arms for a hug, only to drop them at his words.
"You want the truth?" Nex asked as a pink blush dusted his pale cheeks.
*Unless he was in full demon form he looked more like a vampire with his pale skin, long black hair, and almost completely black eyes, only a speck of red showing in them.*
"Yes I do want the truth, no bullshit." Acid answered, his voice monotone like normal.
"Fine... I want to take a shower." Nex said as he looked down to the ground.
"Okay? And you couldn't have just used one of the showers downstairs because?" Acid asked sounding confused as to why Nex looked so flustured.
"A shower... with you..." Nex trailed off, his tail wrapped around his thy; a thing it did when he was nervous.
"With me?" Acid asked as he lifted Nex's head with his pointer finger, both of them now looking in each others eyes.
Nex nodded, his blush a darker pink now then before.
"Fine then, come along." Acid said as he turned around and started to walk towards his bedroom.
Nex followed him quickly after his brain caught up to what happened.
"Here, we can use my shower. It's the biggest one in this place and the water pressure is rather nice too." Acid stated as he grabbed himself and Nex a pair of pajamas before walking into the rather large bathroom.
"This place is huge." Nex commented as he looked around the bathroom while Acid turned the water on, allowing it to warm up before they got into it.
"It's an okay size. Now why do you want to take a shower with me?" Acid asked as he took his shirt, socks, and jeans off leaving himself in his boxers.
"Because I like you, you know this too. I think you like me back so I thought this would be nice." Nex answered as he too stripped into his boxers.
Both men were quite fit but not overly so. Acid had a prominent six pack, great leg muscles, and killer arms. Nex on the other hand had a four pack, thunder thys that could crush someone with ease, and small yet powerful arm muscles.
"Well that was very blunt." Acid said with a small chuckle.
The two had kissed before and were honstly so hopelessly in love with each other it was painful to watch them keep pining over the other.
"Did it work?" Nex asked as Acid flipped the switch to turn the fan on so the mirrors wouldn't fog up as badly.
Instead of answering verbally Acid pinned Nex to the wall, bringing a knee imbetween his legs as he did so.
"I would say it worked pretty well." Acid said as he looked Nex in the eye.
Nex's eyes were already clouded over with lust making him smirk.
"We should get into the shower. It's warm by now." He said as he took his boxers off and walked into the shower, instantly getting a whine of protest from Nex.
Ignoring the sound he began to rinse his hair so it would be wet enough for shampoo.
"Are we taking a shower together or am I taking a shower by myself?" He asked with a teasing tone instantly snapping Nex out of his semi trance.
He quickly took his own boxers off and slid the door of the shower opened before closing it back.
Nex began to walk to the second shower head to wash himself only to be stopped.
"Let me wash you. It will be much more fun that way." Acid said into his ear making a shiver go down his spine as he nodded.
So Acid moved from under the water to allow Nex under it instead.
He rinsed his hair before Acid grabbed some shampoo out and began to put it into his hair.
"You know, I do actually like you back right? I'm not evil so I wouldn't lead you on this much only to be faking it." Acid said as he rubbed the shampoo into Nex's hair, now bacily giving him a head massage.
"That's good to know." Nex said as he closed his eyes, now leaning back into Acid's chest some.
"Now knowing that would you be my boyfriend?" Nex continued, instantly feeling Acid's hands stop for a second before continuing.
"I'm not supposed to date someone from my show... but..." Acid began as his hands stopped completely, allowing Nex to turn around and look at him.
"But?" Nex asked as he looked up at the human, hope set in his eyes.
"But...if you don't mind not being in the show anymore or at least not as often as you normally are... then yes I could be your boyfriend." Acid said instantly getting a massive grin from Nex.
"Deal!" He said before pulling his new boyfriend into a kiss that was quickly returned.
"Rinse the soap out of your hair first, I don't want it getting into our eyes." Acid said when the two pulled away from one another.
Nex nodded before quickly washing out the shampoo in the warm water.
When he looked back down, his head out of the water now, he saw Acid looking him up and down.
"Like the view?" He teased as he bit his lip peircing with a small laugh.
"Hell yes I do." Acid said with a smirk of his own.
In a blink of Nex's eyes he was being pinned up against the cold tile of the shower.
"You're not too bad yourself." Nex smirked hoping that what he thought was going to happen would actually happen.
"Hmm thanks." Acid said with a light glare before kissing Nex powerfully, his hand keeping Nex's head from slamming into the wall at the force.
Almont immediately Acid was biting at Nex's bottom lip asking for entrance.
Nex complied and their tongues began to fight for dominance, Acid quickly winning and allowing his tongue to explore every crevice of Nex's warm, wet cavern.
While they kissed, Nex's hands wrapped around Acid's shoulders so he wouldn't fall while Acid's hands slowly moved down to Nex's ass.
Acid pulled out of the kiss first, panting slightly at the lack of breath instantly getting a whine of protest from Nex who had a greated air compasity then a human.
"Are you okay if we go further?" Acid asked as his hands groped at Nex's ass.
"Y-yes." Nex whined out as he looked up at Acid, his pupils dilated and his eyes clouded with lust.
