Chapter 25- The Week After
*Orion's POV*
I woke up in the middle of the night on Sunday to hear screaming coming from my living room.I got up out of bed cautiously, and walked quietly twords the sound of the screams. I looked around the corner to see my mom, yelling at some guy, which explained the yelling and screaming, but what I didn't know was, who this guy is and why she was screaming at him. I guess my mom sensed that I was watching her, because she looked straight at me, and she gave me the signal, that meant, get out of the room now. I followed her directions because I could see the concern in her eyes for me. I walked back to my room, and looked out the window. Anesthesia's light was off, but I knew that she had left her window unlocked, just in case I needed her. I was still in my pajama pants and I didn't have a shirt on, so I decided to throw on some jeans, and just put on a jacket. I felt like I didn't have enough time to grab a shirt, so I climbed out of my window, and walked over to hers. I crawled in, and sure enough, she was in there, curled up and asleep. When I walked over to her bed, I realized how close to the wall she was. I laid down gently, being sure not to wake her up, and pulled her close to me. Evidently she wasn't asleep, because when I pulled her close, she said, "I'm glad you're okay love." I looked at her with puzzlement on my face as I asked, "What do you mean love? And why are you awake?" She looked at me with honesty in her eyes as she said, "I have been awake for the past few hours worried sick about you. I could hear the screaming from here. I was afraid you got hurt, and I woke up a few hours ago anyway because I fell out of bed." I caressed her face as I replied, "Well my love, you won't have to fall out of bed anymore, because I'm not leaving tonight. My mother and a strange man were in my house and they were arguing. I don't know what it was about but she gave me the signal to go away, so I came here. I hope that you don't mind." She replied with a deep love in her eyes, "Of course not love. I enjoy you coming over here in the middle of the night. I don't mind at all, and I'm glad you got out of that house." She laughed as she added, "Besides, who else is gonna watch me while I'm sleeping, like an adorable weirdo?" I laughed as I replied with, "Good point baby." I said, "I love you baby." She smiled sleepily as she said, "I love you too baby." I smiled, and I wrapped my arms around her. She made me feel as if I was needed, and I loved to protect her. I loved to make her feel safe and warm. I bent my face down to kiss her, and when she realized what I was doing, she entangled her hands in my hair. I loved it when she did that. Without my knowledge, my hand moved from her face down to her waist, and I pulled her as close to me as I possibly could. I held her against my chest, and I felt that her skin was freezing cold. We pulled apart, and I could tell that she was tired, so I told her, "Go to sleep my love. I will still be here when you wake up. I won't leave. I promise." She nodded in response, and nuzzled her face into my neck. I could feel her breathing against my neck, and I felt calm. It felt so good to hold her in my arms, and to kiss her soft lips. I can't explain how much I love her.
*Anesthesia's POV*
I opened my eyes sleepily, as I felt warm arms around me. I could also feel someone watching me, and once I opened my eyes fully, I remembered who it was. Orion had come over last night because his mom was having a fight with some guy in their house and she signaled Orion to leave. So he crawled in my window last night and he "slept" here. I only say "slept" because, I know he doesn't sleep when he's here. He watches me while I'm sleeping, and I find that quite adorable. I pulled my head out of his neck, and looked into his fully awake, gorgeous amber eyes. He smiled and said, "Good morning love. You're looking beautiful today, just like every other day." I smiled because it made my insides all warm when he called me beautiful.I replied, "Thank you love. You're looking especially handsome with your massive case of bedhead." I giggled and it made him smile. We kissed softly, and then we both got out of bed so that we could get ready for school. Graduation was only a few months away, and I couldn't wait, because we were getting married a week after graduation. I got dressed, and when I was done, I started to do my makeup. He climbed back into my window when he was finished getting ready, and he sat on my bed and watched me out on my makeup. He smiled, and I giggled at they way that he was smiling at me. When I was done, I put on my shoes, and he picked me up to carry me out to the car. When we got there he set me back on my feet, and let me get in the car. When I got in, he grabbed my hand, and started driving. Looks like it was gonna be another heavenly day. I loved him so much, and I felt like I could never say it enough, so I leaned over and whispered in his ear, "I love you baby." I felt the car swerve a little after I said it, and then when I pulled away, his face was bright red. In his eyes, I could see embarrassment, and love in his eyes. He was so dorky and weird, but that is why I fell in love with him.
Thanks for reading!! Hope that you enjoyed! :-)
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