After Jordan walked me home that night, I couldn't stop thinking about him, about that hug. It was the best sensation I've ever felt, the feeling of someone caring for me. The feeling of someone's embrace.
We weren't far from home so he offered to walk me to my house. The walk was quite but it fitted in a non awkward way.
We stood in front of the picked fence of my house staring at each other for a moment, it then began to sprinkle with little water droplets from my neighbors sprinkler. He reached out a grabbed my hand and drew out something from his pocket and put it in my hand. He looked in to my eyes and smiled before caressing my cheek with his thumb.
"See you around" he said.
I couldn't speak, I was too overwhelmed to comprehend a word.
Then he was gone.
I ran through the front gate and up to the porch of my home and looked at the small object in my hand from the dim lighting of the street lights.
It was a piece of paper, with a number.
His phone number.
I smiled giddishly to myself and let myself inside of my home and locked myself inside.
He was on my mind for the rest of the night.
It's been a few days since then, I haven't gone outside and I haven't talked to anyone.
But here I sat at my desk in my Dark room, staring at my phone with that small piece of paper next to it.
My knees were drawn up to my chest and I chewed on my thumb contemplating on texting him. I'm scared to.
I stood up quickly and reached for my phone, when my head started to spin I called bail and paced myself away from my desk.
I'm filled with pure anxiety and I can't help but fidget to fight the itch. I opened my vanity draws and rummaged through some clothes. Changing out of the ones I was in for the past 14 hours and into the new, fresh ones. I threw on some charcoal skinny jeans, a band t-shirt and a red flannel over the top, then some converses to finish it off, pulling my hair over my clothes in lightening speed, I walked over to my door and let myself out into to hall before letting out a loud groan and turning back for my phone and the number.
Down stairs father was asleep on the couch, the tv blared out on its commercials.
He was snoring loudly with a bottle of Jack's slipping from his fingers. I crept my way past the lounge, avoiding waking him up, by Christ if he wakes up ill never make it out of here.
Father gets very abusive when he has a hangover, he'll yell and throw Shit around, breaking everything in his way.
I tip toed out the door, taking in the fresh air that I've avoided for so long.
Out on the front yard and veering towards the front gate, I pulled out my phone which was still cupped in my hand, the screen lit up when I turned it on. I sent a message to the number that desplayed on the piece of paper.
<Hey, it's me Cindy>
He replied almost immediately.
<Hey! What's up?x)>
Anxiety grew in the pit of my stomach. I'm doing this?
<are you available to hang out?...>
<I was wondering when you would ask me that lol>
I laughed, he was cocky at times in a friendly way.
I watched the screen, he was typing something else.
<when do you what to hang out?>
<now> I replied instantly.
<okay, I'll meet you soon :)>
<thank you, meet at the park?>
With that I tucked my phone into my back pocket and headed out the front gate.
My own steps echoed in a melodic rhythm through out the empty street.
The thought of seeing Jordan again crept in my mind. Am I really up to this? The desperate nervous feeling deepened in my stomach and bail raised from within. But still I marched on. I kept my speed at a reasonable fast pace to keep me moving forward.
I watched my feet in the dance of a walk, in a way I found it funny to watch myself walk, my legs moved on their own and my feet seemed so little as they collided with the ground and the rest of me moved forward. It was like every step forward one leg lead the way, with the next step it followed behind.
I found myself giggling at the thought.
The time went by so quickly.
The wind caught my hair as I stood at the cross walk, across from the park.
My hand pushed my hair back out of my face as I waited for the cars to pass.
The grass was green on the other side of this road, my feet scraped the concrete as I left the side walk.
The park was very large.
In the center was the water fountain. Around that was mainly grass and trees, there were play grounds on the far end and a gazebo surrounded by a pond.
On this end was the art sculptures, a skate park and the small arena for outside performances. It's a semi dome, sometimes people go there to busk.
The park was lined by buildings on the west side, toilets and maintenance were the only standing bulidings on the park grounds, Where Trevor attacked me...
The grass crunched beneath my footing. I walked straight, to the spot where Jordan and I last had a moment.