"Look at you being so needy. Who knew you were a cock slut~" Acid smirked when he felt Nex shiver at the words.
"Only for you~" Nex smirked back being the cocky power bottom that he is.
"Good, let's keep it that way." Acid said before allowing one of his fingers to circle Nex's hole, instantly having Nex's grip on his shoulders tighten.
"You sure that your okay for us to go farther? We don't have to if you don't want to." Acid asked, his tone the most gentle and caring Nex had ever heard him speak before.
"I want to go all the way. Your my mate and I love you. So do what you want with me." Nex answered as he pulled Acid closer to him, the water now pouring over both of them completely.
"I'm your mate?" Acid asked sounding shocked but not upset.
Nex nodded as he put his head against Acid's shoulder, kissing the same spot for a few times before moving some to the next spot.
"I accept you then." Acid said as he slipped the finger into Nex making his legs shake at the sudden feeling.
"Ah~! W-warning next time!" Nex said as he pulled back from Acid's shoulder.
"Sorry love, warning." Acid said before adding his middle finger as well, scissoring them inside of his mate.
"Fucking Hell fire." Nex said as his legs gave out on him, Acid's other arm the only thing keeping him up at the moment.
"Jump up and wrapp your legs around my waist." Acid whispered, his lips brushing up against the shell of Nex's ear as he did so.
Nex nodded before jumping up and wrapping his legs around Acid's waist.
Now in this position Nex could feel Acid's hard on against his inner thy.
"You sure got turned on fast." He laughed making Acid look down at him.
"So did you slut." He said as he pulled at Nex's hair getting a rather loud moan in return.
Nex's face flushed darker red then before at the noise he made while Acid smirked.
"You got me ther-" Nex cut himself off with a moan when Acid added the final finger and began to move them all, searching for his prostate.
"Ah~ fuck~ there!" Nex moaned when Acid hit the bundle of nerves.
Acid rubbed circles on the prostate making Nex become a moaning mess. A beautiful sight for him to see.
"I-I'm clos-" Nex was cut off by a whine of dissaprovment when Acid took his fingers out.
"Not yet, you have to wait." Acid chuckled getting yet another whine from Nex.
"Finnish up your shower while I go and grab the lube." Acid said only to have Nex's legs tighten around his waist.
"Fuck the lube, just fuck me already. Please~" Nex begged as he rolled his hips forward making them both moan at the feeling.
"Are you sure? Dry fucking is pretty painful." Acid asked wanting to make sure.
"Yes I'm sure now hurry up and fuck me before I take care of mys-" Nex cut himself off with a loud moan as he felt Acid's dick slowly enter him.
Tears pricked the sides of his eyes at the burning feeling but he knew that the pleasure would come soon.
"You okay?" Acid asked once he was fully inside, some of the water from the shower getting into his eyes.
"Y-yeah. Give me a second and you can move." Nex answered as Acid moved his head down to kiss at his neck.
Nex let out a breathy moan when Acid hit a sensitive spot on his neck.
So Acid began to leave a hickey while he rolled his hips forward some, grinding into his mate making the demon moan even louder then before.
"Can I move now?" Acid asked getting a nod back, Nex not trusting his voice at the moment.
Acid pulled out some before going back in. He did this at a steady pace for a while before Nex became needy for more.
"Harder~ please~" Nex moaned out, somehow turning Acid on even more then before.
Complying to his request, Acid pulled almost all of the way out before slamming back in making Nex moan the loudest he has that night.
"There! There! Please! Fuck!" Nex babbled letting Acid know he had hit his prostate.
"Anything for you my little demon slut~" Acid purred into Nex's ear before pounding in and out of him, hitting his prostate every time.
"I'm close~!" Nex moaned out as he barried his head into Acid's shoulder/neck.
"Me too." Acid grunted out yet didn't slow his pace any.
Not even a minute later Nex came onto his and Acid's chests as he bit down on Acid's shoulder, leaving a temporary mateing mark.
"Fuck!" Acid moaned as he came, the feeling of the bite sending him over.
The two stayed leaning up against the now warm tile for a minute trying to calm down from their highs.
After a minute or two Acid pulled out of Nex and Nex got down from his hold.
"We should actually shower now." Nex laughed as he leaned heavily against the wall, his ass hurting and legs wanting to give out on him again.
"Yeah." Acid chuckled in agreement.
So the two quickly showered, Nex sneaking quick kisses every now and then getting small smiled from Acid in return.
When they were both done they got out, dried off and changed into pajamas.
"Can I stay with you tonight? Please? I want cuddles." Nex asked as they both walked into Acid's bedroom.
"Yes you can stay with me, I was going to ask if you wanted to or not but you beat me to it." Acid replied as he moved over to his bed, pulling the covers back for them both before getting in.
"Yay." Nex said sleepily as he got under the covers, instantly cuddling up to Acid's chest.
"Goodnight, love you." Nex said before falling asleep having been tired out from their previous actions.
"Goodnight, love you too." Acid whispered before falling asleep himself.
They both slept peacefully in each other's arms that night, the first time of many to come.
2,683 Words!
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