😶Bubble Bath (Bl)
From- "...I didn't know where else to go..."
⚠Cussing, heated, hand-job, praze kink, hair pulling kink⚠ (But it's also super fluffy)
After a few minutes Tarian came into the bathroom holding a pair of boxers and his largest hoodie that was still his and not Dex's.
"You like the water super warm right? Because I need it as hot as possible without burning me and I don't know if we can take a bath together if you aren't the same way." Dex asked as he looked at Tarian who was putting his pile of clothes down onto the sink counter.
"Yeah I'm the same way, I really hate anything even slightly cold." Tarian answered while taking his current hoodie off.
"That's good, also I think the water should be good by now." Dex said as he turned the water off, it now have been steaming for a little while.
"Bubbles or no bubbles?" He asked as he picked up a bottle of Lavender soap bubbles.
"Bubbles, they seem fun." Tarian grinned. At first he was kind of skeptical on actually taking a bath with Dex but after seeing the size of the thing and that it had jets.... he wasn't nervous anymore, now he was pretty excited.
"Bubbles it is." Dex agreed as he pored some of the bubbles into the large bathtub.
He snapped the cap shut before standing up and started to take his clothes off making Tarian look away from him, a blush clear on his face.
"We are about to bathe together, might as well see what I look like now. You'll probably see more of it much more in person later on~" Dex smirked as Tarian's blush darkened.
"No I won't." Tarian said as he too started to strip.
"Whatever you say Love~" Dex hummed before stepping into the hot water, Tarian joining him once he had gotten himself settled.
Now that they were both in there at the same time Tarian's skeptical doubts began to come back. Well that was until Dex saw him looking nervous.
"Come here, I'll wash your hair." Dex said waving his hand motioning him over.
Tarian complied and moved so he was infront of Dex but still had quite a bit of space between them.
Dex's hands went under the water and grabbed the side of Tarian's hips before pulling the boy closer to him, now between his legs.
"What are you doing?" Tarian asked, his face flushed at the sudden movement closer to the villain.
"I was bringing you closer so my arms wouldn't be so straight. Now I can have them bent and still wash your hair." Dex explained, laughing internally at the thought of anything about him being straight.
"Oh okay." Tarian nodded as Dex scooped some of the water up in his hands before pouring it on Tarian's head after making sure he had it tilted back so nothing would go into his eyes.
He then reached for the shampoo. He put some of it in his hand before rubbing his hands together and then putting them in Tarian's now wet hair.
Tarian relaxed, leaning into Dex's hand with his back resting against Dex's chest, his eyes shut in content.
"So how did you get that paper cut earlier? It seemed like a lot of blood for just something as small as that." Tarian asked as Dex began to massage his scalp.
"I was reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire when I went to turn the next page. I did that and it sliced up the side of my hand. Then the blood smeered along my hand so it looked like more then it actually is. You can't even see the cut." Dex lied easly as he brought his hands down for Tarian to look at.
"Oh alright." Tarian nodded, believing the lie without another thought. If he wasn't so tired then he probably wouldn't have believed it but right now Dex probably could have told him it was his imagination and he might would have believed him.
Dex then rinsed out the shampoo from Tarian's hair before putting in the conditioner.
Seeing Tarian's eyes begin to close he tugged at his hair a bit to try and keep him awake.
Tarian moaned at the sudden feeling, not being able to muffle it with his hand in time.
"You have to stay awake until we are both done in the bath." Dex said as he grabbed an already soapy Lofa and began to rub it along Tarian's body.
"But I'm tired and this is relaxing." Tarian countered as he shut his eyes again.
"Do I need to keep you awake myself?" Dex asked as he brought the lofa down to Tarian's lower chest.
"What do you mean by that?" Tarian asked as he looked to the side, attempting to look Dex in the eye.
"I think you know exactly what I mean~" Dex hummed into Tarian's ear as his hand lowered even more, brushing up against Tarian's dick.
Tarian's eyes widened as his hand moved to grab Dex's.
"I don't have to do it if you don't want me to but it'll make you feel good and keep you awake. I'm not going to do anything if you don't want me to though." Dex said as he allowed his hand to be pulled away from Tarian's body.
When Dex looked at Tarian he could practically see the boy contemplating his next actions in his head.
With out saying anything Tarian brought Dex's hand back down to his leg before letting go of it.
"So your okay with this?" Dex asked before kissing Tarian's shoulder, moving his hand to Tarian's inner thy.
Tarian nodded as he looked away from Dex, a crimson blush across his face.
Dex smirked against his neck as he brought his hand up his thy.
"You know you really do have an amazing body. I see the way you cover your chest sometimes, I don't know why you do that though. You have a sixpack and your scars look cool. Your beautiful baby." Dex said into Tarian's ear as one of his hands wrapped around Tarian's cock, the other going to run against Tarian's chest.
Tarian's eyes shut as he tried very hard not to let any noises out.
"So pretty, so strong, and so, so much more~" Dex hummed as he began to stroke up and down on Tarian's meber.
The praise and pleasure made Tarian let out a breathy moan as he leaned more into Dex's embrace.
Instead of talking again Dex began to kiss up and down Tarian's neck and jaw, leaving hickeys whenever he thought was appropriate or whenever Tarian would moan louder then before.
Dex would also occasionally squeeze his hand as he moved it before loosening his grip again. His thumb would occasionally roll against his tip making Tarian moan even louder.
After a while Tarian's moans has turned him on even more so he began to help himself with his other hand.
When Tarian noticed that he stopped Dex's hand. "I'll help you, I'm close." He stated and warned together shocking Dex but also making him pick the pase.
Not even a minute later of this Tarian came with a loud moan of Dex's name making him blush even darker then before.
He slumped against Dex's chest taking deep breaths in an attempt to calm down from his high.
"Are you sure you still want to help me out? I can take care of myself if your too tired." Dex asked as he pulled his hand away from Tarian, instead moving it to the side of the tub where he intended to pull them both up and get them out of the tub.
"I thought you needed to know how my gagg reflex was?" Tarian said as he turned around so he was now chest to chest with Dex...
1,315 Words!
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