😝Needy~ (Gl)
From- Nothing yet
Type- Clit stimulation, grinding, public, vinrator, gentle
Kinks & toys- public, grinding, praise, overstimulation, clit vibrator
This one is kind of weird/cringy tbh, at least to me lol
⚠️Public, cussing, cheating on s/o, long af oneshot⚠️
"Have fun honey, try to make some new friends!" Cloey's mother yelled from the car window before driving off, leaving her at this summer camp.
"I'm seventeen, why am I still going to one of these stupid things? I could be staying with Ray instead of this." Cloey asked herself as she walked to the sign-in area. Ray was her boyfriend of five months.
She signed herself in before getting her camp room number and the same of who she would be sharing the room with.
"Alrighty your room number is room 69 on level two and your going to be sharing the room with a your age named Rowin." One of the camp councilors said with an overly cheery smile.
"Thanks." Cloey replied with a nod before leaving for the building.
Unlike most summer camps, this one was more like a darecare for kids and teens when their parents need a two week break from them.
So instead of having normal cabins that were four to a cabin, they had two large buildings, each three storys high. They were both air-conditioned, had running water, and a heating system.
It was quite luxurious really, that's why it cost so much to go there.
Anyway, back to the story.
Once Cloey reached the building she left for her room and opened the door with her key only to find the room empty.
"Guess I'm the first one here." She mumbled to herself before she began to unpack all of her things into the dresser they provide in the room.
Every room had two small dressers, two twin sized beds, one nightstand, and a half bathroom.
Once she was done unpacking she left the room and headed to where they hold meetings or say announcements, seeing as a lot of other people were already there.
"Okay and that's all of the rules for the camp, one last thing is that anyone over the age of fifteen, so sixteen and up have a curfew of eleven whereas fifteen and younger have a curfew of nine thirty. Now I hope you all have an amazing camping experience!" The lady said getting cheers from everyone before they were all left to go and do whatever they wanted as long as it stayed inside of the rules.
"Um excuse me, I missed almost all of that. Can you tell me whats happening please?" Cloey asked a girl that looked to be around her age.
"Oh sure, bacily to sum everything up is that we all can do whatever we want as long as we stay on the camp ground and don't fight one another. Then there is breakfast from seven to eight in the morning, lunch is from twelve to one thirty and then dinner is from five to seven. There are spsfic times we do cirtan things on some days, so on Wednesday we go to the lake and other stuff like that. Oh and anyone sixteen and older can stay out until eleven." The girl said with a calm voice, she looked like she was just floating through life and Cloey kind of wondered if she was high or not.
"Okay, thank you for telling me." Cloey smiled getting a smile back.
"Of course, now what's your name?" The girl asked as they both walked out of the crowded room towards the forest.
"Oh sorry, I'm Cloey." Cloey answered, blushing in embarrassment at being impolite.
"Your okay, I love your name. I'm Joan." The girl, now known as Joan replied.
"Thank you, I like your name too." Cloey replied before hearing someone run up to them.
"Joan! Why did you leave me back there?" A new girl asked as she stopped beside of them.
"Oh I'm sorry, I was talking to Cloey and wanted to get out of the crowded room." Joan answered in her almost dreamy voice.
It was just then that the new girl noticed Cloey.
"Oh, hi. I'm Rowin, it's nice to meet you Cloey. I think we're roommates." The girl: Rowen said as she stood up straight before holding her hand out for Cloey to shake.
"Oh yeah, I think so too." Cloey nodded as she shook Rowen's hand.
"Well now that we're all friends, how about we go on a small hike?" Joan asked as she pointed over to the small hill that had a trail on it.
The other two girls agreed and so they left to the short trail.
***Time skip to night time because this oneshot is already too long lmao***
"Alright kids, everyone fifteen and younger need to go to bed now. Sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs bight!" Someone over the speakers said before they all heard a 'click' of the thing being turned off.
"And that's our que to go and have some actual fun." Rowin said as she looked at Joan with a wink.
Joan nodded with a small smile before they turned to Cloey.
"Lets go to the playground." Rowin said to Cloey as Joan was already walking towards their destination.
"There's a playground here?" Cloey asked sounding confused.
In the past year when she came here she never once saw a playground.
"Yep! It's hidden by some vines so it's kind of secluded, it's a really nice place to go and... relax." Rowen said with a mischievous smile.
"Thats cool." Cloey smiled back.
This was kind of strange but Cloey trusted the two girls for some unknown reason to herself.
She had a feeling in her gut that something was going to happen that would change something for the good so she just went with it.
