The fans went wild, panicking and a few people crying as security guards tried to calmly usher everyone out and figure out what the problem was.
"Sean?" Signe called out, a tinge of panic evident in her voice as she blindly stumbled through the darkness to find him. She instinctively screamed when she felt a hand grab her arm.
"It's me Signe, are you okay?" Signe relaxed when she heard Sean's voice, although she was still scared.
"Yeah, do you know what's going on?" Signe frowned in confusion.
"No." Sean sighed, squeezing Signe's arm.
"I didn't accidentally squeeze your boob, right?" Sean whispered to lighten the mood.
"No." Signe felt her face grow warm, making her glad that it was dark.
"Mark and Amy said that they'd be here for the panel, we need to make sure they're okay." Sean told her. Signe nodded as Sean guided her towards the exit, his hand still tightly holding onto her arm.
They were dismayed to see that the lights were out in the entire building as well, the flashlights on everyone's phones illuminating their surroundings.
Sean unlocked his phone to text Mark, only to find that there was a warning from the government.
"Due to a major plague breakout in the area, everyone is advised to stay inside and lock all doors and windows." Sean read aloud in disbelief.
"Amy! Mark!" Signe called out for their friends. They were nowhere to be seen.
Instead they saw someone else familiar.
"Robin!" Sean cried out in surprise as he shoved through the crowd to get to him. He was blocked by a large group of fan girls that had found him, begging for an autograph.
"Not right now, not right now." He repeated multiple times until he finally managed to reach Robin.
"Um...surprise." Robin smiled weakly.
"Have you seen Mark or Amy?" Signe asked him, her eyes shining with concern.
He shook his head no.
Before the three of them could've said something else, they heard the crash of glass smashing and more screaming, as well as the report of guns firing.
"What the hell is happening?!?" Sean shouted over the chaos.
"Oh my god." Signe covered her mouth with her hands when she saw what was happening.
People with rotting flesh were breaking in, attacking everyone while the security guards tried to defend everyone they could.
"Is this the major plague the government warned us about?" Sean wondered aloud.
"I don't know." Signe admitted, unable to look away from the bloodshed surrounding her as she felt her stomach threaten to throw up the food she ate before she left the hotel.
"We have to get out of here." Sean decided grimly.
Signe and Robin nodded in agreement as they weaved through the crowd, still looking for Mark and Amy.
They finally spotted them surrounded by fans that formed a circle around them to defend them from the attackers.
"Mark, Amy!" Sean yelled at the top of his lungs. Fortunately they heard him, their attention turning towards him.
Unfortunately, there was a giant horse of rotting flesh people in between them.
"Wait here." Sean commanded Signe and Robin.
"No, I'm not letting you risk your life!" Signe grabbed his hand to prevent him from going forward.
"I have to Signe, they're our friends!" Sean argued.
Neither of them noticed Robin slip away to help them until it was too late.
"Robin!" Signe screamed, hoping he would turn back.
He didn't.
Instead, he managed to dodge the hundreds of hands reaching toward him and duck inside the defensive circle Mark's fans had formed, having g Mark and Amy follow him out.
"He's doing it." Sean breathed in amazement. They all were okay.
Until one of the rotting flesh people grabbed Mark's arm.
He tried to fight them off as he was dragged away from a hysterically screaming Amy, Robin ushering her along to keep her safe.
"No!" Sean screamed, starting to run towards him until Signe stopped him, wrapping her arms around him as he struggled desperately to reach him.
He heard Mark yell, only making him scream louder and fight harder against Signe, whom spoke soothing words into his ear.
He found out the reason for Mark's alarm.
A fan had sacrificed them self to save Mark, getting beat into the ground while Mark stumbled away with tears streaming down his face, a pure look of terror on his face.
Amy pulled him into a comforting hug, allowing him to cry on her shoulder while she ran her fingers through his black hair to try and calm him down.
"Follow me!" A security guard commanded, waving at the group to catch their attention. They ran after him without hesitation, eager to leave.
My name's Jason, I'm a huge fan of all of your videos...I wish we didn't have to meet in these circumstances." He gestured around him with a bitter scowl, his sky blue eyes darkening.
The entire building was destroyed, the floor no longer visible due to the amount of blood sprayed across it.
"T-Thank you for doing this." Sean stuttered as he nodded in appreciation.
"No prob-"
He didn't get to finish his sentence.
The horde consumed him while he yelled and shot wildly at them to no avail. The group forced themselves to look away from the horror and press on, finally stepping through the exit.
The outside world was much worse.
Corpses littered the sidewalk, their eyes staring lifelessly at them as they hurriedly jogged by. Electricity poles were knocked down, cars abandoned in the middle of the road.
"Are they..." Robin trailed off, swallowing hard. He didn't have to finish to know what he was thinking.
"Not zombies, but whatever they are, it's not good." Sean sighed wearily.
So much for going out for dinner.
"They're monsters!" Mark snarled fiercely, startling them. He had been silent ever since he had been rescued from the horde that had attacked him.
He opened his mouth to say more, but was cut off by his phone vibrating rapidly in his pocket.
His fierce expression quickly morphed into one of determination as he answered the call.
"We're at the panel...I'm fine...Amy's here too....look we're all fine, where-okay, I'm on my way, just stay safe." Mark ended the call.
"That was Tyler and Ethan...they're trapped in the hotel." Mark explained before running off. The group exchanged glances before quickly following after him.
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