I was shaded by the shallow trees that was scattered throughout the park, only some of the sunlight shown through the thickness of the leaves.
I notice the little things that others are too preoccupied to think about. I might seem dark and disturbing as my approach, but maybe that's because I see things differently. I don't take things for granted. I don't judge so quickly. Just maybe it's because of all the time I spend alone that I appreciate the things that don't talk about me behind my back, or don't move in fact. The artificial things.
My foot caught on to something while I was gazing off into the distance in mid-thought.
I collided with the ground hard. My hands grazed the dirt and grains of sand flew up around me.
Small particals of dust got into my eyes, I shut them tightly to avoid the irritation and I lying on the ground. Grass and dust stuck to my face and dirt cratered in front of me when I breathed out in a sigh.
"Hahaha!! Classic!" A irritating familiar voice rang out in a chuckle.
I rolled myself over and tryed to look up to the figure that stood above me.
"Hey Cindy, how's it goin?"
"Trevor." I murmured out after a cough.
"You miss me?" He smirked.
I dusted myself off as I sat up.
"You're joking?" I asked in an obvious tone.
I caught a brim glimpse of that tongue on cheek habit he has when he's being cocky; as I stood up dusting the rest of myself off. My body ached, especially my knee.
"So where's your little possy?" I asked, in a smartass tone.
He squinted at me and bit his lip.
"You know, I never got my pay back for what you did to my bro."
I breathed out as I cocked out a side hip, leaning my weight to the side to sub-side the pain in my left knee from the fall.
"Don't you think the stitches is enough." I murmured quietly, I know he heard me, But he pretend to ignore my comment.
"You what? You gonna fight me? Without your little gang of posers to back you up?." I remarked in a cocky tone.
I couldn't hide the little smirk that tagged the side of my lips.
"Wouldn't hurt" he laughed.
"Oww so scared" I teased in a sarcastic voice.
"We'll see about that" he said as he lurched himself at me and grabbed me by the coller.
He slapped me across the face, it stung but I acted like it didn't effect me.
He stunk of alcohol.
"Hey!!" Another voice called out.
We both looked over to where the voice came from.
Jordan ran in and tackled Trevor off me. I stumbled a little but they both hit the dirt.
Jordan was quick to start lying in a few punches to trevors face before Trevor could react.
At the final punch Trevor spat out some blood and yelled.
"What the hell!!" He threw his arms up in a fit but went limp on the ground.
He breathed heavily as blood gashed out from his nose.
Jordan looked at me and stood up, he came right to my side and place a hand on my back.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah" I took my gaze away from Trevor and looked deep into Jordan's eyes, they were wide with concern.
"I'm fine." I assured him.
Jordan snaked his arm over my shoulder as he led me away from Trevor. I wrapped my arm around his waist and kept my eyes fixated on the ground.
It felt somewhat awkward to be walking off with our arms around each other, since we barely knew each other. But in a way, I guess for both of us it was just for comfort. After all we were walking away from what was potentially a fight.
"So you saved me again."
My humourous way to start a conversation after a while.
I held a slight limp with my walk. I kept my grip on Jordan's waist pretty tight but I'm sure he was pretending not to notice.
"Hahaha yeah, I guess it's becoming a regular thing now" he laughed.
"And what do I owe my knight in shining armor?" I joked.
He laughed out again but didn't reply.
I let the silence sink in and tried to keep my sharp breaths of pain quite from Jordan.
We reached an out of sight park bench, Jordan slowly eased me to it and helped me sit down.
I hissed in pain from my knee.
Jordan crouched down in front of me and investigated the wounded knee.
My jeans were torn and grass stained my skin that wasn't covered in blood and dirt.
"You know, we have to stop meeting like this." Jordan joked.
It took me awhile to understand what he meant but he smiled at me when I finally laughed at his comment.
"Yeah, well hopefully you want always have to save me from bullies and tend to my wounds"
I watched as he gently brushed off the dirt away from the ripped part of my jeans.
"Hm, I kinda like saving you." He murmured.
Not taking his eyes away from from the wound.
I couldn't help but smile, even if he didn't see it.
It was the first time that I've smiled in ages, and I'm glad that it was because of him.
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