Once they reached the playground, Cloey saw that it was actually not in that bad of condition.
There were four swings, two slides, a small jungle gym, and a small rock wall that led up to the start of the slides.
All three girls ran towards the swings because they looked the most stable and swings are fun.
The swings were kind of small and a tight squeeze but none of then seemed to care.
"So Cloey, do you want to play 20 questions?" Rowin asked as Joan sat sideways in her swing so the chains were pressed against her ass and vag.
"Sure." Cloey replied from her swing.
All four swings were on one bar. Rwoin sat down furthest left, Joan in the middle and Cloey on the other side of Joan.
"Okay, question one. What's your opinion on public sex or masturbation?" Rowin asked shocking Cloey.
"Thats a strange question. Um, I guess I don't mind it? I mean I've never seen it before so I can't really say anything about it." She replied, her mind coming up with a million different senerios that could happen.
"Okay, you ask your question and then I'll ask my next one." Rowen said as she swung softly back and fourth.
"Okay, um why did you ask me that question out of all the questions you could have asked me?" Cloey asked curiously.
"Well that's because Joan and I like to have some different type of 'fun' out here if you know what I mean and I was wondering if you would mind if we did now or not." Rowin answered truthfully as Joan moved her hips forwards some, applying pressure to her clothed clit.
"Oh!" Cloey replied sounding even more shocked then before. "I mean, I guess you can but do you want me to leave? I feel like I'm intruding." She answered, a blush on her face from the thought of the two doing it infront of her.
"Oh no, Joan here likes when people watch us so you won't be intruding. I can still talk to you while we do whatever we do and we'll keep our clothes on because it's unsanitary if we don't." Rowin said as if this was the most normal thing in the world.
"I- um... okay then." Cloey agreed.
Right once she heard the agreement, Joan wrapped her legs around Rowin, pushing their chains more against her core making her let out a breathy moan.
"So Cloey, it's your turn to ask the next question in our game." Rowin said as she moved the swings back and fourth some so the pressure on Joan was on and off.
"Oh right. Um... do you guys normally do this? As in bring people here to watch you two?" Cloey asked as she looked infront of her at the vines growing up the trees instead of at the two other girls.
"Nope, we normally just sneak doing stuff during dinner or sometimes lunch. Or in the lake, honstly we pleasure each other anywhere we want. The thought of getting caught is thrilling to us. Oh but to answer your question more directly, no we don't normally go out of our way to get someone to watch us." Rowin answered as she moved one of her hands to rubb Joan's clit through her pants.
Joan continued to let out breathy moans at the feeling.
She let out a pertucally loud moan when Rowin added her hand and Coley looked over out of reflex.
She saw Joan's head back, her eyes shut and her mouth open slightly. Her hips were grinding into the chain the kept her swing up as Rowin moved her swing against her as well.
"Fuck." Cloey whispered out as she looked at them.
She may have a boyfriend and all but she was far from straight, she was a bisexual disaster with a much heavier preference for women then men.
Rowin heard Cloey's whisper and looked up at her, smirking when she saw how needy her eyes were.
Her pupils were blown and she crossed her legs before squeezing them to try and hold herself back.
"Are you enjoying the show?" Rowin asked for her next question making Cloey's eyes snap to hers.
"I-" Cloey was cut off by Rowin talking again.
"Make sure not to be mean with your responce, Joan likes praise, not degrading." Rowin said making Joan open her eyes to see Cloey looking at her.
"Yeah, I like the show. The main character is really hot." Cloey said, winking at Joan getting a louder moan in responce.
"Are you close baby?" Rowin asked Joan only getting a nod in responce.
"Cloey, why don't you give Joan a few encouraging words to help her finnish? I mean she has been such a good entertainer right?" Rowin hummed as she looked at Cloey.
Cloey nodded before she began praising Joan.
"Come on baby, cum for us. You've been so good for us for far. Your so pretty looking all fucked out and breathless from Rowin. And your quiet little moans are adorable, your so good grinding against the chains like that. Now cum for us baby." She said, her mind too far gone with lust to actually think of what she was saying.
"Oh fuck~" Joan moaned as her body shook while she came.
"Oh wow baby, you squirted, your pants are all soaked now." Rowin said when she saw Joan's pants darken in color.
Joan didnt reply as she tried to catch her breath again.
Rowin stopped moving the swings and moved her hand away from Joan's clit, instead moving her other hand to run through her hair to help calm her back down.
"Alright baby girl, let's get you back to your dorm room." Rowin said as she helped Joan stand up, Cloey going under Joan's other arm to help out as well.
Rowin and Cloey helped get Joan to her room before they began walking to their own room.
"We can do it together too, I can see the need and want in your eyes." Rowin says to Cloey as they walk to their room making her legs week and a dark blush grow onto her face.
Cloey grabbed Rowin's hand and raced them the rest of the way until they get to their room where she shut and locked the door.
"I would fucking love that but I have a boyfriend, I'm bisexual and lean more towards girls though. Also I'm sexually repulsed by dick but not at all by girls. So are you still okay with that?" She asked as Rowin moved them over to her bed.
"And what about Joan, is she okay with you doing this?" Cloey asked as an after thought.
"Of course I am love~ and Joan is also fine with it, we're open poly." Rowin answered as she moved them so they were both laying down on the bed before she slipped her hand down Cloey's chest, right before her breasts.
"Are you sure you want this?" Rowin asked wanting to make sure 100% before she did anything.
"Yes I'm sure, please." Cloey answered with a whine making Rowin smirk at her neediness.
So with the concent, Rowin allowed her hand to travel down Cloey's boob, down her stomach, and to her clothed clit.
"What all do you want to do baby? I have some toys if you want to use them or I can just use my hand." Rowin asked as she gently rubbed Cloey's clit through her pants, using her other hand to rubb her nipple through her thin shirt and bra.
"Both." Cloey replied as she began to take her shirt off.
"Okay then you strip and I'll get a vibrator for you to use." Rowin said as she got out of the bed.
She went to her dresser and pulled put a small box that had a few sex toys in it before pulling out a clit vibrator and putting the box back where it was.
"Wow, your really beautiful." Rowin said breathlessly when she saw Cloey laying naked on the bed.
"Thank you." Cloey blushed at the complement and then at Rowin as she too began to strip.
Once Rowin was left in her boxer briefs (she wore them instead of panties because she thought they were way more comfortable) and her sports bra she sat down at the end of the bed facing Cloey.
"Are you okay with using this? I haven't used it before but when I bought it online it had great reviews." Rowin asked wanting to make sure it was okay.
"Yes, that's fine just please do something." Cloey replied instantly, wanting some sort if pleasure.
"Okay love." Rowin hummed before putting the vinrator onto Cloey's clit and turning it up to a high speed.
"Oh fuck!" Cloey moaned quite loudly making Rowin's smirk reappear.
"Oh you like the thought of getting caught too hmm? If not then you sure are loud for someone who doesn't want to be caught." Rowin hummed before kissing and sucking on Cloey's boobs, getting whimper moans in responce to all of the pleasure.
"You're so fucking pretty, your hair, your eyes, your breasts, your body, fuck your driving me crazy." Rowin praised / ranted as she grinded herself down onto Cloey so she could feel the vibrator as well.
"Fuck I'm close." Cloey breathed out, feeling the familiar tingle in her stomach.
"Cum for me, you've been so good. You helped Joan and now your so needy for me, cum for me and maybe I'll let you do this again some time in the near future." Rowin said as she grinded harder on Cloey adding to her own pleasure along with Cloey's as well.
"Fuck!" Cloey cursed as her body shook from her orgasem, her eyes rolled back as her back arched.
"Shit!" Rowin moaned as she too came at the sight of Cloey getting off.
"Hmm, you've been such a good girl. Do I want to leave you with the vibrator on or should I be nice and take it off?" Rowin asked as she got off of Cloey, the vibrator overstimulating the poor girl.
Cloey only moaned in responce as her legs continued to shake from the overstimulation.
"Okay, I'll make you cum one more time quickly before I take it off." Rowin said as she pressed her hand on the bottom of Cloey's stomach making Cloey moan loudly.
"Fuck, yes, yes, please, fuck!" She moaned out mindlessly as Rowin used her other hand to play with Cloey's sensitive nipples.
"Aaah~" Cloey moaned as she came for the second time, now extra sensitive to the vibrator.
"Good girl, now let's get cleaned up and go to sleep." Rowin praised as she took the vibrator off of her before going to the half bath and grabbing a towel and getting it wet.
She brought the towel back and helped clean Cloey up before cleaning herself up and moving over to her own bed.
"Thank you." Cloey whispered, already half asleep.
"Of course love, I'm fine anytime and anywhere~" were the last things Cloey heard before she fell asleep with a small smile on her lips.
Rowin saw that she had fallen asleep and smiled softly before falling asleep herself.
Maybe summer camp wouldn't be so bad after all...
2,873 Words!
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